Deploying Java containers to Azure made easy from IntelliJ. It takes seconds, not minutes.
Today, I am delighted to announce a new feature that enables the 1-Click experience to run containerized Java applications on Azure. It enables Java developers to easily dockerize their projects, push docker images to a public or private repository like Azure Container Registry (ACR), and run on Web App for Containers. The new feature is supported in IntelliJ IDEA, both Ultimate and Community Edition. It provides a straightforward experience for those Java developers who attempt to start the container journey on Azure.
Run containerized Java applications on Azure
Here is how you can dockerize and run a Maven project on Azure – it only takes three steps:
Create a Java Maven project in IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition.
Add docker support to the project.
Provide Azure Container Registry and Web App for Containers configuration info, and hit run.
1-Click to redeploy your application
Once your app is setup in IntelliJ, you only need to hit run to redeploy your application. You can edit run configuration anytime.
Give it a try
We have a step-by-step tutorial to help you get started. We would love to get your feedback (via email or comments below). We will continue to light up many more Azure developer experiences in IntelliJ.
You can find more information about Java on Azure:
GitHub Page for the open source project of IntelliJ/Eclipse Toolkits
Home Page of Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ
Home Page of Azure Toolkit for Eclipse
Java on Azure Developer Center
Quelle: Azure
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