Es gibt jetzt auch für Lightsail Buckets die Möglichkeit, den öffentlichen Zugriff auf Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)) auf Kontoebene zu blockieren.

Der Amazon-Lightsail-Objektspeicher bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre statischen Inhalte wie Images, Videos oder HTML-Dateien, die Sie für Ihre Webseiten und Anwendungen verwenden können, zu speichern. Ab sofort gilt die Einstellung für das Blockieren des öffentlichen Zugriffs auf Kontoebene in Amazon S3 für Buckets im Lightsail-Objektspeicher-Service. Wir nehmen diese Änderung vor, um alle Ihre Buckets sicherer zu machen, egal ob sie sich in Amazon S3 oder in Lightsail befinden. Die neuen S3-Einstellungen, die das Blockieren des öffenlichen Zugriffs (BPA) zu Ihrem Konto ermöglichen, schützen Sie vor einer unbeabsichtigten Veröffentlichung Ihrer Bucket-Daten. Wenn BPA auf Kontoebene aktiviert ist, werden Buckets und Objekte “privat” (d.h. sie sind für niemanden im Internet zugänglich). Dies geschieht unabhängig von den derzeit für diese Buckets und Objekte konfigurierten Zugriffsberechtigungen.

Amazon RDS for MySQL unterstützt die neuen Nebenversionen 5.7.37 und 8.0.28

Nach Ankündigung von Updates in den MySQL-Datenbankversionen 5.7 und 8.0 wurde der Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for MySQL aktualisiert, um die MySQL-Nebenversionen 5.7.37 und 8.0.28 zu unterstützen. Wir empfehlen Kunden das Upgrade auf die neuesten Nebenversionen, um bekannte Sicherheitslücken in früheren MySQL-Versionen zu beheben und von den zahlreichen von der MySQL-Community hinzugefügten Fehlerbehebungen, Leistungsverbesserungen und neuen Funktionen zu profitieren. Weitere Informationen zum Upgrade Ihrer Datenbank-Instances finden Sie im Amazon RDS-Benutzerhandbuch. Eine vollständig verwaltete Amazon RDS-Datenbank mit den neuesten verfügbaren Nebenversionen können Sie in der Amazon RDS-Managementkonsole erstellen oder aktualisieren.

AWS Lambda kündigt Unterstützung für PrincipalOrgID in ressourcenbasierten Richtlinien an

AWS Lambda unterstützt jetzt den Bedingungsschlüssel aws:PrincipalOrgID in ressourcenbasierten Richtlinien für Lambda-Funktionen. Kunden können ressourcenbasierte Richtlinien für Lambda-Funktionen mit bestimmter Version oder Alias einsetzen, um Nutzungsberechtigungen für andere AWS-Konten oder AWS-Services zu erteilen. Der Bedingungsschlüssel aws:PrincipalOrgID ist auf die Kontrolle des Zugriffs auf AWS-Ressourcen durch Verwendung der AWS-Organisation von IAM-Prinzipalen ausgelegt. Dieser Bedingungsschlüssel kann in den ressourcenbasierten Funktionsrichtlinien jetzt so eingesetzt werden, dass alle auf Lambda-Funktionen zugreifenden Prinzipale einem Konto in der Organisation angehören müssen. Wenn Konten hinzugefügt oder entfernt werden, sollten die Richtlinien, die den Schlüssel aws:PrincipalOrgID enthalten, außerdem automatisch die richtigen Konten aufnehmen und damit die manuelle Aktualisierung auf ein Minimum reduzieren.
Quelle: Favorites: Empish Thomas

Welcome back to our “ Favorites” series! In these interviews, we’ll be highlighting bloggers about their passion project. Caution: contents guaranteed to be inspiring. This interview has been lightly edited.    

Shortly after Empish Thomas earned her journalism degree in the mid-’90s, she began experiencing severe headaches and sensitivity to light. After a visit to the eye doctor, she was diagnosed with uveitis, a generalized eye inflammation that can quickly escalate to permanent damage. Unfortunately, Empish fell into that category, losing her sight fully within a few years. 

Since then, she’s been a writer, journalist, and advocate for blindness and disability rights, telling stories and championing awareness along the way. 

Empish generously took the time to answer a few of my questions and share some ideas on how we can all be better advocates for disability rights.  

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself. What do you write about and why? How long have you been blogging?

I am a freelance writer and blogger. I started off as a writer many years ago and later started blogging in 2013. Although I have a journalism degree, I love writing for the pure pleasure of it. I launched my own blog about two years ago as a safe place to write my own thoughts and ideas about things that concerned me. I write especially about my life as a blind person because when I became disabled 20+ years ago, I rarely saw positive and interesting stories about the disabled.

2. What are some of the most common negative portrayals you see about folks with disabilities in the news or in pop culture?

Well, there are actually two things I notice. One is the “superhero crip” image. That is a disabled person overcoming these incredible challenges and doing amazing things that everyone is impressed by. It sends a message that all disabled people are supposed to or want to be that way. It communicates a false expectation. At the end of the day, we are all human beings and live lives like everyone else.

The second one is that we are not visible at all. Many times, I will read a story or watch a news segment and wonder, “Where are the blind people? What is happening to those with disabilities?” This is not necessarily a negative thing, but more [shows our] exclusion from the storyline.

3. Let’s move to the workplace. How can employers become better allies and advocates for disability rights?

First, making sure that disabled employees get their accommodations to perform their jobs. 

Then, providing the support, encouragement, and motivation to help them move upward in the company the way you would an abled-bodied person. Sometimes I think that people with disabilities are not encouraged to move up into management or higher-level positions. It is like people can’t imagine a blind person as a supervisor or director. But with the right support, they could do the job like anyone else.

A Few of Empish’s Favorite Posts:

Working and Writing in the Disability Non-Profit WorldI’ve Become My Own Tech Support When Working From HomeIt’s a White Cane Not a StickMy Laundry Isn’t Smart But I AmMy Blindness Protected Me From the Full Grief and Horror of September 11th

4. You’ve mentioned podcasts in a number of blog posts. Do you have any favorite listening experiences to recommend?

Yes, some of my favorite podcasts are HISTORY This Week, LeVar Burton Reads, The Stacking Benjamins, Code Switch, and Grammar Girl. 

5. What can someone do today to be a better advocate for disability rights, especially in the online space?

For me, being a better advocate is learning as much as you can about blindness and visual impairment. Reading things written by disabled people in their own voices. Through my years of writing about the disabled, I have had people reach out to me to learn more and that is a good thing. 

Also, helping those of us with visual disabilities get access to the internet. I can’t begin to tell you the number of websites I go to with accessibility issues. It is a regular challenge. Reaching out to web developers is hard and exhausting sometimes. But having allies to help in this process would be wonderful. It could be a simple thing like bringing awareness, because people don’t think that blind people are online.

6. Do have any tips for aspiring bloggers or freelance writers? 

Depending on the type of blog you are writing, it is so important to be organized. I use an editorial calendar where I jot down blog ideas for each month. I think about things coming up, current events, trending topics, etc., and add them to the calendar. This helps me to keep a good flow of blog posts.

Once people start subscribing they expect to see posts on a regular basis, and having an editorial calendar helps me stay on track.

Want to learn more about being organized and consistent with your writing? Sign up for our free, self-guided Intro to Blogging course today: 

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Quelle: RedHat Stack

Unlock more choice with updates to Google Cloud’s infrastructure capabilities and pricing

Over the past several years, Google Cloud has made significant investments in our infrastructure product portfolio. We launched new Tau T2D VMs, which deliver 42% better price-performance vs. other leading cloud providers. We upgraded Cloud Storage to offer more flexibility to support customers’ enterprise and analytics workloads, with dual-region buckets and upcoming Turbo Replication. And we’ve delivered numerous improvements to our global network, including expansion to 29 cloud regions. However, from conversations with customers, we’ve also learned we can do more to align our capabilities and pricing with their varied workloads. So, today, we are announcing we will adjust our infrastructure product and pricing structure to give customers more choice in how they pay for what they use alongside new, flexible SKUs with new product options and capabilities. These changes are designed to help ensure better product fit for our customers’ use cases across a wider array of workloads. They are also designed to better align with how other leading cloud providers charge for similar products, so customers can more easily compare services between leading cloud providers. Some of these changes will provide new, lower-cost options and features for Google Cloud products. Other changes will raise prices on certain products. Ultimately, our goal is to provide more flexible pricing models and options for how customers are using our cloud services. Here’s an overview of what customers can expect:Which services are changing? What new services are being introduced?We are changing prices for some storage, compute, and networking products. The changes provide customers with new ways to optimize their spending based on workload type and size, or data portability needs, as well as reducing costs on some services. Specific changes include: Cloud Storage pricing changes for data mobility, including replication of data written to a dual- or multi-region storage bucket, and inter-region data accessIntroduction of a new lower-cost archive snapshot option for Persistent Disk (PD), so that compliance/archiving use cases are charged less than compute-intensive DevOps workloadsNew outbound data processing pricing for Cloud Load Balancing, in line with other leading cloud providersNew pricing for Network Topology, which will include Performance Dashboard within Network Intelligence Center at no additional charge Will customers’ bills increase? Decrease?The impact of the pricing changes depends on customers’ use cases and usage. While some customers may see an increase in their bills, we’re also introducing new options for some services to better align with usage, which could lower some customers’ bills. In fact, many customers will be able to adapt their portfolios and usage to decrease costs. We’re working directly with customers to help them understand which changes may impact them.When will the new prices go into effect?Today, we sent customers a six-month notice on the price changes, which go into effect on October 1, 2022. Customers under existing commit contracts with a floating or fixed discount will not face any changes until renewal. Our goal is to help our customers manage any impact of these changes and allow time for them to adjust or modify their implementations. What should customers do next?There are a number of things customers can do to prepare for the changes:Read through the Mandatory Service Announcement (MSA) sent on March 14.Consider what actions, if any, they may want to take based on current storage, networking, and compute needs. Many of these changes may have simple choices associated with them.Consider using the Storage Transfer Service to select the right Cloud Storage bucket locations. Storage Transfer Service will be available free-of-cost for transfers within Cloud Storage, starting April 2 until the end of the year.For those customers under contract, Google Cloud account representatives are available to discuss these changes. Please visit our pricing page and the links below for more details on our updates to storage, networking, and PD pricing, including information on how to modify your implementations if needed. If you do not have an account manager and still have questions please review our public FAQ, which will be updated regularly, as well as the resource links below. Note: This pricing analysis is valid as of February 2022.Resources:Cloud Storage Pricing Announcements Load Balancing pricing AnnouncementsNetwork Intelligence Center pricing AnnouncementsPD Pricing AnnouncementsPublic FAQRelated ArticleA year in review: Advancements in infrastructure at Google CloudA recap of the year’s infrastructure progress, from impressive Tau VMs, to industry-leading storage capabilities, to major networking leaps.Read Article
Quelle: Google Cloud Platform