Cloud Native and Industry News — Week of April 20, 2022

Every Wednesday, Nick Chase and Eric Gregory from Mirantis go over the week’s cloud native and industry news. This week, Nick and Eric discussed: Outages and breaches at major developer and IT services companies Releases in the cloud native ecosystem The latest news from the telco sector The continuing Musk/Twitter saga Department of Defense delays … Continued
Quelle: Mirantis

Enhance your classroom experience with Azure Lab Services—April 2022 update

Azure Lab Services offers classroom labs for higher education, K-12 institutions, and commercial organizations that don't want to use the on-premises hardware but rather want to harness the power of the cloud to host labs for students or users. We are excited to announce major updates to Azure Lab Services including enhanced lab creation and improved backend reliability, access performance, extended virtual network support, easier labs administration via new roles, improved cost tracking via Azure Cost Management service, availability of PowerShell module, and .NET API SDK for advanced automation and customization, and integration with Canvas learning management system. Learn more about the new update and how to use it.

Along with making significant reliability enhancements to the backend, labs creation, and access performance improvements, this major update is bringing a whole slew of additional features for the IT departments and administrators, educators, and the students, who are the three key personas that use this service.

IT and administrators

For the IT and administrators, we have now introduced the concept of a lab plan instead of a lab account to provide more control over the creation, configuration, and management of the labs. For ease of administration of the lab, new roles have been created to provide granular control for different people managing labs for a large organization.

Creating a large number of labs with many virtual machines requires additional vCPUs which you have to request from us. With this new update, there is an improved vCPU capacity management for your subscription and you don't share the vCPU capacity with others using the service. We have also now made it easier for you to track costs for your lab resources in Azure Cost Management. We have replaced virtual network peering with virtual network injection. With Virtual Network Injection you have more control over the network for lab virtual machines. In your own subscription, create a virtual network in the same region as the lab, delegate a subnet to Azure Lab Services, and you’re off and running.

For advanced automation, deployment, configuration, and management we have the PowerShell module and .NET API SDK. The Azure Lab Services PowerShell will now be integrated with the Azure PowerShell module and will release early February. In alignment with all the global compliance and regulatory laws around data residency, we are also saving the customer data in the regions where the labs are set up.


For all the educators and instructors using the service, we have added new functionality to improve their experience. Azure Lab Services can now be integrated within Canvas, a popular learning management system. Educators can use Canvas to create and configure labs for the students. Students can connect to the virtual machine from inside their course in Canvas. We have improved the auto-shutdown feature of the virtual machine. Auto-shutdown settings are now available for all operating systems. In addition, we have improved idle detection based on resource usage. For more flexibility, an instructor or IT Administrator can choose to skip the virtual machine template creation process if they already have an image ready to use or want to quickly deploy virtual machines for their lab.


Student experiences have also improved. Students can now redeploy their virtual machine without losing data if they are having issues accessing or using the virtual machine. If the lab is set up to use AAD group sync, there is no longer a need to send an invitation email so students can access their virtual machine—one is assigned to the student automatically.

Learn more

We are eager to have you use our new and improved service to realize your educational, learning, and training scenarios no matter what industry you work in. Contact us directly or get started today to use the enhanced experience!
Quelle: Azure

Mit EC2 Auto Scaling können Sie jetzt eine standardmäßige Instance-Aufwärmzeit für alle Instance-Skalierungs- und Ersatz-Aktionen festlegen

Sie können jetzt eine standardmäßige Instance-Aufwärmzeit für alle Skalierungs-Aktionen, den Ersatz von Zustandsprüfungen und andere Ersatz-Ereignisse im Lebenszyklus von Auto-Scaling-Instances festlegen. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling ist ein Service, der Ihnen die automatische Skalierung und Verwaltung logischer Gruppen von Instances erlaubt – sogenannte Auto-Scaling-Gruppen, die Ihre Anwendung bedienen. EC2 Auto Scaling überwacht dazu verschiedene Metriken wie die CPU-Auslastung und den Anwendungsbedarf, um festzustellen, ob eine Instance ersetzt, aus der Auto-Scaling-Gruppe entfernt oder zu ihr hinzugefügt werden muss. Das Festlegen des Standardparameters für die Instance-Aufwärmzeit kann die Konfiguration Ihrer Auto-Scaling-Gruppe vereinfachen. So kann nämlich sichergestellt werden, dass alle Richtlinien zur Skalierung und zum Ersatz von Instances Rücksicht auf die Zeit nehmen, die Ihre Instances normalerweise benötigen, um den Bedarf zu decken.

Die Unterstützung von EKS-Add-ons für den OpenTelemetry-Operator ist jetzt allgemein verfügbar

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) unterstützt jetzt die Verwendung der Amazon EKS-Konsole, der AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) und der EKS-API, um den AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) Operator zu installieren und zu verwalten. Diese Einführung ermöglicht eine vereinfachte Erfahrung für die Instrumentierung Ihrer Anwendungen, die auf Amazon EKS ausgeführt werden, um Metriken und Ablaufverfolgungen an mehrere Überwachungsdienste zu senden, darunter AWS X-Ray, Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus und Amazon CloudWatch. 

Amazon Neptune unterstützt jetzt globale Bedingungsschlüssel in AWS-IAM-Richtlinien

Sie können jetzt Ihre AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)-Richtlinien, die den Zugriff auf Ihre Amazon-Neptune-Ressourcen wie Neptune-Cluster oder -Instances steuern, mit globalen Bedigungskontext-Schlüsseln anpassen. Sie können die globalen Bedingungskontext-Schlüssel von AWS, die im Condition-Element einer IAM-Richtlinie angegeben sind, verwenden, um den Zugriff auf Neptune-Ressourcen auf der Grundlage der festgelegten Bedingungen zu erlauben oder zu verweigern.