“Do the Woo” Finds Its Home at WordPress.com

Bob Dunn loved designing, but didn’t fancy himself a coder. In the early 2000s, while struggling to create a website for his business, he thought to himself, “There’s got to be something better.” When Bob discovered WordPress in 2006, he realized he had discovered that better solution. With WordPress, he could build great-looking sites from scratch without needing to hand-code the entire thing.

In 2010, Bob dove headfirst into the world of WordPress, officially putting his print design business on the backburner and branding himself as “BobWP.” What started as site designing, consulting, and community building would eventually turn into podcasting. But it wasn’t until he discovered WooCommerce that he felt he’d really found his niche. 

Bob had used WooCommerce as a product since its launch and saw a need within the larger WordPress community for a Woo-dedicated space to bring developers, builders, and agencies together. Do the Woo was born, and Bob began his journey to create a podcast voiced by and for the vibrant WooCommerce and WordPress communities. 

As Do the Woo has grown to fourteen unique shows with dozens of co-hosts and countless guests over the years, Bob has been looking for the right online space to call home. He needed a website host that would allow him to easily maintain and market his podcast, allowing him to focus on the community-centered content that makes his podcast so valuable. He found that home at WordPress.com, where he’s been able to utilize a variety of back-end tools to help create a simple and welcoming front-end user experience. 

The teams here at WordPress.com, Woo, and Jetpack are proud to partner with Bob. Do the Woo is providing an essential resource to the Woo and WordPress communities. Not only is he creating a unique space for these conversations to happen, but he’s amplifying the voices of those who want to give podcasting a shot. And take heed, velvet-voiced folks out there: he’s always looking for co-hosts!

Are you ready for your own entrepreneurial journey to begin? Use coupon code dothewoo15 at checkout for 15% off any WordPress.com plan. Click below to take advantage of this special offer:

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Quelle: RedHat Stack

AWS HealthImaging ermöglicht den Import großer DICOM-Objekte und HTJ2K-Übertragungssyntaxen (High-Throughput JPEG 2000)

AWS HealthImaging unterstützt jetzt den Import von DICOM-Instances mit bis zu 4 GB mit einer Bildkomprimierung von bis zu 20:1. Kunden können jetzt große DICOM-Instances importieren und speichern, z. B. solche, die von Systemen für digitale Pathologie generiert wurden. Mit dieser Version bietet HealthImaging auch Unterstützung für den Import von DICOM-Objekten mit Pixeldaten, die in einer der HTJ2K-Übertragungssyntaxen (High-Throughput JPEG 2000) codiert sind, die kürzlich zum DICOM-Standard hinzugefügt wurden. Darüber hinaus unterstützt HealthImaging jetzt den Import von Daten in der Übertragungssyntax „JPEG Lossless, Nonhierarchical (Process 14).“
Quelle: aws.amazon.com

AWS WAF unterstützt jetzt die umfangreichere Inspektion des Hauptteils von Anfragetexten für regionale Ressourcen

Ab sofort unterstützt AWS WAF die Inspektion von bis zu 64 KB des Hauptteils eingehender HTTP/S-Anfragen für regionale Ressourcen von Amazon API Gateway, Cognito-Benutzerpools, App Runner und AWS Verified Access. Bei Ressourcen, die den neuen Grenzwert anwenden, wurde die Standardprüfgröße entsprechend von 8 KB auf 16 KB geändert. Die neue Standardeinstellung wird auf alle neuen und bestehenden WAF-Webzugriffskontrolllisten angewendet, ohne dass Ihnen zusätzliche Kosten entstehen.
Quelle: aws.amazon.com