Supporting FINMA-regulated customers in Switzerland

Security and compliance are top priorities for financial services institutions. At Google Cloud, we are driven to support our customers’ compliance efforts as they take advantage of our cloud services around the world. Core to our effort is obtaining third-party validation of our security and privacy practices and controls through regional and global certifications and standards. Today, we are pleased to announce that Google has obtained an ISAE (International Standard on Assurance Engagements) 3000 Type 1 Report for Google Cloud Platform (GCP), which addresses important regulatory requirements for financial services institutions in Switzerland. The ISAE 3000 Report, obtained after undergoing a rigorous third party audit, is routinely requested by our Swiss financial services customers to demonstrate that a service provider’s control framework specifically meets FINMA (the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority) regulatory requirements. While cloud service providers are not regulated by FINMA, Google Cloud has obtained this report to help support our customers compliance efforts. Following the launch of our Zurich GCP region (europe-west6) a few months ago, this effort further demonstrates Google’s commitment to the Swiss market. We are passionate about driving innovation and digital transformation in Switzerland, and the assurances that the ISAE 3000 report provides can help financial services companies doing business in Switzerland take advantage of GCP compute, analytics, machine learning, security and other advanced features.While the ISAE 3000 Type 1 Report is most relevant for our Swiss customers, we are committed to helping organizations around the world with their compliance journey. For example, we also recently received TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) certification, a cybersecurity framework developed in Germany for the automotive industry that has since become an important automotive industry standard in Europe. For more information on the report and our ongoing compliance efforts, visit our compliance page.
Quelle: Google Cloud Platform

Samsung: Galaxy S10 5G kostet 1.200 Euro

Samsungs 5G-Smartphone ist in Deutschland verfügbar: Das Gerät ist bei der Telekom bereits erhältlich, in Kürze soll auch Vodafone folgen. Das Modell hat ein größeres Display, mehr Kameras und einen größeren Akku als das Galaxy S10+. (Samsung, Smartphone)
Quelle: Golem

Driving cultural and cloud innovation in Italy: New IBM Garage launches in Milan

We designed the IBM Garage in response to this new business environment. It’s our goal to help organizations drive transformational change at the speed of a startup and the scale of an enterprise. We achieve this by providing expert consultancy, training and a platform for co-creation. Getting full value from technologies like cloud, AI and the internet of things (IoT) requires new ways of working and a shift in organizational culture. For many businesses, this requires the support of a true cloud partner, not just a vendor.
The IBM Garage philosophy also incorporates Enterprise Design Thinking, an approach focused on user-centered experiences and outcomes, a culture of reinvention and the belief that diverse, empowered teams are critical for innovation. Further, with business agility increasingly important, it borrows practices from the startup world, such as co-collaboration and multi-disciplinary teams, that have helped it disrupt larger competitors.
Italy’s economy is primed to benefit from just this kind of support. The digital market alone is currently experiencing year-on-year growth — 2.3 percent in 2017, 2.6 percent in 2018 and 2.8 percent projected for 2019. At the same time, disruption is driving firms to look for the new opportunities that digital platforms deliver. Italian adoption of IoT, for example, was up 18.9 percent in 2018. With investment in the country’s startups at an all-time high, there is no shortage of innovative companies with money to spend and ambition to match.
Seeing the impact of innovation
By bringing together diverse teams of experts to quickly create, test and scale innovative new ideas, the IBM Garage model has established a formidable track record in the European market. In London, we have helped UK-based global supplier of electronics components and tools RS Components to boost innovation and accelerate development. In one instance, we supported the company as it implemented pair programming processes to rapidly deliver a new peer-to-peer marketplace platform in just four weeks
Similarly, our IBM Garage colleagues in Munich worked with INTER, a German insurance group, to improve the experience for customers interested in dental insurance. This involved running a series of workshops that led to development of an AI-enabled chatbot able to answer questions and process new policy applications. Following roll-out, INTER’s dental insurance sales rose by 33 percent.
The multidisciplinary approach we use in IBM Garage means it is even possible to revolutionize industries as old as agriculture. By bringing together a group comprised of designers, architects, developers and data scientists, TopCon, a Japanese group working in the field of optical instruments, IT construction and IT agriculture wants to make AI an integral part of agricultural process. Using IBM Watson, the organization is now tackling previously unexplored problems, aiming to maximize crop productivity while minimizing use of resources like water and fertilizers. This promises greater sustainability, crop quality and complete traceability of food, from the field to table.
Launching IBM Garage Milan
IBM Garage Milan is based on the same principles as other locations in the wider network. Located in a brand-new IBM Studios, our clients will have unprecedented access to the full spectrum of IBM services and support, including the Strategy and Design Lab and the IBM Client Center.
Even before the official launch, Italian companies are seeing results of co-creating with the IBM Garage. Elica, a major kitchen appliances supplier, has already conducted a number of workshops and collaboration sessions. With the initial planning phase of the project successfully completed, Elica in 10 weeks designed and developed an air quality controller system, which is integrated with Elica’s devices and is based on its own exclusive algorithm Air Q System, built on IBM Cloud with Watson Services.
At its heart, IBM Garage is a cultural movement. It is about people, the way they communicate and collaborate, and how organizations can support new ways of working. Emerging technologies are changing the way we do business. But cloud, AI and automation will only deliver on their promise if organizational processes and culture change too. In the next chapter of digital transformation, the ability to drive innovation at scale will be the difference between success and failure – and this requires a fundamental shift in how companies operate.
Over the past 12 months, we have driven hundreds of IBM Garage engagements, helping businesses to introduce new revenue streams and business models, reinvent customer experiences, transform workflows and rapidly scale products and innovation. Keep an eye out for the latest IBM Garage stories where we’ll share best practices from organizations successfully adapting to the new world of work. To visit an IBM Garage near you, fill out a request form here.
The post Driving cultural and cloud innovation in Italy: New IBM Garage launches in Milan appeared first on Cloud computing news.
Quelle: Thoughts on Cloud

Mikrokraftwerke: Viele Wege führen zu Strom

Schuhe, Regentropfen, Töne, Stoff: Fast alles lässt sich per Energy Harvesting zum Kraftwerk umfunktionieren, das zeigen viele Forscher mit spannenden und auch skurrilen Ideen. Ein Bericht von Jan Oliver Löfken (Energy Harvesting, Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhren)
Quelle: Golem

André Borschberg: Solar-Impulse-Gründer stellt Elektroflugzeug vor

Das Flugzeug ist zwar deutlich kleiner als das Solarflugzeug von Solar Impulse, viele Erfahrungen aus dem Projekt sind jedoch in das Sportflugzeug mit Elektroantrieb eingeflossen. Für H55 und André Borschberg ist Bristell Energic aber nur ein Zwischenschritt: Das Schweizer Unternehmen will Antriebe für Lufttaxis entwickeln. (Flugzeug, Technologie)
Quelle: Golem