How to Install and Run Tempest

Tempest is a set of integration tests to run against an OpenStack cluster. In this blog I’m going to show you, how to install tempest from git repository, how to install all requirements and run tests against an OpenStack cluster.

I’m going to use a fresh installation of Centos7 and OpenStack cluster provided by packstack. If you’ve done that, follow the instructions below.

Tempest Installation
You have two options how to install tempest. You can install it through RPM or you can clone tempest from GitHub repository. If you choose installation through RPM, follow this link.

Installation from GitHub repository
Now you can clone upstream tempest or you can clone RedHat’s fork of upstream tempest. The RedHat’s fork provides, which is a configuration tool. It will generate tempest.conf for you, what can be handy.

[1.] Install dependencies:

$ sudo yum install -y gcc python-devel libffi-devel openssl-devel

[2.] Clone tempest:

$ git clone

Or (RedHat’s fork):

$ git clone

[3.] Install pip, for example:

$ curl “” -o “”
$ sudo python

[4.] Install tempest globally in the system. If you don’t want to do that, skip this step and continue reading.

$ sudo pip install tempest/

Install tempest in a virtual environment
Sometimes you don’t want to install things globally in the system. For this reason you may want to use a virtual environment. I’m going to explain installation through virtualenv and tox.

Setting up Tempest using virtualenv
[1.] Install virtualenv:

$ easy_install virtualenv

Or through pip:

$ pip install virtualenv

[2.] Enter tempest directory you’ve cloned before:

$ cd tempest/

[3.] Create a virtual environment and let’s name it .venv:

$ virtualenv .venv
$ source ./venv/bin/activate

[4.] Install requirements:

(.venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(.venv) $ pip install -r test-requirements.txt

NOTE: If problems occur during requirements installation, it may be due to an old version of pip, upgrade may help:

(.venv) $ pip install pip –upgrade

[5.] After dependencies are installed, run following commands, which install tempest within the virtual environment:

(.venv) $ cd ../
(.venv) $ pip install tempest/

Or this command does the same without using pip:

$ python install If you need to trigger installation to developer mode run:

(.venv) $ python develop ` develop` comes from limitations on [pbr]( If you are interested, [here is]( an explanation of difference between `install` and `develop`.

Setting up Tempest using TOX
[1.] Install tox:

$ easy_install tox

Or if you want to use pip:

$ pip install tox

[2.] Install tempest:

$ tox -epy27 –notest
$ source .tox/py27/bin/activate This will create a virtual environment named `.tox`, install all dependencies (*requirements.txt* and *test-requirements.txt*) and tempest within it. If you check `tox.ini` file, you’ll see tox actually run tempest installation in develop mode you could run manually as it was explained above.


[3.] If you want to expose system-site packages, tox will do it for you. Deactivate environment, you are currently in (if you followed the step before) and create another environment:

(py27) $ deactivate
$ tox -eall-plugin –notest
$ source .tox/all-plugin/bin/activate

[4.] Then if you want to install plugins test packages based on the OpenStack Components installed, let this script to do it:

(all-plugin) $ sudo python tools/
(all-plugin) $ python develop

Generate tempest.conf
About tempest.conf and what it is used for you can read in this documentation.
If you want to create tempest.conf let do it for you. The tool is part of RPM tempest (check this documentation) or if you don’t want to install tempest globally, you can clone RedHat’s tempest fork and install it within a virtual environment as it was explained above.

RedHat’s tempest fork
Create a virtual environment as I already mentioned and source credentials (if you installed OpenStack cluster by packstack credentials are saved in /root/):

(.venv) $ source /root/keystone_admin

And run config tool:

(.venv) $ python tools/ –debug identity.uri $OS_AUTH_URL
identity.admin_password $OS_PASSWORD –create After this, `./etc/tempest.conf` is generated.

If you running OSP, it’s needed to add a new argument to config_tempest tool:

(.venv) $ ./tools/ object-storage.operator_role swiftoperator

It’s because OSP uses lowercase operator for the swift operator_role, however, tempest default value is “SwiftOperator”.
To override the default value run config_tool like this:

$ python tools/ –debug identity.uri $OS_AUTH_URL
identity.admin_password $OS_PASSWORD
object-storage.operator_role swiftoperator –create

Running tests
If you’ve installed tempest and have tempest.conf, you cant start testing.
To run tests you can use testr or ostestr. If you want to run tempest unit tests, check this out.

Note: following commands run withing the virtual environment you’ve created before.
To run specific tests run for example:

$ python -m tempest.api.volume.v2.test_volumes_list OR

$ ostestr –regex tempest.api.volume.v2.test_volumes_list

Alternatively you can use tox, for example:

$ tox -efull Run only tests tagged as smoke:

$ tox -esmoke

Quelle: RDO

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