Apache Spark with Kubernetes and Fast S3 Access

towardsdatascience.com – To make the most of Apache Spark, we need two things: People have been doing this differently on-premise and cloud. With on-premise, most use Spark with Hadoop, or particularly HDFS for the storage a…Tweeted by @LucaR055 https://twitter.com/LucaR055/status/1263447071459282945
Quelle: news.kubernauts.io

How To Use Kubernetes’ Job and CronJob

medium.com – You can use a Kubernetes Job to run batch processes, ETL jobs, ad-hoc operations, etc. It starts off a Pod and lets it run to completion. This is quite different from other Pod controllers such a Dep…
Quelle: news.kubernauts.io

A Guide to Threat Modelling for Developers

martinfowler.com – What are the security requirements for the software you are building? Finding a good answer is surprisingly complex. You want to prevent cyber losses over the lifetime of the system. But what are the…
Quelle: news.kubernauts.io

Cloud Adoption in 2020

oreilly.com – To continue learning and to get ahead with your career, check out O’Reilly Learning with a free trial. Live online training, videos, books, certification prep, and more, from O’Reilly and our partner…
Quelle: news.kubernauts.io