IT-Sicherheit: TÜV Süd übernimmt Cloudspezialisten Uniscon
Mit einem Zukauf will der TÜV-Süd weitere digitale Dienste anbieten: Die Firma Uniscom bietet sicheres Cloud-Hosting für Unternehmen an. (TÜV, Datenschutz)
Quelle: Golem
Mit einem Zukauf will der TÜV-Süd weitere digitale Dienste anbieten: Die Firma Uniscom bietet sicheres Cloud-Hosting für Unternehmen an. (TÜV, Datenschutz)
Quelle: Golem
Am Dienstag will eine Minderheit der Bitcoin-Miner eine Abspaltung vom Bitcoin mit dem Namen "Bitcoin Cash" erzeugen. Die soll deutlich größere Blöcke in der Blockchain ermöglichen.
Quelle: Heise Tech News
Netflix macht immer mehr Schulden für aufwendige Eigenproduktionen. Wenn das Wachstum bei Neukunden nachlässt, könnte die Blase platzen. (Netflix, Streaming)
Quelle: Golem
Die Augen als Mensch-Computer-Schnittstelle – aber mal ganz anders. Amerikanische und chinesische Wissenschaftler haben einen Sensor entwickelt, der die Bewegungen in den Augenwinkeln erkennt, wenn ein Mensch zwinkert. Mit diesen Signalen steuern sie beispielsweise den Lichtschalter. (Wissenschaft, Technologie)
Quelle: Golem
Azure’s Serverless offerings allow developers to build and deploy elastic-scale applications faster than ever. Serverless technology allows developers to focus on their apps rather than provisioning, managing, and scaling the underlying infrastructure. Azure provides unique serverless tools to accelerate development by seamlessly tapping into the benefits of the cloud.
See a quick overview here:
Traditionally, writing a new application couldn’t begin until a few fundamental questions had been answered regarding the infrastructure – Where will this app run? How will this app scale to meet demand? How can I monitor my app? These and many similar questions, take a significant portion of development and operations investment. Developers like to write code and businesses like to focus on their business problems. Azure Serverless enables just that by abstracting the infrastructure and making only the app code and business logic central.
Azure Serverless platform provides a series of fully managed services ranging from compute, storage, database, orchestration, monitoring, analytics, intelligence, and so on to help construct serverless applications for any kind of scenario. In this blog post, we focus on two pieces central to serverless application development, Azure Functions and Azure Logic Apps.
Azure Functions provide Functions-as-a-Service, where you simply provide your code (whether C#, JavaScript, Python, or many other supported languages) and it executes on demand. Azure Functions can be authored and debugged locally on a developer’s machine and can stream data in and out of other services like Azure Storage, Event Hubs, etc. through a unique concept called bindings. Functions scale to meet the application needs automatically, so a Function that runs successfully locally will automatically scale up to potentially process billions of events in the cloud.
Azure Logic Apps provide serverless workflows in the cloud. For example, if you think of an operation like adding a new customer, there may be several pieces of functionality to execute. You may need to add the customer to a database, generate a welcome email, create a new user login, and create an entry in CRM. Logic Apps allows orchestration of data and processing to bring these isolated steps into a coherent workflow. Logic Apps comes with over 150 connectors to services like Visual Studio Team Services, Salesforce, SAP, and many others. This allows developers to easily integrate data in and out of their serverless apps instead of writing complex glue-code between disparate systems. Logic Apps also allow you to orchestrate and connect the Functions and APIs of your application together.
Azure Serverless platform provides an easy to use canvas to build virtually any kind of cloud application by easily bringing together IoT, data processing, automation, messaging, and intelligence with greater agility and power in delivering end-to-end solutions. For example, First Gas recently completed a complex application with Dynamics 365 and SAP in only 4 months. The Chief Information Officer expressed that without Serverless “…there’s no way we would have accomplished this level of integration in four months.”
Check out the video above for a demo of serverless tools in Azure, and be sure to try out some of the Serverless quickstarts to get your first serverless app built in a matter of minutes.
Quelle: Azure
Etwa die Hälfte der Anteile an Epic Games (Unreal Engine 4) gehört dem chinesischen Internetkonzern Tencent, ebenso das Entwicklerstudio Riot Games (League of Legends). Nun hat sich Tencent für mehrere Millionen Pfund bei den Machern des Weltraumspiels Elite Dangerous eingekauft. (Elite Dangerous, Epic Games)
Quelle: Golem
Der Wert der Kryptowährung Ethereum ist trotz des Kursfalls noch immer sehr hoch. Einige Miner mieten sich daher Flugzeuge, um die Lieferzeit neuer Grafikkarten zu verkürzen. Es stehen theoretisch bis zu 7,2 Millionen US-Dollar pro Liefertag auf dem Spiel. (Ethereum, AMD)
Quelle: Golem
Here’s some of the great blogs from the RDO community which you may have missed in recent weeks:
Using NFS for OpenStack (glance,nova) with selinux by Fabian Arrotin
As announced already, I was (between other things) playing with Openstack/RDO and had deployed some small openstack setup in the CentOS Infra. Then I had to look at our existing DevCloud setup. This setup was based on Opennebula running on CentOS 6, and also using Gluster as backend for the VM store. That’s when I found out that Gluster isn’t a valid option anymore : Gluster is was deprecated and was now even removed from Cinder. Sad as one advantage of gluster is that you could (you had to ! ) user libgfapi so that qemu-kvm process could talk directly to gluster through ligbfapi and not accessing VM images over locally mounted gluster volumes (please, don’t even try to do that, through fuse).
Nested quota models by Tim Bell
At the Boston Forum, there were many interesting discussions on models which could be used for nested quota management ( of the background for the use has been explained previously in the blog (, but the subsequent discussions have also led to further review.
Understanding ceph-ansible in TripleO by Giulio Fidente
One of the goals for the TripleO Pike release was to introduce ceph-ansible as an alternative to puppet-ceph for the deployment of Ceph.
Tuning for Zero Packet Loss in Red Hat OpenStack Platform – Part 3 by m4r1k
In Part 1 of this series Federico Iezzi, EMEA Cloud Architect with Red Hat covered the architecture and planning requirements to begin the journey into achieving zero packet loss in Red Hat OpenStack Platform 10 for NFV deployments. In Part 2 he went into the details around the specific tuning and parameters required. Now, in Part 3, Federico concludes the series with an example of how all this planning and tuning comes together!
Quelle: RDO
Die Betaphase für das Windows Subsystem für Linux (WSL) ist offiziell beendet. Mit dem Fall Creators Update von Windows 10, das ist im Herbst erscheint, soll WSL dann als stabiles Werkzeug für Entwickler zur Verfügung stehen. (Windows 10, Linux)
Quelle: Golem
Eine Hackergruppe behauptet, "tief" im System von Mandiant zu stecken und Informationen abzuziehen. Nun haben sie persönliche Daten eines führenden Sicherheitsforschers der Firma geleakt.
Quelle: Heise Tech News