How to run Rally on Packstack environment

Rally is a benchmarking tool that automates and unifies multi-node OpenStack deployment, cloud verification, benchmarking & profiling.
For OpenStack deployment I used packstack tool.

# Rally

[1.] Install rally:

$ sudo yum install openstack-rally

[2.] After the installation is complete set up the Rally database:

$ sudo rally-manage db recreate

# an OpenStack deployment

You have to provide Rally with an OpenStack deployment it is going to benchmark. To do that, we’re going to use keystone configuration file generated by packstack installation.

[1.] Evaluate the configuration file:

$ source keystone_admin

[2.] Create rally deployment and let’s name it “existing”

$ rally deployment create –fromenv –name=existing
| uuid | created_at | name | status | active |
| 6973e349-739e-41af-947a-34230b7383f8 | 2016-10-05 08:24:27.939523 | existing | deploy->finished | |

[3.] You can verify that your current deployment is healthy and ready to be benchmarked by the deployment check command:

$ rally deployment check
| services | type | status |
| ceilometer | metering | Available |
| cinder | volume | Available |
| glance | image | Available |
| gnocchi | metric | Available |
| keystone | identity | Available |
| neutron | network | Available |
| nova | compute | Available |
| swift | object-store | Available |

# Rally

The sequence of benchmarks to be launched by Rally should be specified in a benchmark task configuration file (either in JSON or in YAML format).
Let’s create one of the sample benchmark task, for example task for boot and delete server.

[1.] Create a new file and name it boot-and-delete.json

[2.] Copy this to the boot-and-delete.json file:

{% set flavor_name = flavor_name or “m1.tiny” %}
{% set image_name = image_name or “cirros” %}
“NovaServers.boot_and_delete_server”: [
“args”: {
“flavor”: {
“name”: “{{flavor_name}}”
“image”: {
“name”: “{{image_name}}”
“force_delete”: false
“runner”: {
“type”: “constant”,
“times”: 10,
“concurrency”: 2
“context”: {
“users”: {
“tenants”: 3,
“users_per_tenant”: 2
“args”: {
“flavor”: {
“name”: “{{flavor_name}}”
“image”: {
“name”: “{{image_name}}”
“auto_assign_nic”: true
“runner”: {
“type”: “constant”,
“times”: 10,
“concurrency”: 2
“context”: {
“users”: {
“tenants”: 3,
“users_per_tenant”: 2
“network”: {
“start_cidr”: “″,
“networks_per_tenant”: 2

[3.] Run the task:

$ rally task start boot-and-delete.json

After successfull ran you’ll see information such as: Task ID, Response Times, duration, …
Note that the Rally input task above uses cirros as image name and ‘m1.tiny’ as flavor name. If this benchmark task fails, then the reason for that might be a non-existing image/flavor specified in the task. To check what images/flavors are available in the deployment you are currently benchmarking, you might use the rally show command:

$ rally show images
$ rally show flavors

More about Rally tasks templates can be found on Rally documentation
Quelle: RDO