Rancher Dedicated as a Service

kubernauts.sh – Rancher Dedicated as a Service is designed and built for those companies who have a need to seriously run a managed Kubernetes anywhere, either On-Prem or as a Cloudless service togehter for you or w…
Quelle: news.kubernauts.io

Introduction to Microservices

nginx.com – Editor – This seven‑part series of articles is now complete: Introduction to Microservices (this article) Building Microservices: Using an API Gateway Building Microservices: Inter-Process Communicat…
Quelle: news.kubernauts.io

5 AWS Services You Should Avoid!

medium.com – Get ready for some personal and definitely opinionated opinions! AWS comes with many components that cover different areas of concerns. But, most are not general purpose and cheap enough to be applie…
Quelle: news.kubernauts.io

KUDO Automates Kubernetes Operators

thenewstack.io – Kubernetes Operators simplify the experience of automating complex applications in containers — for example, deploying Kubernetes-native stateful Cassandra clusters that can scale alongside your stat…
Quelle: news.kubernauts.io