Ukrainekrieg: Russisches Militär baut Mobilfunkanlagen ab
Kyivstar-Chef Alexander Komarov berichtet über die Schwierigkeiten, das 4G-Mobilfunknetz im Krieg in der Ukraine weiter zu betreiben. (Ukrainekrieg, Mobilfunk)
Quelle: Golem
Kyivstar-Chef Alexander Komarov berichtet über die Schwierigkeiten, das 4G-Mobilfunknetz im Krieg in der Ukraine weiter zu betreiben. (Ukrainekrieg, Mobilfunk)
Quelle: Golem
Messenger sollen in der EU Nachrichten untereinander austauschen können. Signal sieht darin eine Gefahr für seine Datenschutzstandards. (Signal, Instant Messenger)
Quelle: Golem
Dunkle Materie macht den Großteil der Masse des Universums aus. Ein neuer Detektor in den USA soll Dunkle-Materie-Teilchen erstmals sichtbar machen. (Wissenschaft, Technologie)
Quelle: Golem
Ein IT-Dienstleister der Berliner Verwaltung hat ein Ticketsystem mit Daten von Bürgern offenstehen lassen. Die Daten von 72 Personen sind betroffen. Eine Exklusivmeldung von Lennart Mühlenmeier (Security, Datenschutz)
Quelle: Golem
Unternehmen fürchten eine neue Wirtschaftskrise und entlassen Beschäftigte. Im Bereich Kryptowährungen gibt es massive Auswirkungen. (Arbeit, Postscript)
Quelle: Golem
Quelle: <a href="Elon Musk Doesn’t Seem To Realize That Twitter Is Already A Free Speech Warrior In Countries Where It Actually Matters.“>BuzzFeed
We’re very pleased to announce that Firestore in Datastore mode now supports IN, Not IN, and Not Equal To operators.IN OperatorFirestore in Datastore Mode now supports the IN operator. With IN, you can query a specific field for multiple values (up to 10). You do this by passing in a list of all the values you want to query for, and Firestore in Datastore Mode will match any entity whose field equals one of those values.For example, if you had a database with entities of kind Orders and you wanted to find which orders had a “delivered” or “shipped” status, then you can now do something like this: Example:SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE status IN ARRAY(“delivered”, “shipped”)Let’s look at another example: say Orders has a field Category that contains a list of categories in which the products in the order may belong to. You can now run an IN query on the categories that you are looking for.Example:SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE Category IN ARRAY(“Home Decor”, “Home Improvements”)In this case, each entity would only be returned once in the query even though they match both the categories in the query.You are now also able to use ORDER BY on both IN and Equal. The query planner originally ignored ordering on an equality, but with the introduction of IN, ORDER BY queries on multiple-valued properties now become valuable. Please make sure to check out the official documentation for additional details. You can also use the new Query Builder in the UI to use the IN operator.Not IN & Not Equal OperatorsYou can now query using Not IN, which will allow you to find all entities where a field is not in a list of values. For example, entities with kind Orders where the status field is Not IN [“shipped”, “ready to ship”].Example:SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE status NOT IN Array(“shipped”, “ready to ship”);Using Not IN via Query Builder in the UIWith Not Equal you can now query for entities where a field is not equal to some given value. For example, entities of kind Orders where the status field is not equal to the value “pending”.Example:SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE status != “pending”;Using Not Equal via Query Builder in the UINote that with Datastore’s multi-value behavior using Not IN and Not Equal requires only one element to match the given predicate. For instance, Category Not IN [“Home Decor”, “Home Improvements”] would still return both e1 and e2 since they contain the category “Kitchen” and “Living Room”.We hope these new additions enhance your development experience. We look forward to learning about how you’ve taken advantage of these new features, thank you! Please visit the official documentationto learn more.
Quelle: Google Cloud Platform
Das Flyer Gotour 3 ist ein E-Bike mit zwei Gepäckträgern. Es kann zudem mit einem Anhänger ausgerüstet werden. (E-Bike, Elektromobilität)
Quelle: Golem
Wir lassen unseren Rechner träumen und zeigen, wie zurzeit mit Deep Learning bei der KI-Kunst Geschichte geschrieben wird. Von Martin Wolf (Deep Learning, Grafikhardware)
Quelle: Golem
Die bayerische Polizei hat Palantir-Software gekauft. Nun soll das Fraunhofer-Institut die Überwachungssoftware auf Hintertüren prüfen. (Polizei, Internet)
Quelle: Golem