SachsenGigaBit: Glasfaser-Förderung für die, die sonst vergebens warten
Minister Volker Wissing will die Breitbandförderung zum 1. April neu aufstellen. Die Branche hofft, dass das Datum nichts bedeutet. (Fiberdays, Glasfaser)
Quelle: Golem
Minister Volker Wissing will die Breitbandförderung zum 1. April neu aufstellen. Die Branche hofft, dass das Datum nichts bedeutet. (Fiberdays, Glasfaser)
Quelle: Golem
“Geräumig wie ein Golf, preiswert wie ein Polo”: Mit diesem Versprechen kündigt VW den ID.2all an. Das Elektroauto macht vieles besser als bisherige ID-Modelle. Ein Bericht von Friedhelm Greis (Volkswagen ID., Technologie)
Quelle: Golem
Die Ergebnisse seien nach wie vor nicht zufriedenstellend, gibt der Chef der Bundesnetzagentur Müller zu. Konsequenzen gibt es weiter fast keine. (Bundesnetzagentur, Mobilfunk)
Quelle: Golem
Nach dem Willen des Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragten sollen Behörden ihre Facebook-Seiten schließen. Zumindest für Twitter gebe es eine Alternative. (Ulrich Kelber, Soziales Netz)
Quelle: Golem
Quelle: <a href="I Had AI Write My Instagram Captions, And My Friends Did A Wellness Check On Me“>BuzzFeed is an organization — like others within Automattic — that is heavily invested in Open Source and the democratization of the web. We genuinely believe that everyone should have control over their presence, their data, and even their social experiences. That’s why we’re really excited about some of the work Bluesky is doing.
What is Bluesky?
We’re building a new foundation for social networking which gives creators independence from platforms, developers the freedom to build, and users a choice in their experience.
Think about all of the different pieces tied to any one of your social accounts:
Your username – how people identify you in that platform
Your connections/network
The content you’ve created
The media you’ve uploaded
The conversations you’ve had with others
Your connections to influencers, brands, and businesses
Purchases within a specific platform
Now, imagine being able to bring all of that with you when you get frustrated with changes on one social network and rediscover the magic of one you had *almost* forgotten about.
This is exactly what Bluesky is trying to accomplish with its AT Protocol, and we can’t way to see how it evolves.
That’s so cool! Why is that cool?
So glad you asked!
We’re all probably familiar with the “blue checkmark of officialness” used across may social platforms. It’s essentially a way for users to identify the real accounts for famous and notable people/brands/things.
Bluesky lets you claim a domain that you own as your username/handle, and they automatically verify it by checking your domain for a simple text record. That may sound complicated, but it’s actually quite simple — especially on
Think of it like any kind of certificate you might get, which often requires a signature from you as well as from some sort of official before it’s considered a verified document. It’s just like that, except that instead of collecting dust, this unlocks a digital superpower: a consistent way for anyone to find the real you (potentially) anywhere on the web.
How do I add a text record to my domain?
I’ll cover some simple steps for those of you who manage your domains here on If you have domains registered elsewhere on the web you will have to check that registrar’s documentation. If you’d rather just manage it here, you can check out the steps to transfer it over.
Note: You will need an invitation to join to the private beta of Bluesky before you can set up an account and use this feature.
6 easy steps
Step 1: Navigate to the site that your domain is associated with on — if you only have one site you can simply go to
Step 2: Use the left hand menu to navigate to Upgrades/Domains.
Step 3: Identify the domain you want to use and click on the vertical elipses on the right. Click “view settings.”
Step 4: Click on the arrow to the right of “DNS Records” to expand the information. Click on “Manage.”
Step 5: Click the “+ Add Record” button at the top of the screen.
Step 6: Change the record type from “A” to “TXT.”
Step 7: Add the Bluesky information to your record.
Add _atproto in the “domain name (optional)” field.
Add the Bluesky “Value” in the “Text” field.
Step 8: Click the “Add DNS record” button.
I’m always pleasantly surprised by how fast our DNS is. In this case, I was able to verify the record in the Bluesky app less than 30 seconds after I saved it on Here’s what the app looks like while you’re setting up, after it’s verified, and after you officially update your handle.
If you made it this far, you’re at least a little bit interested. Let us know what piqued your interest in the comments!
Quelle: RedHat Stack
General Motors arbeitet an einem virtuellen Assistenten, der auf ChatGPT basieren soll, aber mit spezifischem Wissen trainiert wurde. (General Motors, KI)
Quelle: Golem
Spotify bleibt bei dem Plan, irgendwann Musik in höherer Qualität für Abokunden anzubieten. Aber weiterhin gibt es dafür keinen Termin. (Spotify, Streaming)
Quelle: Golem
Auch der iPhone-Hersteller schnallt den Gürtel enger: Apple verschiebt Boni, stoppt Neuanstellungen und lässt unbesetzte Stellen offen. (Apple, Wirtschaft)
Quelle: Golem
Mit kleinen und kostengünstigen Empfangsterminals soll das Satelliteninternet Kuiper von Amazon ab 2024 Starlink Konkurrenz machen. (Satelliteninternet, Amazon)
Quelle: Golem