AWS PrivateLink unterstützt jetzt Amazon QuickSight

AWS PrivateLink unterstützt jetzt Amazon QuickSight und bietet private Konnektivität zwischen der QuickSight-Website, virtuellen privaten Clouds (VPCs) oder On-Premises-Netzwerken, ohne dass der Datenverkehr dem öffentlichen Internet ausgesetzt wird. Mit dieser Integration können Administratoren auch VPC-Endpunktrichtlinien verwenden, um den Zugriff auf QuickSight-Konten einzuschränken, die in ihrem Netzwerk nicht autorisiert sind. 

Generative AI and the path to personalized medicine with Microsoft Azure

Transforming care for patients and providers alike with Azure OpenAI Service

In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) isn’t a futuristic vision: It’s a present reality. Azure OpenAI Service is supporting the way care is delivered and experienced by patients and providers alike. As healthcare providers and tech companies collaborate to harness the power of generative AI, they pave the way for more efficient, accessible, and personalized healthcare solutions.

There’s never been a better time to examine how Azure OpenAI Service could assist the healthcare sector. After all, the potential benefits are staggering, ranging from a 50% reduction in treatment costs to a 40% improvement in health outcomes.

A recent report from MarketsandMarkets states that the AI in healthcare market size is estimated to surge from USD 20.9 billion in 2024 to USD 148.4 billion by 2029. As seen in the use cases that follow, the scalability and efficiency of AI applications in healthcare are set are positively impacting patient and healthcare workforce experiences and make personalized medicine a reality for staff and patients around the globe. 

Azure OpenAI Service

Build your own copilot and generative AI applications


Below, let’s look at four Microsoft partners who have made it their mission to drive better outcomes for patients and those that serve them, using Azure OpenAI Service. 

Kry is providing healthcare for all with Azure

Challenge: Kry sought to leverage technology to improve accessibility, personalize patient care, and alleviate the administrative burdens on clinicians, all while expanding limited healthcare resources. 

Azure OpenAI Service Solution: Kry addressed immediate challenges of accessibility, personalization, and administrative efficiency. Kry utilized Azure OpenAI Service to develop AI-driven tools that enable patients to access healthcare services more easily. By integrating generative AI into their platform, they could offer services in over 30 languages, thereby making healthcare more accessible to a global population. Customization ensures that patients receive relevant and effective treatments, improving outcomes and patient satisfaction. By automating routine tasks and streamlining patient data management, clinicians can devote more time to patient care rather than paperwork.

“AI allows Kry clinicians to focus on delivering better care, while ensuring patients can access the advice, care, and treatment they need in the most efficient way”
—Fredrik Nylander, Chief Technology Officer at Kry

This not only enhances the efficiency of healthcare delivery but also addresses the issue of physician burnout. This approach has enabled Kry to become Europe’s largest digital-first healthcare provider, managing over 200 million patient interactions. Through the efficient use of generative AI, more patients can be served with the same or even fewer resources, significantly expanding the impact of healthcare services. 

TatvaCare utilizing Azure Open AI to promote patient-centric care

Challenge: Faced with growing healthcare demands and the complexity of managing chronic conditions, TatvaCare sought to deliver more efficient, patient-centric healthcare practices and improved healthcare outcomes. 

Azure OpenAI Service Solution: TatvaCare tackled this multifaceted challenge head-on by adopting Azure OpenAI to power AskAI, their intelligent AI assistant. This AI assistant was designed to understand and process patient inquiries and provide feedback in real-time, offering personalized care plans that align with individual patient needs and preferences. The efficiency gained through this automation means that TatvaCare can focus more on direct patient care rather than administrative tasks. For example, about 180,000 prescriptions are currently generated on the platform per month. AskAI, also plays a crucial role in reducing the communication gaps between doctors and patients. The AI assistant’s ability to generate highly accurate, personalized responses and recommendations streamlines the process of managing health, making it less cumbersome and more user-friendly for patients in all stages of their healthcare journey. Not only does Azure’s powerful AI capabilities provide a platform for more efficient interaction between patients and healthcare, but it also guarantees high standards of data security and compliance. Azure’s robust security frameworks ensure that all patient interactions and data handled by AskAI are protected against unauthorized access, maintaining patient confidentiality and trust.

Providence is freeing up time for caregivers with the help of Azure AI

Challenge: Increasingly burdened by administrative tasks and an overwhelming volume of patient communications, how could Providence, a leading healthcare organization, leverage technology to streamline processes, improve the efficiency of message handling, and ultimately free up caregivers to focus more on direct patient care? 

Azure OpenAI Service Solution: Providence found an effective solution to these challenges through the development and deployment of ProvARIA, a cutting-edge AI system powered by Azure OpenAI Service. Specifically designed to manage the deluge of incoming messages received by healthcare providers, ProvARIA categorizes messages based on content and urgency, ensuring that critical patient communications are prioritized and addressed promptly. The administrative workload on healthcare providers can often detract from patient care. ProvARIA integrates deeply into clinical workflows, providing context-specific recommendations and quick action shortcuts. These features streamline various administrative tasks, from scheduling to patient follow-up, thereby reducing the time and effort required for their completion. With ProvARIA handling the sorting and prioritization of messages, caregivers can allocate more time to face-to-face interactions with patients. The successful pilot of ProvARIA in several Providence clinics showcased notable improvements in message processing times and caregiver efficiency.

The impact of Microsoft AI in healthcare

Microsoft’s subsidiary Nuance uses conversational, ambient, and generative AI for its Dragon Ambient eXperience (DAX) Copilot solution. DAX Copilot, automatically documents patient encounters accurately and efficiently at the point of care—alleviating administrative burdens, improving clinician well-being and enhancing patient experience.

The advent of Azure OpenAI Service is providing solutions that can assist in addressing the diverse and complex needs of the global healthcare sector. From reducing administrative burdens on clinicians to enhancing the overall quality of patient care, the impact of AI in healthcare is profound and far-reaching.

Our commitment to responsible AI

At Microsoft, we are guided by our AI principles and Responsible AI Standard along with decades of research on AI, grounding, and privacy-preserving machine learning. A multidisciplinary team of researchers, engineers and policy experts reviews our AI systems for potential harms and mitigations — refining training data, filtering to limit harmful content, query and result-blocking sensitive topics, and applying Microsoft technologies like Azure AIContent Safety, InterpretML and Fairlearn. We make it clear how the system makes decisions by noting limitations, linking to sources, and prompting users to review, fact-check and adjust content based on subject-matter expertise.

Get started with Azure OpenAI Service

Apply for access to Azure OpenAI Service by completing this form. 

Learn about Azure OpenAI Service and the latest enhancements. 

Get started with GPT-4 in Azure OpenAI Service in Microsoft Learn. 

Read our partner announcement blog, empowering partners to develop AI-powered apps and experiences with ChatGPT in Azure OpenAI Service. 

Learn how to use the new Chat Completions API (in preview) and model versions for ChatGPT and GPT-4 models in Azure OpenAI Service.

Learn more about Azure AI Content Safety.

The post Generative AI and the path to personalized medicine with Microsoft Azure appeared first on Azure Blog.
Quelle: Azure

AI-powered dialogues: Global telecommunications with Azure OpenAI Service

In an era where digital innovation is king, the integration of Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service is cutting through the static of the telecommunications sector. Industry leaders like Windstream, AudioCodes, AT&T, and Vodafone are leveraging AI to better engage with their customers and streamline their operations. These companies are pioneering the use of AI to not only enhance the quality of customer interactions but also to optimize their internal processes—demonstrating a unified vision for a future where digital and human interactions blend seamlessly.  

Azure OpenAI Service

Build your own copilot and generative AI applications

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Leveraging Azure OpenAI Service to enhance communication

Below we look at four companies who have strategically adopted Azure OpenAI Service to create more dynamic, efficient, and personalized communication methods for customers and employees alike. 

1. Windstream’s AI-powered transformation streamlines operational efficiencies: Windstream sought to revolutionize its operations, enhancing workflow efficiency and customer service.  

Windstream streamlined workflows and improved service quality by analyzing customer calls and interactions with AI-powered analytics, providing insights into customer sentiments and needs. This approach extends to customer communications, where technical data is transformed into understandable outage notifications, bolstering transparency, and customer trust. Internally, Windstream has capitalized on AI for knowledge management, creating a custom-built generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) platform within Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) to index and make accessible a vast repository of documents, which enhances decision-making and operational efficiency across the company. The adoption of AI has facilitated rapid, self-sufficient onboarding processes, and plans are underway to extend AI benefits to field technicians to provide real-time troubleshooting assistance through an AI-enhanced index of technical documents. Windstream’s strategic focus on AI underscores the company’s commitment to innovation, operational excellence, and superior customer service in the telecommunications environment. 

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2. AT&T automates for efficiency and connectivity with Azure OpenAI Service: AT&T sought to boost productivity, enhance the work environment, and reduce operational costs. 

AT&T is leveraging Azure OpenAI Service to automate business processes and enhance both employee and customer experiences, aligning with its core purpose of fostering connections across various aspects of life including work, health, education, and entertainment. This strategic integration of Azure and AI technologies into their operations allows the company to streamline IT tasks and swiftly respond to basic human resources inquiries. In its quest to become the premier broadband provider in the United States and make the internet universally accessible, AT&T is committed to driving operational efficiency and better service through technology. The company is employing Azure OpenAI Service for various applications, including assisting IT professionals in managing resources, facilitating the migration of legacy code to modern frameworks to spur developer productivity, and enabling employees to effortlessly complete routine human resources tasks. These initiatives allow AT&T staff to concentrate on more complex and value-added activities, enhancing the quality of customer service. Jeremy Legg, AT&T’s Chief Technology Officer, highlights the significance of automating common tasks with Azure OpenAI Service, noting the potential for substantial time and cost savings in this innovative operational shift. 

3. Vodafone revolutionizes customer service with TOBi and Microsoft Azure AI: Vodafone sought to lower development costs, quickly enter new markets, and improve customer satisfaction with more accurate and personable interactions. 

Vodafone, a global telecommunications giant, has embarked on a digital transformation journey, central to which is the development of TOBi, a digital assistant created using Azure services. TOBi, designed to provide swift and engaging customer support, has been customized and expanded to operate in 15 languages across multiple markets. This move not only accelerates Vodafone’s ability to enter new markets but also significantly lowers development costs and improves customer satisfaction by providing more accurate and personable interactions. The assistant’s success is underpinned by Azure Cognitive Services, which enables it to understand and process natural language, making interactions smooth and intuitive. Furthermore, Vodafone’s initiative to leverage the new conversational language understanding feature from Microsoft demonstrates its forward-thinking approach to providing multilingual support, notably in South Africa, where TOBi will soon support Zulu among other languages. This expansion is not just about broadening the linguistic reach but also about fine-tuning TOBi’s conversational abilities to recognize slang and discern between similar requests, thereby personalizing the customer experience.  

4. AudioCodes leverages Microsoft Azure for enhanced communication: AudioCodes sought streamlined workflows, improved service level agreements (SLAs), and increased visibility. 

AudioCodes, a leader in voice communications solutions for over 30 years, migrated its solutions to Azure for faster deployment, reduced costs, and improved SLAs. The result? The company’s ability to serve its extensive customer base, which includes more than half of the Fortune 100 enterprises. The company’s shift towards managed services and the development of applications aimed at enriching customer experiences is epitomized by AudioCodes Live, designed to facilitate the transition to Microsoft Teams Phone. AudioCodes has embraced cloud technologies, leveraging Azure services to streamline telephony workflows and create advanced applications for superior call handling, such as its Microsoft Teams-native contact center solution, Voca. By utilizing Azure AI and AI, Voca offers enterprises robust customer interaction capabilities, including intelligent call routing and customer relationship management (CRM) integration. AudioCodes’ presence on Azure Marketplace has substantially increased its visibility, generating over 11 million usage hours a month from onboarded customers. The company plans to utilize Azure OpenAI Service in the future to bring generative AI capabilities into its solutions.

The AI enhanced future of global telecommunications 

The dawn of a new era in telecommunications is upon us, with industry pioneers like Windstream, AudioCodes, AT&T, and Vodafone leading the charge into a future where AI and Azure services redefine the essence of connectivity. Their collective journey not only highlights a shared commitment to enhancing customer experience and operational efficiency, but also paints a vivid picture of a world where communication transcends traditional boundaries, enabled by the fusion of cloud infrastructure and advanced AI technologies. This visionary approach is laying the groundwork for a paradigm where global communication is more seamless, intuitive, and impactful, demonstrating the unparalleled potential of AI to weave a more interconnected and efficient fabric of global interaction. 

Our commitment to responsible AI

empowering responsible ai practices

Read the latest

With responsible AI tools in Azure, Microsoft is empowering organizations to build the next generation of AI apps safely and responsibly. Microsoft has announced the general availability of Azure AI Content Safety, a state-of-the art AI system that helps organizations keep AI-generated content safe and create better online experiences for everyone. Customers—from startup to enterprise—are applying the capabilities of Azure AI Content Safety to social media, education, and employee engagement scenarios to help construct AI systems that operationalize fairness, privacy, security, and other responsible AI principles.  

Get started with Azure OpenAI Service

Apply for access to Azure OpenAI Service by completing this form.  

Learn about Azure OpenAI Service and the latest enhancements.  

Get started with GPT-4 in Azure OpenAI Service in Microsoft Learn.  

Read our partner announcement blog, empowering partners to develop AI-powered apps and experiences with ChatGPT in Azure OpenAI Service.  

Learn how to use the new Chat Completions API (in preview) and model versions for ChatGPT and GPT-4 models in Azure OpenAI Service. 

Learn more about Azure AI Content Safety. 

The post AI-powered dialogues: Global telecommunications with Azure OpenAI Service appeared first on Azure Blog.
Quelle: Azure

Ankündigung des AWS-Well-Architected-Tool Connector für Jira

AWS Well-Architected präsentiert heute einen neuen Konnektor für Jira, mit dessen Hilfe Sie einen geschlossenen Mechanismus zur effizienten Verwaltung und Verfolgung Ihrer Risiken im zeitlichen Verlauf erstellen können. Sie können das Well-Architected Tool nun so konfigurieren, dass es Jira Tickets generiert und Updates direkt an das Well-Architected Tool sendet sofort, wenn die Tickets gelöst sind.