Linux: Java soll komplett unter Wayland laufen
Das OpenJDK für Java soll endlich selbst Wayland statt das alte X11 unterstützen. Notwendig ist das für Automatisierungen und Tests. (OpenJDK, X Window System)
Quelle: Golem
Das OpenJDK für Java soll endlich selbst Wayland statt das alte X11 unterstützen. Notwendig ist das für Automatisierungen und Tests. (OpenJDK, X Window System)
Quelle: Golem
Später als erwartet direkt als Custom-Modell und eventuell auch teurer: Die Radeon RX 6600 XT soll so flott wie eine Geforce GTX 1080 Ti sein. (AMD Navi, AMD)
Quelle: Golem
Manche Dinge ändern sich nicht – etwa die Liebe deutscher Autofahrer zu einheimischen Autos. (Elektromobilität, Technologie)
Quelle: Golem
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 brings updates to Red Hat’s container tools, including Podman 3.0, UBI Micro and much more.
Quelle: CloudForms
Are you the first-responder to a performance emergency? Learn about RHEL’s tools to gain deeper insights into performance problems and root causes.
Quelle: CloudForms
Your product teams might ask – “Why does it take so long to build a feature or application?” Building applications is a heavy lift due to the technical complexity, which includes the complexity of backend services that are used to manage and store data. Every moment focused on this technical complexity is a distraction from delivering on core business value. Firestore alters this by having Google Cloud manage your backend complexity through a complete backend-as-a-service! Firestore is a serverless, NoSQL document database that unlocks application innovation with simplicity, speed and confidence. It acts as a glue that intelligently brings together the complete Google Cloud backend ecosystem, in-app services from Firebase and core UI frameworks & OS from Google.Click to enlargeWhat is Firestore?Firestore is a serverless, fully managed NoSQL document database that scales from zero to global scale without configuration or downtime. Here’s what makes Firestore unique:Ideal for rapid, flexible and scalable web and mobile development with direct connectivity to the database.Supports effortless real time data synchronization with changes in your database as they happen. Robust support for offline mode, so your users can keep interacting with your app even when the internet isn’t available or is unreliable.Fully customizable security and data validation rules to ensure the data is always protectedBuilt-in strong consistency, elastic scaling, high performance & best in class 99.999% availability Integration with Firebase and Google Cloud services like Cloud Functions and BigQuery, serverless data warehouse.In addition to a rich set of Google Cloud service integrations, Firestore also offers deep one-click integrations with a growing set of3rd party partners via Firebase Extensions to help you even more rapidly build applications.Document-model databaseFirestore is a Document-model database. All of your data is stored in “documents” and then “collections”. You can think of a document as a JSON object. It’s a dictionary with a set of key-value mappings, where the values can be several different supported data types including strings, numbers or binary values..These documents are stored in collections. Documents can’t directly contain other documents, but they can point to subcollections that contain other documents, which can point to subcollections, and so on. This structure brings with it a number of advantages. For starters, all queries that you make are shallow, meaning that you can grab a document without worrying about grabbing all the data underneath it. And this means that you can structure your data hierarchically in a way that makes sense to you logically, without having to worry about grabbing tons of unnecessary data. How to use Firestore?Firestore can be used in two modes:Firestore in Native Mode: This mode is differentiated by its ability to directly connect your web & mobile app to Firestore. Native Mode supports up to 10K writes per second, and over a million connections. Firestore in Datastore Mode: This mode supports only server-side usage of Firestore, but supports unlimited scaling, including writes. ConclusionWhatever your application use case may be, if you want to build a feature or an application quickly using Firestore backend-as-a-service. For a more in-depth look into Firestore check out the documentation.For more #GCPSketchnote, follow the GitHub repo. For similar cloud content follow me on Twitter @pvergadia and keep an eye out on ArticleCloud Firestore explained: for users who never used Firestore beforeIn this article, I will break down some database basics, terms you should know, what Firestore is, how it works, how it stores data, and …Read Article
Quelle: Google Cloud Platform
Amazon Athena-Nutzer können jetzt die Vorteile der Wiederverwendbarkeit, Einfachheit und Sicherheit von parametrisierten Abfragen nutzen. Die ab heute verfügbare Software ermöglicht es Analysten, Zeit zu sparen und Fehler zu vermeiden, indem sie Abfragen mit häufig geänderten Kriterien, wie z. B. Datumsfilter oder Aggregationszeiträume, in eine parametrisierte Abfrage umwandeln, die mehrere Anwendungsfälle bedient. Anwendungsentwickler können sie nutzen, um sich gegen SQL Injection-Risiken abzusichern und Anwendungsintegrationen zu vereinfachen, die SQL auf Grundlage der Benutzerauswahl generieren.
Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights für Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) ist jetzt in der AWS-Region Naher Osten (Bahrain) verfügbar. Mit Container Insights können DevOps- und Systemingenieure containerisierte Anwendungen und Microservice-Umgebungen über automatisierte Dashboards überwachen, isolieren und diagnostizieren. Dies hilft Ihnen, die Leistung und den Zustand von Amazon ECS- und AWS Fargate-Ressourcen einschließlich Clustern, Aufgaben, Containern und Services zu visualisieren.
Was am 7. Juli 2021 neben den großen Meldungen sonst noch passiert ist, in aller Kürze. (Kurznews, Intel)
Quelle: Golem
Im angeblichen Kampf gegen Zensur und für Meinungsfreiheit reicht Donald Trump eine Klage gegen Mark Zuckerberg und Jack Dorsey ein. (Donald Trump, Soziales Netz)
Quelle: Golem