Kubernetes Tips: Backup and Restore Etcd

medium.com – Launch a VM on a cloud provider There are many choices out there. Some of my favorites ones are DigitalOcean, Civo, and Scaleway. Also, we need to set up an ssh access to this machine using an ssh ke…
Quelle: news.kubernauts.io

CDK for Kubernetes

cdk8s.io – Cloud Development Kit for Kubernetes cdk8s is an open-source software development framework for defining Kubernetes applications and reusable abstractions using familiar programming languages and ric…
Quelle: news.kubernauts.io

Awesome Cloud Native

awesome.jimmysong.io – A curated list of cloud native tools, software, and tutorials. A curated list of cloud native tools, software, and tutorials. Cloud Native is a behavior and design philosophy. At its essence, any beh…
Quelle: news.kubernauts.io

OKD4 is now Generally Available

openshift.com – During the 3.x release timeframe, OKD has been a stable basis for OpenShift Container Platform, acting as an upstream distribution based on community-driven components – CentOS and Project Atomic to …
Quelle: news.kubernauts.io

The Road to Kata Containers 2.0

thenewstack.io – The open source Kata Containers project, launched in late 2017, aims to unite the security advantages of virtual machines (VMs) with the speed and manageability of containers. What has the project ac…
Quelle: news.kubernauts.io