Making 43% of the Web More Dynamic with the WordPress Interactivity API

Creating rich, engaging, and interactive website experiences is a simple way to surprise, delight, and attract attention from website readers and users. Dynamic interactivity like instant search, form handling, and client-side “app-like” navigation where elements can persist across routes, all without a full page reload, can make the web a more efficient and interesting place for all.

But creating those experiences on WordPress hasn’t always been the easiest or most straightforward, often requiring complex JavaScript framework setup and maintenance. 

Now, with the Interactivity API, WordPress developers have a standardized way for doing that, all built directly into core. 

The Interactivity API started as an experimental plugin in early 2022, became an official proposal in March 2023, and was finally merged into WordPress core with the release of WordPress 6.5 on April 2, 2024. It provides an easier, standardized way for WordPress developers to create rich, interactive user experiences with their blocks on the front-end.

ELI5: The Interactivity API and the Image Block

Several core WordPress blocks, including the Query Loop, Image, and Search blocks, have already adopted the Interactivity API. The Image block, in particular, is a great way to show off the Interactivity API in action. 

At its core, the Image blocks allow you to add an image to a post or page. When a user clicks on an image in a post or page, the Interactivity API launches a lightbox showing a high-resolution version of the image.

The rendering of the Image block is handled server-side. The client-side interactivity, handling resizing and opening the lightbox, is now done with the new API that comes bundled with WordPress. You can bind the client-side interactivity simply by adding the wp-on–click directive to the image element, referencing the showLightbox action in view.js.

You might say, “But I could easily do this with some JavaScript!” With the Interactivity API, the code is compact and declarative, and you get the context (local state) to handle the lightbox, resizing, side effects, and all of the other needed work here in the store object.

actions: {
showLightbox() {
const ctx = getContext();

// Bails out if the image has not loaded yet.
if ( ! ctx.imageRef?.complete ) {

// Stores the positons of the scroll to fix it until the overlay is
// closed.
state.scrollTopReset = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
state.scrollLeftReset = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;

// Moves the information of the expaned image to the state.
ctx.currentSrc = ctx.imageRef.currentSrc;
imageRef = ctx.imageRef;
buttonRef = ctx.buttonRef;
state.currentImage = ctx;
state.overlayEnabled = true;

// Computes the styles of the overlay for the animation.

The lower-level implementation details, like keeping the server and client side in sync, just work; developers no longer need to account for them.

This functionality is possible using vanilla JavaScript, by selecting the element via a query selector, reading data attributes, and manipulating the DOM. But it’s far less elegant, and up until now, there hasn’t been a standardized way in WordPress of handling interactive events like these.

With the Interactivity API, developers have a predictable way to provide interactivity to users on the front-end. You don’t have to worry about lower-level code for adding interactivity; it’s there in WordPress for you to start using today. Batteries are included.

How is the Interactivity API different from Alpine, React, or Vue?

Prior to merging the Interactivity API into WordPress core, developers would typically reach for a JavaScript framework to add dynamic features to the user-facing parts of their websites. This approach worked just fine, so why was there a need to standardize it?

At its core, the Interactivity API is a lightweight JavaScript library that standardizes the way developers can build interactive HTML elements on WordPress sites.

Mario Santos, a developer on the WordPress core team, wrote in the Interactivity API proposal that, “With a standard, WordPress can absorb the maximum amount of complexity from the developer because it will handle most of what’s needed to create an interactive block.”

The team saw that the gap between what’s possible and what’s practical grew as sites became more complex. The more complex a user experience developers wanted to build, the more blocks needed to interact with each other, and the more difficult it became to build and maintain sites. Developers would spend a lot of time making sure that the client-side and server-side code played nicely together.

For a large open-source project with several contributors, having an agreed-upon standard and native way of providing client-side interactivity speeds up development and greatly improves the developer experience.

Five goals shaped the core development team’s decisions as they built the API: 

Block-first and PHP-first: Prioritizing blocks for building sites and server side rendering for better SEO and performance. Combining the best for user and developer experience.

Backward-compatible: Ensuring compatibility with both classic and block themes and optionally with other JavaScript frameworks, though it’s advised to use the API as the primary method. It also works with hooks and internationalization.

Declarative and reactive: Using declarative code to define interactions, listening for changes in data, and updating only relevant parts of the DOM accordingly.

Performant: Optimizing runtime performance to deliver a fast and lightweight user experience.

Send less JavaScript: Reduce the overall amount of JavaScript being sent on the page by providing a common framework that blocks can reuse.  So the more that blocks leverage the Interactivity API, the less JavaScript will be sent overall.

Other goals are on the horizon, including improvements to client-side navigation, as you can see in this PR.

Interactivity API vs. Alpine

The Interactivity API shares a few similarities to Alpine—a lightweight JavaScript library that allows developers to build interactions into their web projects, often used in WordPress and Laravel projects.

Similar to Alpine, the Interactivity API uses directives directly in HTML and both play nicely with PHP. Unlike Alpine, the Interactivity API is designed to seamlessly integrate with WordPress and support server-side rendering of its directives.

With the interactivity API, you can easily generate the view from the server in PHP, and then add client-side interactivity. This results in less duplication, and its support in WordPress core will lead to less architectural decisions currently required by developers. 

So while Alpine and the Interactivity API share a broadly similar goal—making it easy for web developers to add interactive elements to a webpage—the Interactivity API is even more plug-and-play for WordPress developers.

Interactivity API vs. React and Vue

Many developers have opted for React when adding interactivity to WordPress sites because, in the modern web development stack, React is the go-to solution for declaratively handling DOM interactivity. This is familiar territory, and we’re used to using React and JSX when adding custom blocks for Gutenberg.

Loading React on the client side can be done, but it leaves you with many decisions: “How should I handle routing? How do I work with the context between PHP and React? What about server-side rendering?”

Part of the goal in developing the Interactivity API was the need to write as little as little JavaScript as possible, leaving the heavy lifting to PHP, and only shipping JavaScript when necessary.

The core team also saw issues with how these frameworks worked in conjunction with WordPress. Developers can use JavaScript frameworks like React and Vue to render a block on the front-end that they server-rendered in PHP, for example, but this requires logic duplication and risks exposure to issues with WordPress hooks.

For these reasons, among others, the core team preferred Preact—a smaller UI framework that requires less JavaScript to download and execute without sacrificing performance. Think of it like React with fewer calories.

Luis Herranz, a WordPress Core contributor from Automattic, outlines more details on Alpine vs the Interactivity API’s usage of Preact with a thin layer of directives on top of it in this comment on the original proposal.

Preact only loads if the page source contains an interactive block, meaning it is not loaded until it’s needed, aligning with the idea of shipping as little JavaScript as possible (and shipping no JavaScript as a default).

In the original Interactivity API proposal, you can see the run-down and comparison of several frameworks and why Preact was chosen over the others.

What does the new Interactivity API provide to WordPress developers?

In addition to providing a standardized way to render interactive elements client-side, the Interactivity API also provides developers with directives and a more straightforward way of creating a store object to handle state, side effects, and actions.

Graphic from Proposal: The Interactivity API – A better developer experience in building interactive blocks on


Directives, a special set of data attributes, allow you to extend HTML markup. You can share data between the server-side-rendered blocks and the client-side, bind values, add click events, and much more. The Interactivity API reference lists all the available directives.

These directives are typically added in the block’s render.php file, and they support all of the WordPress APIs, including actions, filters, and core translation APIs. 

Here’s the render file of a sample block. Notice the click event (data-wp-on–click=”actions.toggle”), and how we bind the value of the aria-expanded attributes via directives.

<?php echo get_block_wrapper_attributes(); ?>
<?php echo wp_interactivity_data_wp_context( array( 'isOpen' => false ) ); ?>
aria-controls="<?php echo esc_attr( $unique_id ); ?>"
<?php esc_html_e( 'Toggle', 'my-interactive-block' ); ?>

id="<?php echo esc_attr( $unique_id ); ?>"
esc_html_e( 'My Interactive Block – hello from an interactive block!', 'my-interactive-block' );

Do you need to dynamically update an element’s inner text? The Interactivity API allows you to use data-wp-text on an element, just like you can use v-text in Vue.

You can bind a value to a boolean or string using wp-bind– or hook up a click event by using data-wp-on–click on the element. This means you can write PHP and HTML and sprinkle in directives to add interactivity in a declarative way.

Handling state, side effects, and actions

The second stage of adding interactivity is to create a store, which is usually done in your view.js file. In the store, you’ll have access to the same context as in your render.php file.

In the store object, you define actions responding to user interactions. These actions can update the local context or global state, which then re-renders and updates the connected HTML element. You can also define side effects/callbacks, which are similar to actions, but they respond to state changes instead of direct user actions.

import { store, getContext } from '@wordpress/interactivity';

store( 'create-block', {
actions: {
toggle: () => {
const context = getContext();
context.isOpen = ! context.isOpen;
callbacks: {
logIsOpen: () => {
const { isOpen } = getContext();
// Log the value of `isOpen` each time it changes.
console.log( `Is open: ${ isOpen }` );
} );

Try it out for yourself

The Interactivity API is production-ready and already running on! With any plan, you’ll have access to the core blocks built on top of the Interactivity API. 

If you want to build your own interactive blocks, you can scaffold an interactive block by running the below code in your terminal:

npx @wordpress/create-block@latest my-interactive-block –template @wordpress/create-block-interactive-template 

This will give you an example interactive block, with directives and state handling set up. 

You can then play around with this locally, using wp-env, using a staging site, or by uploading the plugin directly to your site running a plugin-eligible plan. 

If you want a seamless experience between your local dev setup and your site, try using it with our new GitHub Deployments feature! Developing custom blocks is the perfect use case for this new tool.

The best way to learn something new is to start building. To kick things off, you may find the following resources a good starting point:

A first look at the Interactivity API

Interactivity API WP Movies demo and demo video

Follow along with this task for improvements coming to the Interactivity API

Block editor reference

Proposal: Interactivity API

GitHub issue for showcase

Quelle: RedHat Stack

Azure IoT’s industrial transformation strategy on display at Hannover Messe 2024

Running and transforming a successful enterprise is like being the coach of a championship-winning sports team. To win the trophy, you need a strategy, game plans, and the ability to bring all the players together. In the early days of training, coaches relied on basic drills, manual strategies, and simple equipment. But as technology advanced, so did the art of coaching. Today, coaches use data-driven training programs, performance tracking technology, and sophisticated game strategies to achieve unimaginable performance and secure victories. 

We see a similar change happening in industrial production management and performance and we are excited to showcase how we are innovating with our products and services to help you succeed in the modern era. Microsoft recently launched two accelerators for industrial transformation:

Azure’s adaptive cloud approach—a new strategy

Azure IoT Operations (preview)—a new product

Our adaptive cloud approach connects teams, systems, and sites through consistent management tools, development patterns, and insight generation. Putting the adaptive cloud approach into practice, IoT Operations leverages open standards and works with Microsoft Fabric to create a common data foundation for IT and operational technology (OT) collaboration.

Azure IoT Operations

Build interoperable IoT solutions that transform physical operations at scale

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accelerating industrial transformation with azure iot operations

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We will be demonstrating these accelerators in the Microsoft booth at Hannover Messe 2024, presenting the new approach on the Microsoft stage, and will be ready to share exciting partnership announcements that enable interoperability in the industry.  

Here’s a preview of what you can look forward to at the event from Azure IoT. 

Experience the future of automation with IoT Operations 

Using our adaptive cloud approach, we’ve built a robotic assembly line demonstration that puts together car battery parts for attendees of the event. This production line is partner-enabled and features a standard OT environment, including solutions from Rockwell Automation and PTC. IoT Operations was used to build a monitoring solution for the robots because it embraces industry standards, like Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture (OPC UA), and integrates with existing infrastructure to connect data from an array of OT devices and systems, and flow it to the right places and people. IoT Operations processes data at the edge for local use by multiple applications and sends insights to the cloud for use by multiple applications there too, reducing data fragmentation.  

For those attending Hannover Messe 2024, head to the center of the Microsoft booth and look for the station “Achieve industrial transformation across the value chain.”  

Watch this video to see how IoT Operations and the adaptive cloud approach build a common data foundation for an industrial equipment manufacturer.

Consult with Azure experts on IT and OT collaboration tools 

Find out how Microsoft Azure’s open and standardized strategy, an adaptive cloud approach, can help you reach the next stage of industrial transformation. Our experts will help your team collect data from assets and systems on the shop floor, compute at the edge, integrate that data into multiple solutions, and create production analytics on a global scale. Whether you’re just starting to connect and digitize your operations, or you’re ready to analyze and reason with your data, make predictions, and apply AI, we’re here to assist.  

For those attending Hannover Messe 2024, these experts are located at the demonstration called “Scale solutions and interoperate with IoT, edge, and cloud innovation.” 

Check out Jumpstart to get your collaboration environment up and running. In May 2024, Jumpstart will have a comprehensive scenario designed for manufacturing.

Attend a presentation on modernizing the shop floor  

We will share the results of a survey on the latest trends, technologies, and priorities for manufacturing companies wanting to efficiently manage their data to prepare for AI and accelerate industrial transformation. 73% of manufacturers agreed that a scalable technology stack is an important paradigm for the future of factories.1 To make that a reality, manufacturers are making changes to modernize, such as adopting containerization, shifting to central management of devices, and emphasizing IT and OT collaboration tools. These modernization trends can maximize the ROI of existing infrastructure and solutions, enhance security, and apply AI at the edge. 

This presentation “How manufacturers prepare shopfloors for a future with AI,” will take place in the Microsoft theater at our booth, Hall 17, on Monday, April 22, 2024, at 2:00 PM CEST at Hannover Messe 2024.  

For those who cannot attend, you can sign up to receive a notification when the full report is out.

Learn about actions and initiatives driving interoperability  

Microsoft is strengthening and supporting the industrial ecosystem to enable at-scale transformation and interoperate solutions. Our adaptive cloud approach both incorporates existing investments in partner technology and builds a foundation for consistent deployment patterns and repeatability for scale.  

Our ecosystem of partners

Microsoft is building an ecosystem of connectivity partners to modernize industrial systems and devices. These partners provide data translation and normalization services across heterogeneous environments for a seamless and secure data flow on the shop floor, and from the shop floor to the cloud. We leverage open standards and provide consistent control and management capabilities for OT and IT assets. To date, we have established integrations with Advantech, Softing, and PTC. 

Siemens and Microsoft have announced the convergence of the Digital Twin Definition Language (DTDL) with the W3C Web of Things standard. This convergence will help consolidate digital twin definitions for assets in the industry and enable new technology innovation like automatic asset onboarding with the help of generative AI technologies.

Microsoft embraces open standards and interoperability. Our adaptive cloud approach is based on those principles. We are thrilled to join project Margo, a new ecosystem-led initiative, that will help industrial customers achieve their digital transformation goals with greater speed and efficiency. Margo will define how edge applications, edge devices, and edge orchestration software interoperate with each other with increased flexibility. Read more about this important initiative. 

Discover solutions with Microsoft

Visit our booth and speak with our experts to reach new heights of industrial transformation and prepare the shop floor for AI. Together, we will maximize your existing investments and drive scale in the industry. We look forward to working with you.

Azure IoT Operations

Azure IoT

Hannover Messe 2024

1 IoT Analytics, “Accelerate industrial transformation: How manufacturers prepare shopfloor for AI”, May 2023.
The post Azure IoT’s industrial transformation strategy on display at Hannover Messe 2024 appeared first on Azure Blog.
Quelle: Azure

Mit Amazon OpenSearch Service können Sie jetzt die Knotenanzahl ohne Blau/Grün aktualisieren

Amazon OpenSearch Service bietet jetzt eine erweiterte Möglichkeit, die Anzahl der Datenknoten zu aktualisieren, ohne dass eine Blau/Grün-Bereitstellung für Cluster ohne dedizierte Cluster-Manager-Knoten (Master) erforderlich ist. Mit dieser Neuerung können Sie die Knotenanzahl schneller ändern. Cluster mit dedizierten Clustermanager-Knoten unterstützten bereits die Aktualisierung der Datenknotenanzahl ohne eine Blau/Grün-Bereitstellung.

Microsoft Entra resilience update: Workload identity authentication

Microsoft Entra is not only the identity system for users; it’s also the identity and access management (IAM) system for Azure-based services, all internal infrastructure services at Microsoft, and our customers’ workload identities. This is why our 99.99% service-level promise extends to workload identity authentication, and why we continue to improve our service’s resilience through a multilayered approach that includes the backup authentication system. 

In 2021, we introduced the backup authentication system, as an industry-first innovation that automatically and transparently handles authentications for supported workloads when the primary Microsoft Entra ID service is degraded or unavailable. Through 2022 and 2023, we continued to expand the coverage of the backup service across clouds and application types. 

Today, we’ll build on our resilience blogpost series by going further in sharing how workload identities gain resilience from the regionally isolated authentication endpoints as well as from the backup authentication system. We’ll explore two complementary methods that best fit our regional-global infrastructure. One example of workload identity authentication is when an Azure virtual machine (VM) authenticates its identity to Azure Storage. Another example is when one of our customers’ workloads authenticates to application programming interfaces (APIs).  

Regionally isolated authentication endpoints 

Regionally isolated authentication endpoints provide region-isolated authentication services to an Azure region. All frequently used identities will authenticate successfully without dependencies on other Azure regions. Essentially, they are the primary endpoints for Azure infrastructure services as well as the primary endpoints for managed identities in Azure (Managed identities for Azure resources – Microsoft Entra ID | Microsoft Learn). Managed identities help prevent out-of-region failures by consolidating service dependencies, and improving resilience by handling certificate expiry, rotation, and trust.  

This layer of protection and isolation does not need any configuration changes from Azure customers. Key Azure infrastructure services have already adopted it, and it’s integrated with the managed identities service to protect the customer workloads that depend on it. 

How regionally isolated authentication endpoints work 

Each Azure region is assigned a unique endpoint for workload identity authentication. The region is served by a regionally collocated, special instance of Microsoft Entra ID. The regional instance relies on caching metadata (for example, directory data that is needed to issue tokens locally) to respond efficiently and resiliently to the workload identity’s authentication requests. This lightweight design reduces dependencies on other services and improves resilience by allowing the entire authentication to be completed within a single region. Data in the local cache is proactively refreshed. 

The regional service depends on Microsoft Entra ID’s global service to update and refill caches when it lacks the data it needs (a cache miss) or when it detects a change in the security posture for a supported service. If the regional service experiences an outage, requests are served seamlessly by Microsoft Entra ID’s global service, making the regional service interruption invisible to the customers.  

Performant, resilient, and widely available 

The service has proven itself since 2020 and now serves six billion requests per day across the globe.  The regional endpoints, working with global services, exceed 99.99% SLA. The resilience of Azure infrastructure is further protected by workload-side caches kept by Azure client SDKs. Together, the regional and global services have managed to make most service degradations undetectable by dependent infrastructure services. Post-incident recovery is handled automatically. Regional isolation is supported by public and all Sovereign Clouds. 

Infrastructure authentication requests are processed by the same Azure datacenter that hosts the workloads along with their co-located dependencies. This means that endpoints that are isolated to a region also benefit from performance advantages. 

Backup authentication system to cover workload identities for infrastructure authentication 

For workload identity authentication that does not depend on managed identities, we’ll rely on the backup authentication system to add fault-tolerant resilience.  In our blogpost from November 2021, we explained the approach for user authentication which has been generally available for some time. The system operates in the Microsoft cloud but on separate and decorrelated systems and network paths from the primary Microsoft Entra ID system. This means that it can continue to operate in case of service, network, or capacity issues across many Microsoft Entra ID and dependent Azure services. We are now applying that successful approach to workload identities. 

Backup coverage of workload identities is currently rolling out systematically across Microsoft, starting with Microsoft 365’s largest internal infrastructure services in the first half of 2024. Microsoft Entra ID customer workload identities’ coverage will follow in the second half of 2025. 

Protecting your own workloads 

The benefits of both regionally isolated endpoints and the backup authentication system are natively built into our platform. To further optimize the benefits of current and future investments in resilience and security, we encourage developers to use the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) and leverage managed identities whenever possible. 

What’s next? 

We want to assure our customers that our 99.99% uptime guarantee remains in place, along with our ongoing efforts to expand our backup coverage system and increase our automatic backup coverage to include all infrastructure authentication—even for third-party developers—in the next year. We’ll make sure to keep you updated on our progress, including planned improvements to our system capacity, performance, and coverage across all clouds.  

Thank you, 

Nadim Abdo  

CVP, Microsoft Identity Engineering  

Learn more about Microsoft Entra: 

Related blog post: Advances in Azure AD resilience 

See recent Microsoft Entra blogs 

Dive into Microsoft Entra technical documentation 

Learn more at Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) rename to Microsoft Entra ID 

Join the conversation on the Microsoft Entra discussion space 

Learn more about Microsoft Security  

The post Microsoft Entra resilience update: Workload identity authentication appeared first on Azure Blog.
Quelle: Azure