Moby Project and Open Source Summit North America

Docker will be at Open Source Summit from to highlight new development with the Moby Project and it’s various components: containerd, LinuxKit, InfraKit, Notary, etc.
Come see us at Booth #510 to learn more about:

The different uses cases for the Moby Projects and components
The difference between Docker and the Moby Project
How to get started with each component

As part of the OSS NA, Docker is also organizing a Moby Summit on September 14, 2017. Following the success of the previous editions, we’ll keep the same format which consists of short technical talks / demos in the morning and Birds-of-a-Feather in the afternoon.

 We have an excellent line up of speakers in store for you and are excited to share the agenda below. We hope that these sessions inspire you to come participate in the Moby community and register for this Moby summit.
For those of you who can’t attend the summit we recommend the following sessions as part of the main event / tracks:
Building specialized container-based systems with Moby: a few use cases
Speaker: Patrick Chanezon

This talk will explain how you can leverage the Moby project to assemble your own specialized container-based system, whether for IoT, cloud or bare metal scenarios. We will cover Moby itself, the framework, and tooling around the project, as well as many of it’s components: LinuxKit, InfraKit, containerd, SwarmKit, Notary. Then we will present a few use cases and demos of how different companies have leveraged Moby and some of the Moby components to create their own container-based systems.
Easier, faster, better testing with LinuxKit
Speaker: Justin Cormack (Docker) and Gianluca Arbezzano (InfluxData)
LinuxKit is a new toolkit for building custom Linux builds quickly and easily. It will build an immutable image containing applications built in as containers, and the build and boot process take under a minute. While it was primarily built at Docker for running container orchestration systems, it is also ideal as a tool for testing. In particular we use it to test across wide ranges of kernel versions in order to test support for different setups customers may be using.
From this talk, attendees should get a practical overview of how they can use LinuxKit in their own testing workflows. It will be illustrated with real world examples from projects that are using LinuxKit for testing, with all the CI code being open source and available to be adapted to other use cases. We hope to encourage people to test more and in more depth and breadth, by making it easier.
Unikernels: where are they now?
Speaker: Amir Chaudhry
In this talk we’ll review the progress in the unikernel ecosystem and highlight the advances of the most active open-source projects:
– MirageOS, which has improved the dev experience and supports new cloud targets.
– HaLVM, which created a product to help detect network intrusions.
– IncludeOS, which has made rapid progress and introduced POSIX compatibility.
We’ll also discuss how the underlying ideas behind unikernels, of minimalism, composability, and security, have found their way into other projects and products, and the questions this poses for building maintainable systems.
Container Orchestration from Theory to Practice
Speakers: Laura Frank
Join Laura Frank and Aaron Lehmann as they explain and examine technical concepts behind container orchestration systems, like distributed consensus, object models, and node topology. These concepts build the foundation of every modern orchestration system, and each technical explanation will be illustrated using Docker’s SwarmKit as a real-world example. Gain a deeper understanding of how orchestration systems like SwarmKit work in practice, and walk away with more insights into your production applications.
From 0 to Serverless in 60 Seconds
Speaker: Alex Ellis
This talk gives an overview of Serverless – an architectural pattern which lets us focus on building, discreet, and reusable chunks of code. A key use-case is integration with third party services and applications. You will see demos of functions with the Amazon Alexa voice assistant, Twitter and Slack.
Functions as a Service (FaaS) is an open-source framework for building serverless functions through Docker’s API and native orchestration, and meaning you can be up and running in less than a minute. Any code can be packaged as a function enabling you to consume a range of web events without repetitive boilerplate coding and Prometheus metrics allows functions to scale to demand. With Docker Swarm you can run your code anywhere which is important for businesses with compliance needs and existing systems.
Containerd Internals: Building a core container runtime
Phil Estes, Stephen Day
Containerd is the core container runtime used in Docker to execute containers and distribute images. It was designed from the ground up to support the OCI image and runtime specifications. The design of containerd is carefully crafted to fit the use cases of modern container orchestrators like Kubernetes and Swarm. In this talk, we dive into design decisions that help containerd meet a diverse set of requirements for a growing container world. Developing an understanding of the decoupled components will provide attendees a grasp where they can leverage functionality in their platforms. By slicing the components of a container runtime into the right pieces, integrators can choose only what they need.

Docker will be at #OSSUmmit in LA to highlight new development w/ the @Moby Project and…Click To Tweet

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