More reliable event-driven applications in Azure with an updated Event Grid

We have been incredibly excited to be a part of the rise of event-driven programming as a core building block for cloud application architecture. By making the following features generally available, we want to enable you to build more sophisticated, performant, and stable event-driven applications in Azure. We are proud to announce the general availability of the following set of features, previously in preview:

Dead lettering
Retry policies
Storage Queues as a destination
Hybrid Connections as a destination
Manual Validation Handshake

To take advantage of the GA status of the features, make sure you are using our 2019-01-01 API and SDKs. If you are using the Azure portal or CloudShell, you’re already good to go. If you are using CLI or PowerShell, make sure you have versions 2.0.56 or later for CLI and 1.1.0 for PowerShell.

Dead lettering

Dead lettering gives you an at-least-once guarantee that you will receive your events in mission critical systems. With a dead letter destination set, you will never lose a message even if your event handler is down, your authorization fails, or a bug in your endpoint is overwhelmed with volume.

Dead lettering allows you to connect each event subscription to a storage account, so that if your primary event pipeline fails, Azure Event Grid can deliver those events to a storage account for consumption at any time.

Retry policies

Retry policies make your primary eventing pipeline more robust in the event of ephemeral failures. While dead lettering provides you with a backstop in case there are long lasting failures in your system, it is more common to see only temporary outages in distributed systems.

Configuring retry policies allows you to set how many times, or for how long you would like an event to be retried before it is dead lettered or dropped. Sometimes, you may want to keep retrying an event as long as possible regardless of how late it is. Other times, once an event is stale, it has no value, so you want it dropped immediately. Retry policies let you choose the delivery schedule that works best for you.

Storage Queues as a destination

Event Grid can directly push your events to an Azure Storage Queue. Queues can be a powerful event handler when you need to buffer your ingress of events to your event handler to allow it to properly scale up. Similarly, if your event handler can’t guarantee uptime, putting a storage queue in between allows you to hold those events and process them when your event handler is ready.

Storage queues also have virtual network (VNet) integration which allows for VNet injection of Event Grid events. If you need to connect an event source to an event handler that is within a VNet, you can tell Event Grid to publish to a storage queue and then consume events in your VNet via your queue.

Hybrid connections as a destination

If you want to build and debug locally while connected to cloud resources for an event, have an on-premises service that can’t expose an HTTP endpoint, or need to work from behind a locked down firewall, Hybrid connections allows you to connect those resources to Event Grid.

Hybrid connections as an event handler gives you an HTTP endpoint to connect Event Grid to. It also gives you option to make an outbound WebSocket connection from your local resource to the same hybrid connection instance. The hybrid connection will then relay your incoming events from event grid to your on-premises resource.

Manual validation handshake

Not all event handlers can customize their HTTP response in order to provide endpoint proof of ownership. The manual validation handshake makes it as easy as copy paste to prove you are an authorized owner of an endpoint.

When you register an Event Grid subscription, a validation event will be sent to the endpoint with a validation code. You are still able to respond to the validation event by echoing back the validation code, however, if that is not convenient, you can now copy and paste the validation URL included from the event to any browser to validate the endpoint. Doing a GET on the endpoint validates proof of ownership.

We hope you react well to this news.

The Azure Event Grid team
Quelle: Azure

Setting a course to the future of cloud computing

Good technologies solve problems. Great ones deliver new ways to think about ourselves and the future.Think of the rich worlds seen through the telescope and the microscope, or space explorations that have broadened the sense of our place in creation. There is that “bicycle for the mind,” as Steve Jobs called the personal computer. Romance, entertainment, and personal needs have been transformed by online life. In every case, the attributes of the machines fire and empower human imagination.  Cloud computing is another one of these great technologies. Today, we’re pleased to publish The Future of Cloud Computing, a look at some of the ways that the tools and attributes of cloud computing are transforming work, business, and markets.Cloud computing, which has become a standard at many of the world’s largest companies, is much more than just a cheaper and easier way to access computers, storage, networks and software. The power and ubiquity of the cloud mean easy two-way interactions of data and analysis from virtually any point on the planet. Software innovations enable companies to work at a scale we could not have imagined even a decade ago.The defaults of this computing architecture, particularly in public clouds like Google Cloud, are choice, flexibility, responsiveness, and a strong analytic capability. It’s notable that these are the same values that increasingly drive organizations, in everything from distributed teams, on-demand collaboration, and real-time customer service and product upgrades.To take one example: large-scale clouds like Google Cloud, and smaller private clouds inside companies, increasingly use management software like Kubernetes and Istio, which seek to observe and manage lots of workloads, moving them efficiently through lots of computing hardware in the most standardized and automated way possible.On one level, this is simply technology at its best, getting hassles out of the way so people can do more creative work. It’s no accident, though, that both products are open source, a transparent, collaborative, and high-velocity way of working that has come into its own in the cloud era.Other examples draw on existing trends. In global manufacturing, the collaboration of outsourcing, partnering, subcontracting, and alliances is supercharged by the cloud. The transformation of our workspaces, with expensive closed-door offices giving way to cubicles, then open-plan offices and telecommuting, can be effected in new and better ways when both work products and communications tools reside in the cloud, accessible anywhere.Mobility and the Internet of Things mean all kinds of sensors are capturing data, and products are better connected to the cloud, responding appropriately to new information. There are better forms of security and privacy protection. These are borderless values, designed for protection within the contexts of an overall systems, and not weaker localized computers.There’s much more in the report, and I hope you check it out.Where is this taking us? Our world has challenges and opportunities, but we have eliminated a few fatal diseases, educated people around the world with cloud-based remote learning, and look at videos from Mars. It’s possible to be quite an optimist, too.In that spirit, cloud computing is about discovering more of life, reacting to it, and building on our discoveries faster and better. It’s about making more dreams real.Click here to download the full report.
Quelle: Google Cloud Platform

Re-Imagining Virtualization with Kubernetes and KubeVirt – Part II

KubeVirt – Traditional Virtualization with the New Kubernetes Previously, in Part I of this blog series, we introduced the idea that KubeVirt is about balance: Mature virtualization features and concepts, yet Kubernetes philosophy and semantics. Pods and containers disappear when stopped. Virtual machines have a life cycle and their configurations persist so they can be […]
The post Re-Imagining Virtualization with Kubernetes and KubeVirt – Part II appeared first on Red Hat OpenShift Blog.
Quelle: OpenShift