Today’s post shows how to set-up a reliable, highly available distributed Kubernetes cluster. The support for running such clusters on Google Compute Engine (GCE) was added as an alpha feature in Kubernetes 1.5 release. MotivationWe will create a Highly Available Kubernetes cluster, with master replicas and worker nodes distributed among three zones of a region. Such setup will ensure that the cluster will continue operating during a zone failure. Setting Up HA clusterThe following instructions apply to GCE. First, we will setup a cluster that will span over one zone (europe-west1-b), will contain one master and three worker nodes and will be HA-compatible (will allow adding more master replicas and more worker nodes in multiple zones in future). To implement this, we’ll export the following environment variables: $ export KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=gce$ export NUM_NODES=3$ export MULTIZONE=true $ export ENABLE_ETCD_QUORUM_READ=trueand run kube-up script (note that the entire cluster will be initially placed in zone europe-west1-b): $ KUBE_GCE_ZONE=europe-west1-b ./cluster/kube-up.shNow, we will add two additional pools of worker nodes, each of three nodes, in zones europe-west1-c and europe-west1-d (more details on adding pools of worker nodes can be find here): $ KUBE_USE_EXISTING_MASTER=true KUBE_GCE_ZONE=europe-west1-c ./cluster/$ KUBE_USE_EXISTING_MASTER=true KUBE_GCE_ZONE=europe-west1-d ./cluster/kube-up.shTo complete setup of HA cluster, we will add two master replicase, one in zone europe-west1-c, the other in europe-west1-d:$ KUBE_GCE_ZONE=europe-west1-c KUBE_REPLICATE_EXISTING_MASTER=true ./cluster/$ KUBE_GCE_ZONE=europe-west1-d KUBE_REPLICATE_EXISTING_MASTER=true ./cluster/kube-up.shNote that adding the first replica will take longer (~15 minutes), as we need to reassign the IP of the master to the load balancer in front of replicas and wait for it to propagate (see design doc for more details).Verifying in HA cluster works as intendedWe may now list all nodes present in the cluster: $ kubectl get nodesNAME STATUS AGEkubernetes-master Ready,SchedulingDisabled 48mkubernetes-master-2d4 Ready,SchedulingDisabled 5mkubernetes-master-85f Ready,SchedulingDisabled 32skubernetes-minion-group-6s52 Ready 39mkubernetes-minion-group-cw8e Ready 48mkubernetes-minion-group-fw91 Ready 48mkubernetes-minion-group-h2kn Ready 31mkubernetes-minion-group-ietm Ready 39mkubernetes-minion-group-j6lf Ready 31mkubernetes-minion-group-soj7 Ready 31mkubernetes-minion-group-tj82 Ready 39mkubernetes-minion-group-vd96 Ready 48mAs we can see, we have 3 master replicas (with disabled scheduling) and 9 worker nodes. We will deploy a sample application (nginx server) to verify that our cluster is working correctly: $ kubectl run nginx –image=nginx –expose –port=80After waiting for a while, we can verify that both the deployment and the service were correctly created and are running: $ kubectl get podsNAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE…nginx-3449338310-m7fjm 1/1 Running 0 4s…$ kubectl run -i –tty test-a –image=busybox /bin/shIf you don’t see a command prompt, try pressing enter.# wget -q -O- http://nginx.default.svc.cluster.local…<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>…Now, let’s simulate failure of one of master’s replicas by executing halt command on it (kubernetes-master-137, zone europe-west1-c):$ gcloud compute ssh kubernetes-master-2d4 –zone=europe-west1-c…$ sudo haltAfter a while the master replica will be marked as NotReady:$ kubectl get nodesNAME STATUS AGEkubernetes-master Ready,SchedulingDisabled 51mkubernetes-master-2d4 NotReady,SchedulingDisabled 8mkubernetes-master-85f Ready,SchedulingDisabled 4m…However, the cluster is still operational. We may verify it by checking if our nginx server works correctly:$ kubectl run -i –tty test-b –image=busybox /bin/shIf you don’t see a command prompt, try pressing enter.# wget -q -O- http://nginx.default.svc.cluster.local…<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>…We may also run another nginx server:$ kubectl run nginx-next –image=nginx –expose –port=80The new server should be also working correctly:$ kubectl run -i –tty test-c –image=busybox /bin/shIf you don’t see a command prompt, try pressing enter.# wget -q -O- http://nginx-next.default.svc.cluster.local…<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>…Let’s now reset the broken replica:$ gcloud compute instances start kubernetes-master-2d4 –zone=europe-west1-cAfter a while, the replica should be re-attached to the cluster:$ kubectl get nodesNAME STATUS AGEkubernetes-master Ready,SchedulingDisabled 57mkubernetes-master-2d4 Ready,SchedulingDisabled 13mkubernetes-master-85f Ready,SchedulingDisabled 9m…Shutting down HA clusterTo shutdown the cluster, we will first shut down master replicas in zones D and E:$ KUBE_DELETE_NODES=false KUBE_GCE_ZONE=europe-west1-c ./cluster/$ KUBE_DELETE_NODES=false KUBE_GCE_ZONE=europe-west1-d ./cluster/kube-down.shNote that the second removal of replica will take longer (~15 minutes), as we need to reassign the IP of the load balancer in front of replicas to the remaining master and wait for it to propagate (see design doc for more details).Then, we will remove the additional worker nodes from zones europe-west1-c and europe-west1-d:$ KUBE_USE_EXISTING_MASTER=true KUBE_GCE_ZONE=europe-west1-c ./cluster/$ KUBE_USE_EXISTING_MASTER=true KUBE_GCE_ZONE=europe-west1-d ./cluster/kube-down.shAnd finally, we will shutdown the remaining master with the last group of nodes (zone europe-west1-b):$ KUBE_GCE_ZONE=europe-west1-b ./cluster/kube-down.shConclusionsWe have shown how, by adding worker node pools and master replicas, a Highly Available Kubernetes cluster can be created. As of Kubernetes version 1.5.2, it is supported in kube-up/kube-down scripts for GCE (as alpha). Additionally, there is a support for HA cluster on AWS in kops scripts (see this article for more details).Download KubernetesGet involved with the Kubernetes project on GitHub Post questions (or answer questions) on Stack Overflow Connect with the community on SlackFollow us on Twitter @Kubernetesio for latest updates–Jerzy Szczepkowski, Software Engineer, Google
Quelle: kubernetes
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