How to Dockerize a React App: A Step-by-Step Guide for Developers

If you’re anything like me, you love crafting sleek and responsive user interfaces with React. But, setting up consistent development environments and ensuring smooth deployments can also get complicated. That’s where Docker can help save the day.

As a Senior DevOps Engineer and Docker Captain, I’ve navigated the seas of containerization and witnessed firsthand how Docker can revolutionize your workflow. In this guide, I’ll share how you can dockerize a React app to streamline your development process, eliminate those pesky “it works on my machine” problems, and impress your colleagues with seamless deployments.

Let’s dive into the world of Docker and React!

Why containerize your React application?

You might be wondering, “Why should I bother containerizing my React app?” Great question! Containerization offers several compelling benefits that can elevate your development and deployment game, such as:

Streamlined CI/CD pipelines: By packaging your React app into a Docker container, you create a consistent environment from development to production. This consistency simplifies continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, reducing the risk of environment-specific issues during builds and deployments.

Simplified dependency management: Docker encapsulates all your app’s dependencies within the container. This means you won’t have to deal with the infamous “works on my machine” dilemma anymore. Every team member and deployment environment uses the same setup, ensuring smooth collaboration.

Better resource management: Containers are lightweight and efficient. Unlike virtual machines, Docker containers share the host system’s kernel, which means you can run more containers on the same hardware. This efficiency is crucial when scaling applications or managing resources in a production environment.

Isolated environment without conflict: Docker provides isolated environments for your applications. This isolation prevents conflicts between different projects’ dependencies or configurations on the same machine. You can run multiple applications, each with its own set of dependencies, without them stepping on each other’s toes.

Getting started with React and Docker

Before we go further, let’s make sure you have everything you need to start containerizing your React app.

Tools you’ll need

Docker Desktop: Download and install it from the official Docker website.

Node.js and npm: Grab them from the Node.js official site.

React app: Use an existing project or create a new one using create-react-app.

A quick introduction to Docker

Docker offers a comprehensive suite of enterprise-ready tools, cloud services, trusted content, and a collaborative community that helps streamline workflows and maximize development efficiency. The Docker productivity platform allows developers to package applications into containers — standardized units that include everything the software needs to run. Containers ensure that your application runs the same, regardless of where it’s deployed.

How to dockerize your React project

Now let’s get down to business. We’ll go through the process step by step and, by the end, you’ll have your React app running inside a Docker container.

Step 1: Set up the React app

If you already have a React app, you can skip this step. If not, let’s create one:

npx create-react-app my-react-app
cd my-react-app

This command initializes a new React application in a directory called my-react-app.

Step 2: Create a Dockerfile

In the root directory of your project, create a file named Dockerfile (no extension). This file will contain instructions for building your Docker image.

Development Dockerfile (optional)

For development purposes, you can create a simple Dockerfile:

# Use the latest LTS version of Node.js
FROM node:18-alpine

# Set the working directory inside the container

# Copy package.json and package-lock.json
COPY package*.json ./

# Install dependencies
RUN npm install

# Copy the rest of your application files
COPY . .

# Expose the port your app runs on

# Define the command to run your app
CMD ["npm", "start"]

What’s happening here?

FROM node:18-alpine: We’re using the latest LTS version of Node.js based on Alpine Linux.

WORKDIR /app: Sets the working directory inside the container.

*COPY package.json ./**: Copies package.json and package-lock.json to the working directory.

RUN npm install: Installs the dependencies specified in package.json.

COPY . .: Copies all the files from your local directory into the container.

EXPOSE 3000: Exposes port 3000 on the container (React’s default port).

CMD [“npm”, “start”]: Tells Docker to run npm start when the container launches.

Production Dockerfile with multi-stage build

For a production-ready image, we’ll use a multi-stage build to optimize the image size and enhance security.

# Build Stage
FROM node:18-alpine AS build
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build

# Production Stage
FROM nginx:stable-alpine
COPY –from=build /app/build /usr/share/nginx/html
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]


Build stage:

FROM node:18-alpine AS build: Uses Node.js 18 for building the app.

RUN npm run build: Builds the optimized production files.

Production stage:

FROM nginx: Uses Nginx to serve static files.

COPY –from=build /app/build /usr/share/nginx/html: Copies the build output from the previous stage.

EXPOSE 80: Exposes port 80.

CMD [“nginx”, “-g”, “daemon off;”]: Runs Nginx in the foreground.


Smaller image size: The final image contains only the production build and Nginx.

Enhanced security: Excludes development dependencies and Node.js runtime from the production image.

Performance optimization: Nginx efficiently serves static files.

Step 3: Create a .dockerignore file

Just like .gitignore helps Git ignore certain files, .dockerignore tells Docker which files or directories to exclude when building the image. Create a .dockerignore file in your project’s root directory:


Excluding unnecessary files reduces the image size and speeds up the build process.

Step 4: Use Docker Compose for multi-container setups (optional)

If your application relies on other services like a backend API or a database, Docker Compose can help manage multiple containers.

Create a compose.yml file:

build: .
– "3000:80"
– ./app
NODE_ENV: development
stdin_open: true
tty: true


services: Defines a list of services (containers).

web: The name of our service.

build: .: Builds the Dockerfile in the current directory.

ports: Maps port 3000 on the container to port 3000 on the host.

volumes: Mounts the current directory and node_modules for hot-reloading.

environment: Sets environment variables.

stdin_open and tty: Keep the container running and interactive.

Step 5: Build and run your dockerized React app

Building the Docker image

Navigate to your project’s root directory and run:

docker build -t my-react-app .

This command tags the image with the name my-react-app. and specifies the build context (current directory).

Running the Docker container

For the development image:

docker run -p 3000:3000 my-react-app

For the production image:

docker run -p 80:80 my-react-app

-p 3000:3000: Maps port 3000 of the container to port 3000 on your machine.

-p 80:80: Maps port 80 of the container to port 80 on your machine.

Next, open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000 (development) or http://localhost (production). You should see your React app running inside a Docker container.

Step 6: Publish your image to Docker Hub

Sharing your Docker image allows others to run your app without setting up the environment themselves.

Log in to Docker Hub:

docker login

Enter your Docker Hub username and password when prompted.

Tag your image:

docker tag my-react-app your-dockerhub-username/my-react-app

Replace your-dockerhub-username with your actual Docker Hub username.

Push the image:

docker push your-dockerhub-username/my-react-app

Your image is now available on Docker Hub for others to pull and run.

Pull and run the image:

docker pull your-dockerhub-username/my-react-app
docker run -p 80:80 your-dockerhub-username/my-react-app

Anyone can now run your app by pulling the image.

Handling environment variables securely

Managing environment variables securely is crucial to protect sensitive information like API keys and database credentials.

Using .env files

Create a .env file in your project root:


Update your compose.yml:

build: .
– "3000:3000"
– .:/app
– /app/node_modules
– .env
stdin_open: true
tty: true

Security note: Ensure your .env file is added to .gitignore and .dockerignore to prevent it from being committed to version control or included in your Docker image.

Passing environment variables at runtime

Alternatively, you can pass variables when running the container:

docker run -p 3000:3000 -e REACT_APP_API_URL= my-react-app

Using Docker secrets (advanced)

For sensitive data in a production environment, consider using Docker secrets to manage confidential information securely.

Optimizing your Dockerfile for better caching

Ordering instructions in your Dockerfile strategically can leverage Docker’s caching mechanism, significantly speeding up build times.

Optimized Dockerfile example:

FROM node:18-alpine

# Install dependencies separately to leverage caching
COPY package.json package-lock.json ./
RUN npm install

# Copy the rest of the application code
COPY . .

CMD ["npm", "start"]


Separate dependencies installation: By copying package.json and package-lock.json first and running npm install, Docker caches the layer containing the dependencies.

Efficient rebuilds: Unless package.json changes, Docker uses the cached layer, speeding up the build process when code changes but dependencies remain the same.

Troubleshooting common issues with Docker and React

Even with the best instructions, issues can arise. Here are common problems and how to fix them.

Issue: “Port 3000 is already in use”

Solution: Either stop the service using port 3000 or map your app to a different port when running the container.

docker run -p 4000:3000 my-react-app

Access your app at http://localhost:4000.

Issue: Changes aren’t reflected during development

Solution: Use Docker volumes to enable hot-reloading.In your compose.yml, ensure you have the following under volumes:

– .:/app
– /app/node_modules

This setup allows your local changes to be mirrored inside the container.

Issue: Slow build times

Solution: Optimize your Dockerfile to leverage caching. Copy only package.json and package-lock.json before running npm install. This way, Docker caches the layer unless these files change.

COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .

Issue: Container exits immediately

Cause: The React development server may not keep the container running by default.

Solution: Ensure you’re running the container interactively:

docker run -it -p 3000:3000 my-react-app

Issue: File permission errors

Solution: Adjust file permissions or specify a user in the Dockerfile using the USER directive.

# Add before CMD
USER node

Issue: Performance problems on macOS and Windows

File-sharing mechanisms between the host system and Docker containers introduce significant overhead on macOS and Windows, especially when working with large repositories or projects containing many files. Traditional methods like osxfs and gRPC FUSE often struggle to scale efficiently in these environments.


Enable synchronized file shares (Docker Desktop 4.27+): Docker Desktop 4.27+ introduces synchronized file shares, which significantly enhance bind mount performance by creating a high-performance, bidirectional cache of host files within the Docker Desktop VM.

Key benefits:

Optimized for large projects: Handles monorepos or repositories with thousands of files efficiently.

Performance improvement: Resolves bottlenecks seen with older file-sharing mechanisms.

Real-time synchronization: Automatically syncs filesystem changes between the host and container in near real-time.

Reduced file ownership conflicts: Minimizes issues with file permissions between host and container.

How to enable:

Open Docker Desktop and go to Settings > Resources > File Sharing.

In the Synchronized File Shares section, select the folder to share and click Initialize File Share.

Use bind mounts in your docker-compose.yml or Docker CLI commands that point to the shared directory.

Optimize with .syncignore: Create a .syncignore file in the root of your shared directory to exclude unnecessary files (e.g., node_modules, .git/) for better performance.

Example .syncignore file:


Example in docker-compose.yml:

build: .
– ./app:/app
– "3000:80"
NODE_ENV: development

Leverage WSL 2 on Windows: For Windows users, Docker’s WSL 2 backend offers near-native Linux performance by running the Docker engine in a lightweight Linux VM.

How to enable WSL 2 backend:

Ensure Windows 10 version 2004 or higher is installed.

Install the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2.

In Docker Desktop, go to Settings > General and enable Use the WSL 2 based engine.

Use updated caching options in volume mounts: Although legacy options like :cached and :delegated are deprecated, consistency modes still allow optimization:

consistent: Strict consistency (default).

cached: Allows the host to cache contents.

delegated: Allows the container to cache contents.

Example volume configuration:

– type: bind
source: ./app
target: /app
consistency: cached

Optimizing your React Docker setup

Let’s enhance our setup with some advanced techniques.

Reducing image size

Every megabyte counts, especially when deploying to cloud environments.

Use smaller base images: Alpine-based images are significantly smaller.

Clean up after installing dependencies:

RUN npm install && npm cache clean –force

Avoid copying unnecessary files: Use .dockerignore effectively.

Leveraging Docker build cache

Ensure that you’re not invalidating the cache unnecessarily. Only copy files that are required for each build step.

Using Docker layers wisely

Each command in your Dockerfile creates a new layer. Combine commands where appropriate to reduce the number of layers.

RUN npm install && npm cache clean –force


Dockerizing your React app is a game-changer. It brings consistency, efficiency, and scalability to your development workflow. By containerizing your application, you eliminate environment discrepancies, streamline deployments, and make collaboration a breeze.

So, the next time you’re setting up a React project, give Docker a shot. It will make your life as a developer significantly easier. Welcome to the world of containerization!

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A Beginner’s Guide to Building Outdoor Light Shows Synchronized to Music with Open Source Tools

Outdoor light displays are a fun holiday tradition — from simple light strings hung from the eaves to elaborate scenes that bring out your competitive spirit. If using open source tools, thousands of feet of electrical cables, custom controllers, and your favorite music to build complex projects appeals to you, then the holiday season offers the perfect opportunity to indulge your creative passion. 

I personally run home light shows at Halloween and Christmas that feature up to 30,000 individually addressable LED lights synchronized with dozens of different songs. It’s been an interesting learning journey over the past five years, but it is also one that almost anyone can pursue, regardless of technical ability. Read on for tips on how to make a display that’s the highlight of your neighborhood. 

Getting started with outdoor light shows

As you might expect, light shows are built using a combination of hardware and software. The hardware includes the lights, props, controllers, and cabling. On the software side, there are different tools for the programming, also called sequencing, of the lights as well as the playback of the show. 

Figure 1: Light show hardware includes the lights, props, controllers, and cabling.

Hardware requirements


Let’s look more closely at the hardware behind the scenes starting with the lights. Multiple types of lights can be used in displays, but I’ll keep it simple and focus on the most popular choice. Most shows are built around 12mm RGB LED lights that support the WS2811 protocol, often referred to as pixels or nodes. Generally, these are not available at retail stores. That means you’ll need to order them online, and I recommend choosing a vendor that specializes in light displays. I have purchased lights from a few different vendors, but recently I’ve been using Wally’s Lights, Visionary Light Shows, and Your Pixel Store.  


The lights are mounted into different props — such as a spider for Halloween or a snowflake for the winter holidays. You can either purchase these props, which are usually made out of the same plastic cardboard material used in yard signs, or you can make them yourself. Very few vendors sell pre-built props, so be ready to push the pixels by hand — yes, in my display either I or someone in my family pushed each of the 30,000 lights into place when we initially built the props. I get most of my props from EFL Designs, Gilbert Engineering, or Boscoyo Studio. 

Figure 2: The lights are mounted into different props, which you can purchase or make yourself.


Once your props are ready to go, you’ll need something to drive them. This is where controllers come in (Figure 3). Like the props and lights, you can get your controllers from various specialized vendors and, to a large extent, you can mix and match different brands in the same show because they all speak the same protocols to control the pixels (usually E1.31 or DDP). 

You can purchase controllers that are ready to run, or you can buy the individual components and build your own boxes — I grew up building PCs, so I love this degree of flexibility. However, I do tend to buy pre-configured controllers, because I like having a warranty from the manufacturer. My controllers all come from HolidayCoro, but Falcon controllers are also popular.

Figure 3: Once your props are ready to go, you’ll need a controller.

The number of controllers you need depends on the number of lights in your show. Most controllers have multiple outputs, and each output can drive a certain number of lights. I typically plan for about 400 lights per output. Plus, I use about three main controllers and four receiver boxes. Note that long-range receivers are a way of extending the distance you can place lights from the main controller, but this is more of an advanced topic and not one I’ll cover in this introductory article.


Although controllers are powered by standard household outlets, the connection from the controllers to the lights happens over specialized cabling. These extension cables contain three wires. Two are used to send power to the lights (either 5v or 12v), and a third is used to send data. Basically, this third wire sends instructions like “light 1,232 turn green for .5 seconds then fade to off over .25 seconds.” You can get these extension cables from any vendor that sells pixels. 

Additionally, all of the controllers need to be on the same Ethernet network. Many folks run their shows on wireless networks, but I prefer a wired setup for increased performance and reliability. 

Software and music

At this point, you have a bunch of props with lights connected to networked controllers via specialized cabling. But, how do you make them dance? That’s where the software comes in.


Many hobbyists use xLights to program their lights. This software is open source and available for Mac, Windows, and Linux, and it works with three basic primitives: props, effects, and time. You can choose what effect you want to apply to a given prop at a given time (Figure 4). The timing of the effect is almost always aligned with the song you’ve chosen. For example, you might flash snowflakes off and on in synchronization with the drum beat of a song. 

Figure 4: Programming lights.


If this step sounds overwhelming to you, you’re not alone. In fact, I don’t sequence my own songs. I purchase them from different vendors, who create sequences for generic setups with a wide variety of props. I then import them and map them to the different elements that I actually use in my show. In terms of time, professionals can spend many hours to animate one minute of a song. I generally spend about two hours mapping an existing sequence to my show’s layout. My favorite sequence vendors include BF Light Shows, xTreme Sequences, and Magical Light Shows. 

Falcon Player

Once you have a sequence built, you use another piece of software to send that sequence to your show controllers. Some controllers have this software built in, but most people I know use another open source application, Falcon Player (FPP), to perform this task. Not only can FPP be run on a Raspberry Pi, but it also is shipped as a Docker image! FPP includes the ability to play back your sequence as well as to build playlists and set up a show schedule for automated playback. 

Put it all together and flip the switch

When everything is put together, you should have a system similar to Figure 5:

Figure 5: System overview.

This example shows a light display in action. 

xLights community support

Although building your own light show may seem like a daunting task, fear not; you are not alone. I have yet to mention the most important part of this whole process: the community. The xLights community is one of the most helpful I’ve ever been part of. You can get questions answered via the official Facebook group as well through as other groups dedicated to specific sequence and controller vendors. Additionally, a Zoom support meeting runs 24×7 and is staffed by hobbyists from across the globe. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and start planning your first holiday light show!

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Beyond Containers: Unveiling the Full Potential of Docker for Cloud-Native Development

As organizations strive to stay competitive in an increasingly complex digital world, the pressure to innovate quickly and securely is at an all-time high. Development teams face challenges that range from complex workflows and growing security concerns to ensuring seamless collaboration across distributed environments. Addressing these challenges requires tools that optimize every stage of the CI/CD pipeline, from the developer’s inner loop to production.

This is where Docker comes in. Initially known for revolutionizing containerization, Docker has evolved far beyond its roots to become a powerful suite of products that supports cloud-native development workflows. It’s not just about containers anymore; it’s about empowering developers to build and ship high-quality applications faster and more efficiently. Docker is about automating repetitive tasks, securing applications throughout the entire development lifecycle, and enabling collaboration at scale. By providing the right tools for developers, DevOps teams, and enterprise decision-makers, Docker drives innovation, streamlines processes, and creates measurable value for businesses.

What does Docker do?

At its core, Docker provides a suite of software development tools that enhance productivity, improve security, and seamlessly integrate with your existing CI/CD pipeline. While still closely associated with containers, Docker has evolved into much more than just a containerization solution. Its products support the entire development lifecycle, empowering teams to automate key tasks, improve the consistency of their work, and ship applications faster and more securely.

Here’s how Docker’s suite of products benefits both individual developers and large-scale enterprises:

Automation: Docker automates repetitive tasks within the development process, allowing developers to focus on what matters most: writing code. Whether they’re building images, managing dependencies, or testing applications, developers can use Docker to streamline their workflows and accelerate development cycles.

Security: Security is built into Docker from the start. Docker provides features like proactive vulnerability monitoring with Docker Scout and robust access control mechanisms. These built-in security features help ensure your applications are secure, reducing risks from malicious actors, CVEs, or other vulnerabilities.

CI/CD integration: Docker’s seamless integration with existing CI/CD pipelines offers profound enhancements to ensure that teams can smoothly pass high-quality applications from local development through testing and into production.

Multi-cloud compatibility: Docker supports flexible, multi-cloud development, allowing teams to build applications in one environment and migrate them to the cloud with minimized risk. This flexibility is key for businesses looking to scale, increase cloud adoption, and even upgrade from legacy apps. 

The impact on team-based efficiency and enterprise value

Docker is designed not only to empower individual developers but also to elevate the entire team’s productivity while delivering tangible business value. By streamlining workflows, enhancing collaboration, and ensuring security, Docker makes it easier for teams to scale operations and deliver high-impact software with speed.

Streamlined development processes

One of Docker’s primary goals is to simplify development processes. Repetitive tasks such as environment setup, debugging, and dependency management have historically eaten up a lot of developers’ time. Docker removes these inefficiencies, allowing teams to focus on what really matters: building great software. Tools like Docker Desktop, Docker Hub, and Docker Build Cloud help accelerate build processes, while standardized environments ensure that developers spend less time dealing with system inconsistencies and more time coding. 

Enterprise-level security and governance

For enterprise decision-makers, security and governance are top priorities. Docker addresses these concerns by providing comprehensive security features that span the entire development lifecycle. Docker Scout proactively monitors for vulnerabilities, ensuring that potential security threats are identified early, before they make their way into production. Additionally, Docker offers fine-grained control over who can access resources within the platform, with features like Image Access Management (IAM) and Resource Access Management (RAM) that ensure the security of developer environments without impairing productivity.

Measurable impact on business value

The value Docker delivers isn’t just in improved developer experience — it directly impacts the bottom line. By automating repetitive tasks in the developer’s inner loop and enhancing integration with the CI/CD pipeline, Docker reduces operational costs while accelerating the delivery of high-quality applications. Developers are able to move faster, iterate quickly, and deliver more reliable software, all of which contribute to lower operational expenses and higher developer satisfaction.

In fact, Docker’s ability to simplify workflows and secure applications means that developers can spend less time troubleshooting and more time building new features. For businesses, this translates to higher productivity and, ultimately, greater profitability. 

Collaboration at scale: Empowering teams to work together more effectively

In modern development environments, teams are often distributed across different locations, sometimes even in different time zones. Docker enables effective collaboration at scale by providing standardized tools and environments that help teams work seamlessly together, regardless of where they are. Docker’s suite also helps ensure that teams are all on the same page when it comes to development, security, testing, and more.

Consistent environments for team workflows

One of Docker’s most powerful features is the ability to ensure consistency across different development environments. A Docker container encapsulates everything needed to run an application, including the code, libraries, and dependencies so that applications run the same way on every system. This means developers can work in a standardized environment, reducing the likelihood of errors caused by environment inconsistencies and making collaboration between team members smoother and more reliable. 

Simplified CI/CD pipelines

Docker enhances the developer’s inner loop by automating workflows and providing consistent environments, creating efficiencies that ripple through the entire software delivery pipeline. This ripple effect of efficiency can be seen in features like advanced caching with Docker Build Cloud, on-demand and consistent test environments with Testcontainers Cloud, embedded security with Docker Scout, and more. These tools, combined with Docker’s standardized environments, allow developers to collaborate effectively to move from code to production faster and with fewer errors.

GenAI and innovative development

Docker equips developers to meet the demands of today while exploring future possibilities, including streamlining workflows for emerging AI/ML and GenAI applications. By simplifying the adoption of new tools for AI/ML development, Docker empowers organizations to meet present-day demands while also tapping into emerging technologies. These innovations help developers write better code faster while reducing the complexity of their workflows, allowing them to focus more on innovation. 

A suite of tools for growth and innovation

Docker isn’t just a containerization tool — it’s a comprehensive suite of software development tools that empower cloud-native teams to streamline workflows, boost productivity, and deliver secure, scalable applications faster. Whether you’re an enterprise scaling workloads securely or a development team striving for speed and consistency, Docker’s integrated suite provides the tools to accelerate innovation while maintaining control. 

Ready to unlock the full potential of Docker? Start by exploring our range of solutions and discover how Docker can transform your development processes today. If you’re looking for hands-on guidance, our experts are here to help — contact us to see how Docker can drive success for your team.

Take the next step toward building smarter, more efficient applications. Let’s scale, secure, and simplify your workflows together.

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Enhancing Container Security with Docker Scout and Secure Repositories

Docker Scout simplifies the integration with container image repositories, improving the efficiency of container image approval workflows without disrupting or replacing current processes. Positioned outside the repository’s stringent validation framework, Docker Scout serves as a proactive measure to significantly reduce the time needed for an image to gain approval. 

By shifting security checks left and integrating Docker Scout into the early stages of the development cycle, issues are identified and addressed directly on the developer’s machine.

Minimizing vulnerabilities 

This leftward shift in security accelerates the development process by keeping developers in flow, providing immediate feedback on policy violations at the point of development. As a result, images are secured and reviewed for compliance before being pushed into the continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline, reducing reliance on resource-heavy, consumption-based scans (Figure 1). By resolving issues earlier, Docker Scout minimizes the number of vulnerabilities detected during the CI/CD process, freeing up the security team to focus on higher-priority tasks.

Figure 1: Sample secure repository pipeline.

Additionally, the Docker Scout console allows the security team to define custom security policies and manage VEX (Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange) statements. VEX is a standard that allows vendors and other parties to communicate the exploitability status of vulnerabilities, allowing for the creation of justifications for including software that has been tied to Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE).

This feature enables seamless collaboration between development and security teams, ensuring that developers are working with up-to-date compliance guidelines. The Docker Scout console can also feed critical data into existing security tooling, enriching the organization’s security posture with more comprehensive insights and enhancing overall protection (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Sample secure repository pipeline with Docker Scout.

How to secure image repositories

A secure container image repository provides digitally signed, OCI-compliant images that are rebuilt and rescanned nightly. These repositories are typically used in highly regulated or security-conscious environments, offering a wide range of container images, from open source software to commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products. Each image in the repository undergoes rigorous security assessments to ensure compliance with strict security standards before being deployed in restricted or sensitive environments.

Key components of the repository include a hardened source code repository and an OCI-compliant registry (Figure 3). All images are continuously scanned for vulnerabilities, stored secrets, problematic code, and compliance with various standards. Each image is assigned a score upon rebuild, determining its compliance and suitability for use. Scanning reports and justifications for any potential issues are typically handled using the VEX format.

Figure 3: Key components of the repository include a hardened source code repository and an OCI-compliant registry.

Why use a hardened image repository?

A hardened image repository mitigates the security risks associated with deploying containers in sensitive or mission-critical environments. Traditional software deployment can expose organizations to vulnerabilities and misconfigurations that attackers can exploit. By enforcing a strict set of requirements for container images, the hardened image repository ensures that images meet the necessary security standards before deployment. Rebuilding and rescanning each image daily allows for continuous monitoring of new vulnerabilities and emerging attack vectors.

Using pre-vetted images from a hardened repository also streamlines the development process, reducing the load on development teams and enabling faster, safer deployment.

In addition to addressing security risks, the repository also ensures software supply chain security by incorporating software bills of materials (SBOMs) with each image. The SBOM of a container image can provide an inventory of all the components that were used to build the image, including operating system packages, application specific dependencies with its versions, and license information. By maintaining a robust vetting process, the repository guarantees that all software components are traceable, verifiable, and tamper-free — essential for ensuring the integrity and reliability of deployed software.

Who uses a hardened image repository?

The main users of a hardened container image repository include internal developers responsible for creating applications, developers working on utility images, and those responsible for building base images for other containerized applications. Note that the titles for these roles can vary by organization.

Application developers use the repository to ensure that the images their applications are built upon meet the required security and compliance standards.

DevOps engineers are responsible for building and maintaining the utility images that support various internal operations within the organization.

Platform developers create and maintain secure base images that other teams can use as a foundation for their containerized applications.

Daily builds

One challenge with using a hardened image repository is the time needed to approve images. Daily rebuilds are conducted to assess each image for vulnerabilities and policy violations, but issues can emerge, requiring developers to make repeated passes through the pipeline. Because rebuilds are typically done at night, this process can result in delays for development teams, as they must wait for the next rebuild cycle to resolve issues.

Enter Docker Scout

Integrating Docker Scout into the pre-submission phase can reduce the number of issues that enter the pipeline. This proactive approach helps speed up the submission and acceptance process, allowing development teams to catch issues before the nightly scans. 

Vulnerability detection and management

Requirement: Images must be free of known vulnerabilities at the time of submission to avoid delays in acceptance.

Docker Scout contribution:

Early detection: Docker Scout can scan Docker images during development to detect vulnerabilities early, allowing developers to resolve issues before submission.

Continuous analysis: Docker Scout continually reviews uploaded SBOMs, providing early warnings for new critical CVEs and ensuring issues are addressed outside of the nightly rebuild process.

Justification handling: Docker Scout supports VEX for handling exceptions. This can streamline the justification process, enabling developers to submit justifications for potential vulnerabilities more easily.

Security best practices and configuration management

Requirement: Images must follow security best practices and configuration guidelines, such as using secure base images and minimizing the attack surface.

Docker Scout contribution:

Security posture enhancement: Docker Scout allows teams to set policies that align with repository guidelines, checking for policy violations such as disallowed software or unapproved base images.

Compliance with dependency management

Requirement: All dependencies must be declared, and internet access during the build process is usually prohibited.

Docker Scout contribution:

Dependency scanning: Docker Scout identifies outdated or vulnerable libraries included in the image.

Automated reports: Docker Scout generates security reports for each dependency, which can be used to cross-check the repository’s own scanning results.

Documentation and provenance

Requirement: Images must include detailed documentation on their build process, dependencies, and configurations for auditing purposes.

Docker Scout contribution:

Documentation support: Docker Scout contributes to security documentation by providing data on the scanned image, which can be used as part of the official documentation submitted with the image.

Continuous compliance

Requirement: Even after an image is accepted into the repository, it must remain compliant with new security standards and vulnerability disclosures.

Docker Scout contribution:

Ongoing monitoring: Docker Scout continuously monitors images, identifying new vulnerabilities as they emerge, ensuring that images in the repository remain compliant with security policies.

By utilizing Docker Scout in these areas, developers can ensure their images meet the repository’s rigorous standards, thereby reducing the time and effort required for submission and review. This approach helps align development practices with organizational security objectives, enabling faster deployment of secure, compliant containers.

Integrating Docker Scout into the CI/CD pipeline

Integrating Docker Scout into an organization’s CI/CD pipeline can enhance image security from the development phase through to deployment. By incorporating Docker Scout into the CI/CD process, the organization can automate vulnerability scanning and policy checks before images are pushed into production, significantly reducing the risk of deploying insecure or non-compliant images.

Integration with build pipelines: During the build stage of the CI/CD pipeline, Docker Scout can be configured to automatically scan Docker images for vulnerabilities and adherence to security policies. The integration would typically involve adding a Docker Scout scan as a step in the build job, for example through a GitHub action. If Docker Scout detects any issues such as outdated dependencies, vulnerabilities, or policy violations, the build can be halted, and feedback is provided to developers immediately. This early detection helps resolve issues long before images are pushed to the hardened image repository.

Validation in the deployment pipeline: As images move from development to production, Docker Scout can be used to perform final validation checks. This step ensures that any security issues that might have arisen since the initial build have been addressed and that the image is compliant with the latest security policies. The deployment process can be gated based on Docker Scout’s reports, preventing insecure images from being deployed. Additionally, Docker Scout’s continuous analysis of SBOMs means that even after deployment, images can be monitored for new vulnerabilities or compliance issues, providing ongoing protection throughout the image lifecycle.

By embedding Docker Scout directly into the CI/CD pipeline (Figure 1), the organization can maintain a proactive approach to security, shifting left in the development process while ensuring that each image deployed is safe, compliant, and up-to-date.

Defense in depth and Docker Scout’s role

In any organization that values security, adopting a defense-in-depth strategy is essential. Defense in depth is a multi-layered approach to security, ensuring that if one layer of defense is compromised, additional safeguards are in place to prevent or mitigate the impact. This strategy is especially important in environments that handle sensitive data or mission-critical operations, where even a single vulnerability can have significant consequences.

Docker Scout plays a vital role in this defense-in-depth strategy by providing a proactive layer of security during the development process. Rather than relying solely on post-submission scans or production monitoring, Docker Scout integrates directly into the development and CI/CD workflows (Figure 2), allowing teams to catch and resolve security issues early. This early detection prevents issues from escalating into more significant risks later in the pipeline, reducing the burden on the SecOps team and speeding up the deployment process.

Furthermore, Docker Scout’s continuous monitoring capabilities mean that images are not only secure at the time of deployment but remain compliant with evolving security standards and new vulnerabilities that may arise after deployment. This ongoing vigilance forms a crucial layer in a defense-in-depth approach, ensuring that security is maintained throughout the entire lifecycle of the container image.

By integrating Docker Scout into the organization’s security processes, teams can build a more resilient, secure, and compliant software environment, ensuring that security is deeply embedded at every stage from development to deployment and beyond.

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Docker Desktop 4.36: New Enterprise Administration Features, WSL 2, and ECI Enhancements

Key features of the Docker Desktop 4.36 release include: 

New administration features for Docker Business subscription:

Enforce sign-in with macOS configuration profiles (Early Access Program)

Enforce sign-in for more than one organization at a time (Early Access Program)

Deploy Docker Desktop for Mac in bulk with the PKG installer (Early Access Program)

Use Desktop Settings Management to manage and enforce defaults via Admin Console (Early Access Program)

Enhanced Container Isolation (ECI) improvements

Additional improvements:

WSL 2 is now faster, more reliable, and has enhanced security with mono distribution

Docker Desktop 4.36 introduces powerful updates to simplify enterprise administration and enhance security. This release features streamlined macOS sign-in enforcement via configuration profiles, enabling IT administrators to deploy tamper-proof policies at scale, alongside a new PKG installer for efficient, consistent deployments. Enhancements like the unified WSL 2 mono distribution improve startup speeds and workflows, while updates to Enhanced Container Isolation (ECI) and Desktop Settings Management allow for greater flexibility and centralized policy enforcement. These innovations empower organizations to maintain compliance, boost productivity, and streamline Docker Desktop management across diverse enterprise environments.

enforcement: Streamlined alternative for organizations for macOS 

Recognizing the need for streamlined and secure ways to enforce sign-in protocols, Docker is introducing a new sign-in enforcement mechanism for macOS configuration profiles. This Early Access update delivers significant business benefits by enabling IT administrators to enforce sign-in policies quickly, ensuring compliance and maximizing the value of Docker subscriptions.

Key benefits

Fast deployment and rollout: Configuration profiles can be rapidly deployed across a fleet of devices using Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions, making it easy for IT admins to enforce sign-in requirements and other policies without manual intervention.

Tamper-proof enforcement: Configuration profiles ensure that enforced policies, such as sign-in requirements, cannot be bypassed or disabled by users, providing a secure and reliable way to manage access to Docker Desktop (Figure 1).

Support for multiple organizations: More than one organization can now be defined in the allowedOrgs field, offering flexibility for users who need access to Docker Desktop under multiple organizational accounts (Figure 2).

How it works

macOS configuration profiles are XML files that contain specific settings to control and manage macOS device behavior. These profiles allow IT administrators to:

Restrict access to Docker Desktop unless the user is authenticated.

Prevent users from disabling or bypassing sign-in enforcement.

By distributing these profiles through MDM solutions, IT admins can manage large device fleets efficiently and consistently enforce organizational policies.

Figure 1: macOS configuration profile in use.

Figure 2: macOS configuration profile in use with multiple allowedOrgs visible.

Configuration profiles, along with the Windows Registry key, are the latest examples of how Docker helps streamline administration and management. 

Enforce sign-in for multiple organizations

Docker now supports enforcing sign-in for more than one organization at a time, providing greater flexibility for users working across multiple teams or enterprises. The allowedOrgs field now accepts multiple strings, enabling IT admins to define more than one organization via any supported configuration method, including:


Windows Registry key

macOS plist

macOS configuration profile

This enhancement makes it easier to enforce login policies across diverse organizational setups, streamlining access management while maintaining security (Figure 3).

Learn more about the various sign-in enforcement methods.

Figure 3: Docker Desktop when sign-in is enforced across multiple organizations. The blue highlights indicate the allowed company domains.

Deploy Docker Desktop for macOS in bulk with the PKG installer

Managing large-scale Docker Desktop deployments on macOS just got easier with the new PKG installer. Designed for enterprises and IT admins, the PKG installer offers significant advantages over the traditional DMG installer, streamlining the deployment process and enhancing security.

Ease of use: Automate installations and reduce manual steps, minimizing user error and IT support requests.

Consistency: Deliver a professional and predictable installation experience that meets enterprise standards.

Streamlined deployment: Simplify software rollouts for macOS devices, saving time and resources during bulk installations.

Enhanced security: Benefit from improved security measures that reduce the risk of tampering and ensure compliance with enterprise policies.

You can download the PKG installer via Admin Console > Security and Access > Deploy Docker Desktop > macOS. Options for both Intel and Arm architectures are also available for macOS and Windows, ensuring compatibility across devices.

Start deploying Docker Desktop more efficiently and securely today via the Admin Console (Figure 4). 

Figure 4: Admin Console with PKG installer download options.

Desktop Settings Management (Early Access) 

Managing Docker Desktop settings at scale is now easier than ever with the new Desktop Settings Management, available in Early Access for Docker Business customers. Admins can centrally deploy and enforce settings policies for Docker Desktop directly from the cloud via the Admin Console, ensuring consistency and efficiency across their organization.

Here’s what’s available now:

Admin Console policies: Configure and enforce default Docker Desktop settings from the Admin Console.

Quick import: Import existing configurations from an admin-settings.json file for seamless migration.

Export and share: Export policies as JSON files to easily share with security and compliance teams.

Targeted testing: Roll out policies to a smaller group of users for testing before deploying globally.

What’s next?

Although the Desktop Settings Management feature is in Early Access, we’re actively building additional functionality to enhance it, such as compliance reporting and automated policy enforcement capabilities. Stay tuned for more!

This is just the beginning of a powerful new way to simplify Docker Desktop management and ensure organizational compliance. Try it out now and help shape the future of settings management: Admin Console > Security and Access > Desktop Settings Management (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Admin console with Desktop Settings Management.

Streamlining data workflow with WSL 2 mono distribution 

Simplify the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL 2) setup by eliminating the need to maintain two separate Docker Desktop WSL distributions. This update streamlines the WSL 2 configuration by consolidating the previously required dual Docker Desktop WSL distributions into a single distribution, now available on both macOS and Windows operating systems.

The simplification of Docker Desktop’s WSL 2 setup is designed to make the codebase easier to understand and maintain. This enhances the ability to handle failures more effectively and increases the startup speed of Docker Desktop on WSL 2, allowing users to begin their work more quickly.

The value of streamlining data workflows and relocating data to a different drive on macOS and Windows with the WSL 2 backend in Docker Desktop encompasses these key areas:

Improved performance: By separating data and system files, I/O contention between system operations and data operations is reduced, leading to faster access and processing.

Enhanced storage management: Separating data from the main system drives allows for more efficient use of space.

Increased flexibility with cross-platform compatibility: Ensuring consistent data workflows across different operating systems (macOS and Windows), especially when using Docker Desktop with WSL 2.

Enhanced Docker performance: Docker performs better when processing data on a drive optimized for such tasks, reducing latency and improving container performance.

By implementing these practices, organizations can achieve more efficient, flexible, and high-performing data workflows, leveraging Docker Desktop’s capabilities on both macOS and Windows platforms.

Enhanced Container Isolation (ECI) improvements 

Allow any container to mount the Docker socket: Admins can now configure permissions to allow all containers to mount the Docker socket by adding * or *:* to the ECI Docker socket mount permission image list. This simplifies scenarios where broad access is required while maintaining security configuration through centralized control. Learn more in the advanced configuration documentation.

Improved support for derived image permissions: The Docker socket mount permissions for derived images feature now supports wildcard tags (e.g., alpine:*), enabling admins to grant permissions for all versions of an image. Previously, specific tags like alpine:latest had to be listed, which was restrictive and required ongoing maintenance. Learn more about managing derived image permissions.

These enhancements reduce administrative overhead while maintaining a high level of security and control, making it easier to manage complex environments.

Upgrade now

The Docker Desktop 4.36 release introduces a suite of features designed to simplify enterprise administration, improve security, and enhance operational efficiency. From enabling centralized policy enforcement with Desktop Settings Management to streamlining deployments with the macOS PKG installer, Docker continues to empower IT administrators with the tools they need to manage Docker Desktop at scale.

The improvements in Enhanced Container Isolation (ECI) and WSL 2 workflows further demonstrate Docker’s commitment to innovation, providing solutions that optimize performance, reduce complexity, and ensure compliance across diverse enterprise environments.  

As businesses adopt increasingly complex development ecosystems, these updates highlight Docker’s focus on meeting the unique needs of enterprise teams, helping them stay agile, secure, and productive. Whether you’re managing access for multiple organizations, deploying tools across platforms, or leveraging enhanced image permissions, Docker Desktop 4.36 sets a new standard for enterprise administration.  

Start exploring these powerful new features today and unlock the full potential of Docker Desktop for your organization.

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What Are the Latest Docker Desktop Enterprise-Grade Performance Optimizations?

Key highlights:

Boost performance with Docker VMM on Apple Silicon Mac

Docker Desktop for Windows on Arm

Synchronized file shares

GA for Docker Desktop on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

Continuous performance improvements in every Docker Desktop release

At Docker, we’re continuously enhancing Docker Desktop to meet the evolving needs of enterprise users. Since Docker Desktop 4.23, where we reduced startup time by 75%, we’ve made significant investments in both performance and stability. These improvements are designed to deliver a faster, more reliable experience for developers across industries. (Read more about our previous performance milestones.)

In this post, we walk through the latest performance enhancements.

Latest performance enhancements

Boost performance with Docker VMM on Apple Silicon Mac

Apple Silicon Mac users, we’re excited to introduce Docker Virtual Machine Manager (Docker VMM) — a powerful new virtualization option designed to enhance performance for Docker Desktop on M1 and M2 Macs. Currently in beta, Docker VMM gives developers a faster, more efficient alternative to the existing Apple Virtualization Framework for many workflows (Figure 1). Docker VMM is available starting in the Docker Desktop 4.35 release.

Figure 1: Docker virtual machine options.

Why try Docker VMM?

If you’re running native ARM-based images on Docker Desktop, Docker VMM offers a performance boost that could make your development experience smoother and more efficient. With Docker VMM, you can:

Experience faster operations: Docker VMM shows improved speeds on essential commands like git status and others, especially when caches are built up. In our benchmarks, Docker VMM eliminates certain slowdowns that can occur with the Apple Virtualization framework.

Enjoy flexibility: Not sure if Docker VMM is the right fit? No problem! Docker VMM is still in beta, so you can switch back to the Apple Virtualization framework at any time and try Docker VMM again in future releases as we continue optimizing it.

What about emulated Intel images?

If you’re using Rosetta to emulate Intel images, Docker VMM may not be the ideal choice for now, as it currently doesn’t support Rosetta. For workflows requiring Intel emulation, the Apple Virtualization framework remains the best option, as Docker VMM is optimized for native Arm binaries.

Key benchmarks: Real-world speed gains

Our testing reveals significant improvements when using Docker VMM for common commands, including git status:

Initial git status: Docker VMM outperforms, with the first run significantly faster compared to the Apple Virtualization framework (Figure 2).

Subsequent git status: With Docker VMM, subsequent runs are also speedier due to more efficient caching (Figure 3).

With Docker VMM, you can say goodbye to frustrating delays and get a faster, more responsive experience right out of the gate.

Figure 2: Initial git status times.

Figure 3: Subsequent git status times.

Say goodbye to QEMU

For users who may have relied on QEMU, note that we’re transitioning it to legacy support. Docker VMM and Apple Virtualization Framework now provide superior performance options, optimized for the latest Apple hardware.

Docker Desktop for Windows on Arm

For specific workloads, particularly those involving parallel computing or Arm-optimized tasks, Arm64 devices can offer significant performance benefits. With Docker Desktop now supporting Windows on Arm, developers can take advantage of these performance boosts while maintaining the familiar Docker Desktop experience, ensuring smooth, efficient operations on this architecture.

Synchronized file shares

Unlike traditional file-sharing mechanisms that can suffer from performance degradation with large projects or frequent file changes, the synchronized file shares feature offers a more stable and performant alternative. It uses efficient synchronization processes to ensure that changes made to files on the host are rapidly reflected in the container, and vice versa, without the bottlenecks or slowdowns experienced with older methods.

This feature is a major performance upgrade for developers who work with shared files between the host and container. It reduces the performance issues related to intensive file system operations and enables smoother, more responsive development workflows. Whether you’re dealing with frequent file changes or working on large, complex projects, synchronized file sharing improves efficiency and ensures that your containers and host remain in sync without delays or excessive resource usage.

Key highlights of synchronized file sharing include:

Selective syncing: Developers can choose specific directories to sync, avoiding unnecessary overhead from syncing unneeded files or directories.

Faster file changes: It significantly reduces the time it takes for changes made in the host environment to be recognized and applied within containers.

Improved performance with large projects: This feature is especially beneficial for large projects with many files, as it minimizes the file-sharing latency that often accompanies such setups.

Cross-platform support: Synchronized file sharing is supported on both macOS and Windows, making it versatile across platforms and providing consistent performance.

The synchronized file shares feature is available in Docker Desktop 4.27 and newer releases.

GA for Docker Desktop on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is known for its high-performance capabilities and efficient resource utilization, which is essential for developers working with resource-intensive applications. Docker Desktop on RHEL enables enterprises to fully leverage these optimizations, providing a smoother, faster experience from development through to production. Moreover, RHEL’s robust security framework ensures that Docker containers run within a highly secure, certified operating system, maintaining strict security policies, patch management, and compliance standards — vital for industries like finance, healthcare, and government.

Continuous performance improvements in every Docker Desktop release

At Docker, we are committed to delivering continuous performance improvements with every release. Recent updates to Docker Desktop have introduced the following optimizations across file sharing and network performance:

Advanced VirtioFS optimizations: The performance journey continued in Docker Desktop 4.33 with further fine-tuning of VirtioFS. We increased the directory cache timeout, optimized host change notifications, and removed extra FUSE operations related to security.capability attributes. Additionally, we introduced an API to clear caches after container termination, enhancing overall file-sharing efficiency and container lifecycle management.

Faster read and write operations on bind mounts. In Docker Desktop 4.32, we further enhanced VirtioFS performance by optimizing read and write operations on bind mounts. These changes improved I/O throughput, especially when dealing with large files or high-frequency file operations, making Docker Desktop more responsive and efficient for developers.

Enhanced caching for faster performance: Continuing with performance gains, Docker Desktop 4.31 brought significant improvements to VirtioFS file sharing by extending attribute caching timeouts and improving invalidation processes. This reduced the overhead of constant file revalidation, speeding up containerized applications that rely on shared files.

Why these updates matter for you

Each update to Docker Desktop is focused on improving speed and reliability, ensuring it scales effortlessly with your infrastructure. Whether you’re using RHEL, Apple Silicon, or Windows Arm, these performance optimizations help you work faster, reduce downtime, and boost productivity. Stay current with the latest updates to keep your development environment running at peak efficiency.

Share your feedback and help us improve

We’re always looking for ways to enhance Docker Desktop and make it the best tool for your development needs. If you have feedback on performance, ideas for improvement, or issues you’d like to discuss, we’d love to hear from you. If you have feedback on performance, ideas for improvement, or issues you’d like to discuss, we’d love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out and schedule time to chat directly with a Docker Desktop Product Manager via Calendly.

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Extending the Interaction Between AI Agents and Editors

This ongoing Docker Labs GenAI series explores the exciting space of AI developer tools. At Docker, we believe there is a vast scope to explore, openly and without the hype. We will share our explorations and collaborate with the developer community in real time. Although developers have adopted autocomplete tooling like GitHub Copilot and use chat, there is significant potential for AI tools to assist with more specific tasks and interfaces throughout the entire software lifecycle. Therefore, our exploration will be broad. We will be releasing software as open source so you can play, explore, and hack with us, too.

We recently met up with developers at GitHub Universe at the Docker booth. In addition to demonstrating the upcoming Docker agent extension for GitHub Copilot, we also hosted a “Hack with Docker Labs” session. 

To facilitate these sessions, we created a VSCode extension to explore the relationship between agents and tools. We encouraged attendees to think about how agents can change how we interact with tools by mixing tool definitions (anything you can package in a Docker container) with prompts using a simple Markdown-based canvas.

Many of these sessions followed a simple pattern.

Choose a tool and describe what you want it to do.

Let the agent interact with that tool.

Ask the agent to explain what it did or adjust the strategy and try again.

It was great to facilitate these discussions and learn more about how agents are challenging us to interact with tools in new ways.  

Figure 1 shows a short example of a session where we generated a QR code (qrencode). We start by defining both a tool and a prompt in the Markdown file. Then, we pass control over to the agent and let it interact with that tool (the output from the agent pops up on the right-hand side).

Figure 1: Generating a QR code.

Feel free to create an issue in our repo if you want to learn more.


This year’s trip to GitHub Universe also felt like an opportunity to reflect on how developer workflows are changing with the introduction of coding assistants. Developers may have had language services in the editor for a long time now, but coding assistants that can predict the next most likely tokens have taught us something new. We were all writing more or less the same programs (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Language service interaction.

Other agents

Tools like Cursor, GitHub Copilot Chat, and others are also teaching us new ways in which coding assistants are expanding beyond simple predictions. In this series, we’ve been highlighting tools that typically work in the background. Agents armed with these tools will track other kinds of issues, such as build problems, outdated dependencies, fixable linting violations, and security remediations.

Extending the previous diagram, we can imagine an updated picture where agents send diagnostics and propose code actions, while still offering chat interfaces for other kinds of user input (Figure 3). If the ecosystem has felt closed, get ready for it to open up to new kinds of custom agents.

Figure 3: Agent extension.

More to come

In the next few posts, we’ll take this series in a new direction and look at how agents are able to use LSPs to interact with developers in new ways. An agent that represents background tasks, such as updating dependencies, or fixing linting violations, can now start to use language services and editors as tools! We think this will be a great way for agents to start helping developers better understand the changes they’re making and open up these platforms to input from new kinds of tools.

GitHub Universe was a great opportunity to check in with developers, and we were excited to learn how many more tools developers wanted to bring to their workflows. As always, to follow along with this effort, check out the GitHub repository for this project.

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Why Testcontainers Cloud Is a Game-Changer Compared to Docker-in-Docker for Testing Scenarios

Navigating the complex world of containerized testing environments can be challenging, especially when dealing with Docker-in-Docker (DinD). As a senior DevOps engineer and Docker Captain, I’ve seen firsthand the hurdles that teams face with DinD, and here I’ll share why Testcontainers Cloud is a transformative alternative that’s reshaping the way we handle container-based testing.

Understanding Docker-in-Docker

Docker-in-Docker allows you to run Docker within a Docker container. It’s like Inception for containers — a Docker daemon running inside a Docker container, capable of building and running other containers.

How Docker-in-Docker works

Nested Docker daemons: In a typical Docker setup, the Docker daemon runs on the host machine, managing containers directly on the host’s operating system. With DinD, you start a Docker daemon inside a container. This inner Docker daemon operates independently, enabling the container to build and manage its own set of containers.

Privileged mode and access to host resources: To run Docker inside a Docker container, the container needs elevated privileges. This is achieved by running the container in privileged mode using the –privileged flag:

docker run –privileged -d docker:dind

The –privileged flag grants the container almost all the capabilities of the host machine, including access to device files and the ability to perform system administration tasks. Although this setup enables the inner Docker daemon to function, it poses significant security risks, as it can potentially allow the container to affect the host system adversely.

Filesystem considerations: The inner Docker daemon stores images and containers within the file system of the DinD container, typically under /var/lib/docker. Because Docker uses advanced file system features like copy-on-write layers, running an inner Docker daemon within a containerized file system (which may itself use such features) can lead to complex interactions and potential conflicts.

Cgroups and namespace isolation: Docker relies on Linux kernel features like cgroups and namespaces for resource isolation and management. When running Docker inside a container, these features must be correctly configured to allow nesting. This process can introduce additional complexity in ensuring that resource limits and isolation behave as expected.

Why teams use Docker-in-Docker

Isolated build environments: DinD allows each continuous integration (CI) job to run in a clean, isolated Docker environment, ensuring that builds and tests are not affected by residual state from previous jobs or other jobs running concurrently.

Consistency across environments: By encapsulating the Docker daemon within a container, teams can replicate the same Docker environment across different stages of the development pipeline, from local development to CI/CD systems.

Challenges with DinD

Although DinD provides certain benefits, it also introduces significant challenges, such as:

Security risks: Running containers in privileged mode can expose the host system to security vulnerabilities, as the container gains extensive access to host resources.

Stability issues: Nested containers can lead to storage driver conflicts and other instability issues, causing unpredictable build failures.

Complex debugging: Troubleshooting issues in a nested Docker environment can be complicated, as it involves multiple layers of abstraction and isolation.

Real-world challenges

Although Docker-in-Docker might sound appealing, it often introduces more problems than it solves. Before diving into those challenges, let’s briefly discuss Testcontainers and its role in modern testing practices.

What is Testcontainers?

Testcontainers is a popular open source library designed to support integration testing by providing lightweight, disposable instances of common databases, web browsers, or any service that can run in a Docker container. It allows developers to write tests that interact with real instances of external resources, rather than relying on mocks or stubs.

Key features of Testcontainers

Realistic testing environment: By using actual services in containers, tests are more reliable and closer to real-world scenarios.

Isolation: Each test session, or even each test can run in a clean environment, reducing flakiness due to shared state.

Easy cleanup: Containers are ephemeral and are automatically cleaned up after tests, preventing resource leaks.

Dependency on the Docker daemon

A core component of Testcontainers’ functionality lies in its interaction with the Docker daemon. Testcontainers orchestrates Docker resources by starting and stopping containers as needed for tests. This tight integration means that access to a Docker environment is essential wherever the tests are run.

The DinD challenge with Testcontainers in CI

When teams try to include Testcontainers-based integration testing in their CI/CD pipelines, they often face the challenge of providing Docker access within the CI environment. Because Testcontainers requires communication with the Docker daemon, many teams resort to using Docker-in-Docker to emulate a Docker environment inside the CI job.

However, this approach introduces significant challenges, especially when trying to scale Testcontainers usage across the organization.

Case study: The CI pipeline nightmare

We had a Jenkins CI pipeline that utilized Testcontainers for integration tests. To provide the necessary Docker environment, we implemented DinD. Initially, it seemed to work fine, but soon we encountered:

Unstable builds: Random failures due to storage driver conflicts and issues with nested container layers. The nested Docker environment sometimes clashed with the host, causing unpredictable behavior.

Security concerns: Running containers in privileged mode raised red flags during security audits. Because DinD requires privileged mode to function correctly, it posed significant security risks, potentially allowing containers to access the host system.

Performance bottlenecks: Builds were slow, and resource consumption was high. The overhead of running Docker within Docker led to longer feedback loops, hindering developer productivity.

Complex debugging: Troubleshooting nested containers became time-consuming. Logs and errors were difficult to trace through the multiple layers of containers, making issue resolution challenging.

We spent countless hours trying to patch these issues, but it felt like playing a game of whack-a-mole.

Why Testcontainers Cloud is a better choice

Testcontainers Cloud is a cloud-based service designed to simplify and enhance your container-based testing. By offloading container execution to the cloud, it provides a secure, scalable, and efficient environment for your integration tests.

How TestContainers Cloud addresses DinD’s shortcomings

Enhanced security

No more privileged mode: Eliminates the need for running containers in privileged mode, reducing the attack surface.

Isolation: Tests run in isolated cloud environments, minimizing risks to the host system.

Compliance-friendly: Easier to pass security audits without exposing the Docker socket or granting elevated permissions.

Improved performance

Scalability: Leverage cloud resources to run tests faster and handle higher loads.

Resource efficiency: Offloading execution frees up local and CI/CD resources.

Simplified configuration

Plug-and-play integration: Minimal changes are required to switch from local Docker to Testcontainers Cloud.

No nested complexity: Avoid the intricacies and pitfalls of nested Docker daemons.

Better observability and debugging

Detailed logs: Access comprehensive logs through the Testcontainers Cloud dashboard.

Real-time monitoring: Monitor containers and resources in real time with enhanced visibility.

Getting started with Testcontainers Cloud

Let’s dive into how you can get the most out of Testcontainers Cloud.

Switching to Testcontainers Cloud allows you to run tests without needing a local Docker daemon:

No local Docker required: Testcontainers Cloud handles container execution in the cloud.

Consistent environment: Ensures that your tests run in the same environment across different machines.

Additionally, you can easily integrate Testcontainers Cloud into your CI pipeline to run the same tests without scaling your CI infrastructure.

Using Testcontainers Cloud with GitHub Actions

Here’s how you can set up Testcontainers Cloud in your GitHub Actions workflow.

1. Create a new service account

Log in to Testcontainers Cloud dashboard.

Navigate to Service Accounts:

Create a new service account dedicated to your CI environment.

Generate an access token:

Copy the access token. Remember, you can only view it once, so store it securely.

2. Set the TC_CLOUD_TOKEN environment variable

In GitHub Actions:

Go to your repository’s Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions.

Add a new Repository Secret named TC_CLOUD_TOKEN and paste the access token.

3. Add Testcontainers Cloud to your workflow

Update your GitHub Actions workflow (.github/workflows/ci.yml) to include the Testcontainers Cloud setup.

Example workflow:

name: CI Pipeline

branches: [ main ]
branches: [ main ]

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
– uses: actions/checkout@v3

# … other preparation steps (dependencies, compilation, etc.) …

– name: Set up Java
uses: actions/setup-java@v3
distribution: 'temurin'
java-version: '17'

– name: Setup Testcontainers Cloud Client
uses: atomicjar/testcontainers-cloud-setup-action@v1
token: ${{ secrets.TC_CLOUD_TOKEN }}

# … steps to execute your tests …
– name: Run Tests
run: ./mvnw test


The atomicjar/testcontainers-cloud-setup-action GitHub Action automates the installation and authentication of the Testcontainers Cloud Agent in your CI environment.

Ensure that your TC_CLOUD_TOKEN is kept secure using GitHub’s encrypted secrets.

Clarifying the components: Testcontainers Cloud Agent and Testcontainers Cloud

To make everything clear:

Testcontainers Cloud Agent (CLI in CI environments): In CI environments like GitHub Actions, you use the Testcontainers Cloud Agent (installed via the GitHub Action or command line) to connect your CI jobs to Testcontainers Cloud.

Testcontainers Cloud: The cloud service that runs your containers, offloading execution from your CI environment.

In CI environments:

Use the Testcontainers Cloud Agent (CLI) within your CI jobs.

Authenticate using the TC_CLOUD_TOKEN.

Tests executed in the CI environment will use Testcontainers Cloud.

Monitoring and debugging

Take advantage of the Testcontainers Cloud dashboard:

Session logs: View logs for individual test sessions.

Container details: Inspect container statuses and resource usage.

Debugging: Access container logs and output for troubleshooting.

Why developers prefer Testcontainers Cloud over DinD

Real-world impact

After integrating Testcontainers Cloud, our team observed the following:

Faster build times: Tests ran significantly faster due to optimized resource utilization.

Reduced maintenance: Less time spent on debugging and fixing CI pipeline issues.

Enhanced security: Eliminated the need for privileged mode, satisfying security audits.

Better observability: Improved logging and monitoring capabilities.

Addressing common concerns

Security and compliance

Data isolation: Each test runs in an isolated environment.

Encrypted communication: Secure data transmission.

Compliance: Meets industry-standard security practices.

Cost considerations

Efficiency gains: Time saved on maintenance offsets the cost.

Resource optimization: Reduces the need for expensive CI infrastructure.


Multi-language support: Works with Java, Node.js, Python, Go, .NET, and more.

Seamless integration: Minimal changes required to existing test code.


Switching to Testcontainers Cloud, with the help of the Testcontainers Cloud Agent, has been a game-changer for our team and many others in the industry. It addresses the key pain points associated with Docker-in-Docker and offers a secure, efficient, and developer-friendly alternative.

Key takeaways

Security: Eliminates the need for privileged containers and Docker socket exposure.

Performance: Accelerates test execution with scalable cloud resources.

Simplicity: Simplifies configuration and reduces maintenance overhead.

Observability: Enhances debugging with detailed logs and monitoring tools.

As someone who has navigated these challenges, I recommend trying Testcontainers Cloud. It’s time to move beyond the complexities of DinD and adopt a solution designed for modern development workflows.

Additional resources

Testcontainers Cloud documentation:

Getting started

Testcontainers library docs:




Best practices:

Testcontainers Best Practices

Community support:

Join the Testcontainers Slack

GitHub discussions

Stack Overflow


Learn How to Optimize Docker Hub Costs With Our Usage Dashboards

Effective infrastructure management is crucial for organizations using Docker Hub. Without a clear understanding of resource consumption, unexpected usage can emerge and skyrocket. This is particularly true if pulls and storage needs are not budgeted and forecasted correctly. By implementing proactive post controls and monitoring usage patterns, development teams can sustain their Docker Hub usage while keeping expenses under control. 

To support these goals, we’ve introduced new Docker Hub Usage dashboards, offering organizations the ability to access and analyze their usage patterns for storage and pulls. 

Docker Hub’s Usage dashboards put you in control, giving visibility into every pull and image your Docker systems request. Each pull and cache becomes a deliberate choice — not a random event — so you can make every byte count. With clear insights into what’s happening and why, you can design more efficient, optimized systems.

Reclaim control and manage technical resources by kicking bad habits

Figure 1: Docker Hub Usage dashboards.

The Docker Hub Usage dashboards (Figure 1) provide valuable insights, allowing teams to track peaks and valleys, detect high usage periods, and identify the images and repositories driving the most consumption. This visibility not only aids in managing usage but also strengthens continuous improvement efforts across your software supply chain, helping teams build applications more efficiently and sustainably. 

This information helps development teams to stay on top of challenges, such as: 

Redundant pulls and misconfigured repositories: These can quickly and quietly drive up technical expenses while falling out of scope of the most relevant or critical use cases. Docker Hub’s Usage dashboards can help development teams identify patterns and optimize accordingly. They let you view usage trends across IPs and users as well, which helps with pinpointing high consumption areas and ensuring accountability in an organization when it comes to resource management. 

Poor caching management: Repository insights and image tagging helps customers assess internal usage patterns, such as frequently accessed images, where there might be an opportunity to improve caching. With proper governance models, organizations can also establish policies and processes that reduce the variability of resource usage as a whole. This goal goes beyond keeping track of seasonality usage patterns to help you design more predictable usage patterns so you can budget accordingly. 

Accidental automation: Accidental automated system activities can really hurt your usage. Let’s say you are using a CI/CD pipeline or automated scripts configured to pull images more often than they should. They may pull on every build instead of the actual version change, for example. 

Usage dashboards can help you identify these inefficiencies by showing detailed pull data associated with automated tooling. This information can help your teams quickly identify and adjust misconfigured systems, fine-tune automations to only pull when needed, and ultimately focus on the most relevant use cases for your organization, avoiding accidental overuse of resources:

Figure 2: Details from the Usage dashboards.

Docker Hub’s Usage dashboards offer a comprehensive view of your usage data, including downloadable CSV reports that include metrics such as pull counts, repository names, IP addresses, and version checks (Figure 2). This granular approach allows your organization to gain valuable insights and trend data to help optimize your team’s workflows and inform policies. 

Integrate robust operational principles into your development pipeline by leveraging these data-driven reports and maintain control over resource consumption and operational efficiency with Docker Hub. 

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Accelerating AI Development with the Docker AI Catalog

Developers are increasingly expected to integrate AI capabilities into their applications but they also face many challenges. Namely, the steep learning curve, coupled with an overwhelming array of tools and frameworks, makes this process too tedious. Docker aims to bridge this gap with the Docker AI Catalog, a curated experience designed to simplify AI development and empower both developers and publishers.

Why Docker for AI?

Docker and container technology has been a key technology used by developers at the forefront of AI applications for the past few years. Now, Docker is doubling down on that effort with our AI Catalog. Developers using Docker’s suite of products are often responsible for building, deploying, and managing complex applications — and, now, they must also navigate generative AI (GenAI) technologies, such as large language models (LLMs), vector databases, and GPU support.

For developers, the AI Catalog simplifies the process of integrating AI into applications by providing trusted and ready-to-use content supported by comprehensive documentation. This approach removes the hassle of evaluating numerous tools and configurations, allowing developers to focus on building innovative AI applications.

Key benefits for development teams

The Docker AI Catalog is tailored to help users overcome common hurdles in the evolving AI application development landscape, such as:

Decision overload: The GenAI ecosystem is crowded with new tools and frameworks. The Docker AI Catalog simplifies the decision-making process by offering a curated list of trusted content and container images, so developers don’t have to wade through endless options.

Steep learning curve: With the rise of new technologies like LLMs and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), the learning curve can be overwhelming. Docker provides an all-in-one resource to help developers quickly get up to speed.

Complex configurations preventing production readiness: Running AI applications often requires specialized hardware configurations, especially with GPUs. Docker’s AI stacks make this process more accessible, ensuring that developers can harness the full power of these resources without extensive setup.

The result? Shorter development cycles, improved productivity, and a more streamlined path to integrating AI into both new and existing applications.

Empowering publishers

For Docker verified publishers, the AI Catalog provides a platform to differentiate themselves in a crowded market. Independent software vendors (ISVs) and open source contributors can promote their content, gain insights into adoption, and improve visibility to a growing community of AI developers.

Key features for publishers include:

Increased discoverability: Publishers can highlight their AI content within a trusted ecosystem used by millions of developers worldwide.

Metrics and insights: Verified publishers gain valuable insights into the performance of their content, helping them optimize strategies and drive engagement.

Unified experience for AI application development

The AI Catalog is more than just a repository of AI tools. It’s a unified ecosystem designed to foster collaboration between developers and publishers, creating a path forward for more innovative approaches to building applications supported by AI capabilities. Developers get easy access to essential AI tools and content, while publishers gain the visibility and feedback they need to thrive in a competitive marketplace.

With Docker’s trusted platform, development teams can build AI applications confidently, knowing they have access to the most relevant and reliable tools available.

The road ahead: What’s next?

Docker will launch the AI Catalog in preview on November 12, 2024, alongside a joint webinar with MongoDB. This initiative will further Docker’s role as a leader in AI application development, ensuring that developers and publishers alike can take full advantage of the opportunities presented by AI tools.

Stay tuned for more updates and prepare to dive into a world of possibilities with the Docker AI Catalog. Whether you’re an AI developer seeking to streamline your workflows or a publisher looking to grow your audience, Docker has the tools and support you need to succeed.

Ready to simplify your AI development process? Explore the AI Catalog and get access to trusted content that will accelerate your development journey. Start building smarter, faster, and more efficiently.

For publishers, now is the perfect time to join the AI Catalog and gain visibility for your content. Become a trusted source in the AI development space and connect with millions of developers looking for the right tools to power their next breakthrough.

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