Nevermind The Russians, Meet The Bot King Who Helps Trump Win Twitter

At 7:23 on Sunday evening, the conservative internet personality Mike Cernovich tweeted that former national security adviser Susan Rice had requested the “unmasking” of Americans connected to the Trump campaign who were incidentally mentioned in surveillance readouts. At 7:30, the owner of the Twitter account MicroMagicJingleTM noticed, and began blasting out dozens of tweets and retweets about the story.

“Would be nice to get &;Susan Rice&039; trending,” he tweeted at 8:16. And then, he made exactly that happen.

MicroMagicJingleTM is the latest incarnation of MicroChip, a notorious pro-Trump Twitter ringleader once described by a Republican strategist as the “Trumpbot overlord.” He has been suspended from the service so frequently, he can’t recall the exact number of times. A voluminous tweeter, his specialty is making hashtags trend. Over the next 24 hours, following his own call to arms, MicroChip tweeted or retweeted more than 300 times about Rice, everything from a photoshopped image of Donald Trump eating her head out of a taco bowl to demands that she die in jail, almost always accompanied by the tag . Meanwhile, in massive threaded tweets and DM groups, he implored others to do likewise.

By 9 a.m. Monday, the tag was being tweeted nearly 20,000 times an hour, and was trending on Twitter; by 11 a.m., 34,000 an hour. (As of Tuesday morning, the tag was still trending, partially thanks to a tweet from Donald Trump Jr.) At 4:48 p.m. Monday, 18-odd hours after he started his campaign, MicroChip was ready to call it a success:

Before? What did he mean by “before”? Before the election, before the campaign, and long since before “Russian interference” was the mantra of every political consultant, British former member of parliament, and American senator turned Tolstoy enthusiast, MicroChip has been figuring out how to make pro-Trump tags go viral on Twitter. When people talk about Russian Twitter bots, they are, very likely, sometimes talking about his work. They’ve ranged from the innocuously rah-rah () to the wildly xenophobic () to the extremely unconfirmed ( and ). What they’ve all had in common is a method, the focus of speculation for nearly a year, and a chief promulgator, MicroChip, about whom little is known.

Indeed, MicroChip, who operates behind a VPN (a special secure network that obscures his location), is an object of fascination and fear, even among some of his political and ideological fellow travelers, who hope not to end up on the wrong side of one of his Twitter campaigns. One conservative observer of the alt-right, who spoke to BuzzFeed on the condition that his name not be used, claimed he once hired private investigators to trace him.

“You can’t,” the observer wrote in a text message. “He’s too good.”

Unconvincing internet investigations have suggested that MicroChip may be anyone from the prominent alt-righter Baked Alaska to Justin McConney, the director of social media for the Trump Organization, to a shadowy Russian puppet master.

But in an interview with BuzzFeed News — his first with a media organization — MicroChip said the truth, both about his identity and the method he developed for spreading pro-Trump messages on Twitter, is far more prosaic. Though he would not divulge his real name or corroborate his claim, MicroChip said that he is a freelance mobile software developer in his early thirties and lives in Utah. In a conversation over the gaming chat platform Discord, MicroChip, who speaks unaccented, idiomatic American English, said that he guards his identity so closely for two reasons: first, because he fears losing contract work due to his beliefs, and second, because of what he calls an “uninformed” discourse in the media and Washington around Russian influence and botting.

“I feel like I&039;m a scientist showing electricity to natives that have been convinced electricity is created by Satan, so they murder the scientist,” he said.

Indeed, in a national atmosphere charged by unproven accusations about a massive network of Russian social media influence, the story of how MicroChip helped build the most notorious pro-Trump Twitter network seems almost mundane, less a technologically daunting intelligence operation than a clever patchworking of tools nearly any computer-literate person could manage. It also suggests that some of the current Russian Trumpbot hysteria may be, well, a hysteria.

“It’s all us, not Russians,” MicroChip said. “And we’re not going to stop.”

MicroChip claims he was a longtime “staunch liberal” who turned to Twitter in the aftermath of the November 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris, and “found out that I didn’t like what was going on. So I redpilled myself.” Through Twitter, he found a network of other people who thought liberal politicians had blindly acceded to PC culture, and who had found a champion in Donald Trump. In his early days on the platform, MicroChip said, he started “testing,” dabbling in anti-PC tags like Rapefugees and seeing what went viral. His experience as a mobile developer had exposed him to the Twitter API, and a conversation with a blogger who ran social media bots convinced him he could automate the Twitter trending process.

“Micro is a true believer alt-right guy,” wrote the alt-right observer who had MicroChip investigated. “He’s brilliant and is not LARPing. His tech skills are real as is his opsec.”

As MicroChip found other like-minded accounts, he said, they began to organize themselves into enormous, 50-person direct message groups. Within these groups, members would distribute content from the Drudge Report and Reddit’s r/The_Donald subreddit, then tweet it with a commonly decided hashtag, and retweet one another’s tweets ad infinitum. MicroChip called the DM rooms, simply, “retweet groups,” and by September of last year, there were 15 of them. Some of the groups were chock-full of egg and anime avatars, according to MicroChip, but others were composed of Christian conservatives or hardcore Zionists. Taken together, they were like a strange Twitter mirror image of the Trump coalition.

MicroChip added automation to these dedicated DM groups, which he insisted are populated entirely by real people with real accounts. He started using AddMeFast, a kind of social media currency exchange, in which people can retweet or like other tweets in exchange for points that they can then can spend to list their own content (such as pro-Trump hashtagged tweets) to be promoted. You can also buy these points, and an investment of several hundred dollars, according to MicroChip, can yield thousands or even tens of thousands of retweets.

A third component of MicroChip’s blended army of DM groups and crowdsourced social media signal boosters were simple Google script bots. These bots, which MicroChip said “you don’t have to do any programming at all to run,” can be programmed to find and like or retweet tweets featuring certain terms or hashtags.

At its height, MicroChip said, the network he helped create could reliably generate 35,000 retweets a day.

“It’s high volume and it takes work,” he said. “You can’t take a break — you sit at the screen waiting for breaking news 12 hours per day when you’re knee-deep in it.” It’s hard work: MicroChip would sometimes reach his daily limit of 1,000 tweets a day, sometimes taking Adderall to focus — though he added, “Shaping a message is exhilarating.”

Along the way, Twitter started to suspend MicroChip’s accounts — first his original handle @WDfx2EU, then subsequent variations, each started with a link to his Keybase page to verify his identity, and each presided over by the same avatar: the Instagram hunk Brock O’Hurn wearing a Make America Great Again hat and eating an ice cream cone. MicroChip showed BuzzFeed dozens of other accounts he owns, ready to activate if and when his current account, @WDFx2EU95, gets suspended.

While it may take work to stay active, MicroChip says he has has an ideal platform in Twitter with which to shape a message. “Twitter is easier [than other social networks] and more volatile,” he said. “Emotions run high at 140 characters. The chaos is perfect.”

MicroChip is well aware that many of the tags and stories he promotes haven’t been proven or aren’t true. He’s thrown his network behind and . And days before the election, he posted a tweet to r/The_Donald about an alleged plot by then-president Obama and Hillary Clinton to have Trump assassinated in Reno.

“This ignorant shit needs to be stopped,” replied one user.

“I can make whatever claims I want to make,” MicroChip shot back. “That’s how this game works.”

It’s true that MicroChip can make any claim he wants, and it’s impossible to say that his stories about his identity are true: He could be Vladimir Putin. But multiple aspects of his method can be confirmed: MicroChip provided records of his activity on AddMeFast to BuzzFeed News, alt-right sources confirmed that he was a consistent presence in their DM groups, and the day after the election multiple pro-Trump accounts thanked him for his efforts:

“Micro put in serious work during the election and I really respect his lack of ego,” said another source within the Trump internet world who has worked closely with MicroChip. “He&039;s anonymous and doesn’t care about the credit.”

Indeed, the fact that MicroChip’s network — that much pro-Trump internet activity — is now reflexively assumed to be part of a Russian influence campaign is one of the reasons MicroChip wanted to explain how he helped build it: not to take credit (he repeatedly referred to the network as a group effort) but to set the record straight.

“I’m not Russian,” MicroChip said. “I don’t work for Trump. There could very well be Russian bots. I just never saw them and we were in this deep. We’ve been on Twitter every day for the last year and a half. I haven’t seen any bots that I don’t know who they are.”

And if MicroChip is a Russian agent, it’s worth wondering why he, nearly three months into the Trump presidency, has plans to expand his network in the coming weeks with a new set of botting tools.

In a Twitter argument Monday with the Brooklyn developer Nathan Bernard, MicroChip teased that his network is about to get much, much bigger.

“The botnet [is] about to happen 10 X in about a week,” he wrote. “Get ready.”

Quelle: <a href="Nevermind The Russians, Meet The Bot King Who Helps Trump Win Twitter“>BuzzFeed

Here Are The 294 Accounts Donald Trump Retweeted During The Election

With the touch of the retweet button, Donald Trump — who has some 17.5 million followers — can program the news cycle. He can amplify formerly unknown accounts, signal what voices he&;s listening to, and tacitly endorse individuals and ideas, no matter how controversial: Trump, more than any politician or powerful figure with access to a smartphone, understands and uses the now-cliche “retweets are not endorsements” maxim to his advantage.

To better understand which individuals and institutions the President-elect relies on as social media surrogates, BuzzFeed News compiled a complete list of users Trump has retweeted since he launched his presidential campaign.

We reviewed 26,377 of Trump’s 34,152 tweets, which we received through the Twitter API and developer Brendan Brown, who has archived Trump’s tweets beyond what is accessible via the API (a stream of data that includes information like tweet text, time, and date). We filtered that data down to the 2,760 hyperlinks tweeted by Trump’s personal Twitter account since he announced his candidacy in June 2015 up until December 15 of this year.

By programmatically expanding the links we were able to narrow them down to the links he tweeted from Twitter (retweets show up as links from when downloaded as data), filtered out the ones that were media tweets and were left with all the manual, regular and quote tweets Trump had sent through his account. Fourteen of the accounts that Trump has retweeted are no longer active. Among those fourteen, five accounts — White GenocideTM, babo_siren, Campaign_Trump, patrioticpepe, and TMoody — were suspended (Twitter suspends accounts when users violate its rules, most commonly if the account spams people, may have been hacked, or is engaging in abusive behavior).

Analysis of the accounts Trump has retweeted reveals several distinct patterns:

Trump appears willing to retweet almost anyone. Unlike most mainstream politicians, who carefully select the accounts they&039;ll amplify, Trump is comfortable retweeting a truly diverse array of accounts. Just last month, the President-elect retweeted a 16 year-old from California as evidence to support a Twitter feud with CNN. He does not discriminate based on number of followers (he retweeted an account with just 2 followers), number of tweets (he retweeted the first tweet from a woman who, to date, has only tweeted five times), or the contents of someone&039;s account bio (he retweeted one user whose bio at the time was: “Mexico, get ready to receive your finest citizens back&; Rapists, Thieves & Perverts”).

But he is most likely to boost the signal from his inner circle and friendly members of the press. The accounts he retweets the most were those of campaign advisors and some chosen members of the press, including his social media lead, Dan Scavino (21 RTs); his son, Eric Trump (5); Fox News&039; Greta Van Susteren (4); MSNBC host Joe Scarborough (4); former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (3); Lifezette editor and conservative pundit Laura Ingraham (3); and Bloomberg Politics&039; Mark Halperin (2).

The President-elect, despite his repeated claims of a deeply biased mainstream media, retweets a high number of legacy media outlets. Among his most tweeted news accounts: Fox News (7 RTs), Fox And Friends (6), ABC (3), CNN (3), and Morning Joe (2). In nearly every instance, the retweeted accounts shared news items or memes about polls that favored Trump (many from the primaries), or negative articles about Hillary Clinton — many of them aggregations of WikiLeaks emails. Trump also appears to be eager to promote positive news about him from pop culture and entertainment accounts, as evidenced by his retweeting Saturday Night Live&039;s account three times.

On occasion, Trump will retweet a user from the other side of the aisle. This tends to happen under two circumstances:

) When an account says something positive about him (in one instance, Trump retweeted former Obama Senior Advisor Dan Pfeiffer, who suggested Trump understood the internet better than most democrats):

2.) To attempt to attack his opponents — as he did here last June with Hillary Clinton:

He has retweeted accounts with clear ties to the alt-right on numerous occasions. Trump recently told the New York Times he disavowed the movement and suggested he didn&039;t want to energize the group.” However, throughout the 2016 campaign, Trump retweeted three separate users with the words “alt-right” in their bios. He retweeted “WhiteGenocideTM,” and four with “” in their bios. One account that the President-elect retweeted (a bot, it turns out) had the phrase “” in the bio — a reference to Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister in Hitler&039;s Germany

Other items of note include:

- 151 of the 294 individual accounts Trump retweeted during the campaign mention the word “Trump” in the bio or account display name.

- 22 accounts have the Make America Great Again hashtag, , in theirs.

-14 accounts have the word “deplorable” in the bio or account display name.

- 9 accounts have the word “veteran” in the bio or account display name.

- 2 accounts have a frog emoji in the bio or account display name, presumably a reference to Pepe.

But there&039;s no better way to get a peek into Trump&039;s Twitter mindset than to explore the accounts he&039;s retweeted for yourself. Below, we&039;ve included every account he&039;s retweeted, in order of the number of times Trump has RT&039;d the account (Of note: the bios and follower counts are current as of when BuzzFeed News scraped the data on December 7th, 2016, and may not necessarily reflect the bio or follower accounts on the day Trump retweeted them). There&039;s also a full graphic at the end of the list.




Dan Scavino Jr (241,484 followers): June 2015 – Current: Director of Social Media & Senior Advisor to President-elect Donald J. Trump Conductor


Official Team Trump (372,885 followers): Welcome To The Official Account. Together, We WILL &033;


Fox News (12,068,826 followers): America’s Strongest Primetime Lineup Anywhere&033; Follow America&039;s 1 cable news network, delivering you breaking news, insightful analysis, and must-see videos.


FOX & Friends (700,152 followers): America&039;s 1 cable morning news show


Eric Trump (725,051 followers): EVP of Development & Acquisitions, The Trump Organization. Founder of EricTrumpFDN benefiting StJude Children&039;s Research Hospital. Husband to LaraLeaTrump


Joe Scarborough (653,550 followers): We can love completely without complete understanding.

Greta Van Susteren (1,109,570 followers): Retweets are just retweets; RT does not mean I agree or disagree….I am merely retweeting;check out video reports


GENE (7,535 followers): blocked by rosie followed by marcuslemonis boygeorge & scottBaio Legal Italian Immigrant. Proud US Citizen,World Traveler With 25 Years of Business Dealings

Newt Gingrich (1,784,072 followers): Husband, father, grandfather, citizen, small businessman, author, former Speaker of the House.

Laura Ingraham (1,118,943): Mom, Editor-in-Chief of LifeZette. Host, The Laura Ingraham Show, 9 to Noon ET. Listen live, join Laura365 to listen 24/7. Fox News.

ABC News (8,248,722 followers): See the whole picture with ABC News. Join us on Facebook:

Saturday Night Live (1,749,560): The official Twitter handle for Saturday Night Live. Saturdays at 11:30/10:30c&033;

GOP (1,056,143 followers): Updates from the Republican National Committee

CNN (30,043,735 followers): It’s our job to and tell the most difficult stories. Come with us&033;



Don Vito (23,804 followers): American Patriot MakeAmericaGreatAgain AmericaFirst

TheAmericanLifeStyle (3,616 followers): Our American journey Start Now. •blest• TeamTrump MAGA DonaldJTrumpJr IvankaTrump EricTrump TiffanyATrump

Deplorable Vlad (8,582 followers): Waterboarding&039;s too good for them. I&039;m staking my vote on TRUMP&033;

Diamond and Silk® (197,218 followers):

Trump Phenomenon (2,863 followers): Trump Landslide 2016

Willie Robertson (2,441,160 followers): President of Duck and Buck Commander. Personality on both, Duck Dynasty and Buck Commander Protected by Under Armour.

Morning Joe (280,073 followers): Live tweet during the show&033; Links to must-read op-eds and other features. Feed managed by MJ staff. Retweets not necessarily endorsements.

Gravis Marketing (2,823 followers): Gravis Marketing is a communications company, specializing in public opinion polls, public relations, political strategy, and research.

Roni Seale (6,210 followers): But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.
Matthew 19:26 (KJV)

Piers Morgan (5,292,866 followers): &039;&039;One day you&039;re the cock of the walk, the next a feather duster.&039;

Mark Halperin (253,218 followers): Managing editor, Bloomberg Politics; host, With All Due Respect; correspondent/EP, SHO_TheCircus; co-author, Game Change & Double Down

Safety (3,215,464 followers): Helping you stay safe on Twitter.

(4,13,722 followers): National Rifle Association of America NRA

Emily Miller (58,635 followers): Senior Political Correspondent OANN. Armed. Wannabe Surfer. Author of Emily Gets Her Gun.

Ivanka Trump (2,498,905 followers): Wife, mother, entrepreneur. EVP, Trump Org. Founder, Author, Women Who Work: Rewriting the Rules for Success (out in March)

Joseph Monaco (2,567 followers): I HATE racists&033; Proud to be followed by Bill Mitchell Mitchellvii I&039;m strongly supporting Mr. Trump for President&033; TrumpPence16 TrumpTrain MAGA

Tom Winter (12,664 followers): NBC News Investigations reporter based in NYC focusing on Police, Courts, Corruption, Financial Fraud, and Homeland Security stories across the Eastern U.S.

Jason Bergkamp (59,251 followers): | | Nationalist &; | 0.2% Chosen and proud | An Anglo&039;s worst adversary | GoebbelsMindset

Katrina Pierson (242,737 followers): Senior Advisor Transition2017 & Former realDonaldTrump Natl Campaign Spokeswoman MakeAmericaGreatAgain Transition2017 MAGA

ABC News Politics (306,398 followers): Following ABC News&039; political team with tweets by: aabramson evanmcmurry and nickirossoll

Mark Cuban (6,040,253 followers):

1 Retweet:

Richard Hernandez (979 followers): Formerly NVGOP. Conservative. Originalist. Prior intern at Kramerica Industries. Tweets are my own. Temeculan.

Trump2016Media (3,528 followers): My Website is Updated Daily: 1000+ Interviews & Rallys, Articles, News, Media realDonaldTrump TrumpTrain MakeAmericaGreatAgain

Electra Goldwell (284 followers): I want God to make America Great again&033;

Amy Colley Tyson (403 followers): Follower of Christ, Wife, Mother, Family Nurse Practitioner, Former Miss Tennessee USA 2005, Supporter of H. Res. 752 and Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation

Donald Trump Florida (5,231 followers): Donald J. Trump for President (Florida – Official)

MariaRandisiErnandez (989 followers): Special Education Teacher &(Child Advocate).Interests:ELVIS, Hollywood,Music, Politics,Travel, Working Out, MAGATrumpTrain
*NO LISTS or B Blocked

RealBill (47 followers): [No Bio Listed]

Politics Today (54,257 followers): || CONSERVATIVE NEWS NETWORK|| News/Politics/Opinion – Reporter/Pundit Articles/Commentary Facebook:

Montana4Trump (1,452 followers): God Bless America. Conservative Catholic mother-daughter team Tweeted by: realDonaldTrump, mercedesschlapp, MattSchlapp, ktmcfarland.

USA For Trump 2016 (80,568 followers): Official USA for Trump 2016 Follow our new President Trump News Page TrumpsNewsDaily for great Trump news articles about his presidency&033;

Political Polls (46,266 followers): We are a non-partisan group dedicated to keep you informed with recent political polls from trusted polling companies and predictions from reputable pundits.

Antonio Valencia (18 followers): [No Bio Listed]

Karen Posey (15 followers): [No Bio Listed]

JohnnyBoy (2 followers): [No Bio Listed]

Corey R. Lewandowski (175,221 followers): CNN Political Commentator and former Campaign Manager for Donald J. Trump for President. MakeAmericaGreatAgain Trump2016

Eustace Bagge (291 followers): As seen on Fortune, Time, CSPAN. Aspiring Frogtwitterati.

Citizen Dale (19024 followers): Ind Engineer & business owner. Captain-Trumptbird Calling Team We&039;ve made over 80,000 calls for Donald J Trump&033; Producer of the Monster Vote video for Trump&033;

Deplorable C Lewis (1,223 followers): I VOTED for DONALD TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT If you support DONALD SPREAD THE TRUMP MESSAGE.

Deplorable MP95B (15,705 followers): US Army MP Veteran (No Combat) firm believer in US Constitution & 2A. NRA Lifetime Member. Strong Trump supporter. MakeAmericaGreatAgain Trump2016 NRA

RSBN TV (38,820 followers): Right Side Broadcasting Network. Following realdonaldtrump wherever he goes. 1 source for live political event coverage.

DiCristo Trump Won (4,833 followers): Love For God & Country. Make America Great Again&033; American Revolution Part Deus&033; TRUMP&033; Nov8 win gave us fighting chance&033; we have to beat Elites&033; MAGA

Polling Hub (44 followers): Polling averages for the 2016 U.S. presidential primaries. Accurate and up to date, we&039;re the most detailed poll aggregator tracking the 2016 presidential race.

Deplorable-Sweetie (22,432 followers): Put Americans first&033; Trump2016 &;(*&;&;&x275B;)/&x2DA; MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN&033; I will fight for MY PEOPLE. Nationalist No rapefugees or illegals&033; TrumpStrong

Italians For Trump (57,540 followers): We are ITALIAN-AMERICANS who proudly support realDonaldTrump our President-elect of the USA&033; DrainTheSwamp MAGA

NEPA for TRUMP (26,889 followers): Official realDonaldTrump Northeastern Pennsylvania Trump2016 MakeAmericaGreatAgain TeamTrump AmericaFirst TrumpTrain TrumpPence16

TrumpCoastOfSC (8,678 followers): Retweets & quoted tweets do not equal endorsement or agreement. Follow me also at

Deplorable Distler (1,247 followers): Donald J Trump is Americas last chance. LET FREEDOM RING&033;&033;

Bryan Ranzetta (260 followers): when kids look at me I say this is because I didn&039;t eat my vegetables

Elsa Aldeguer (1752 followers): Proud Latina Trump supporter from Los Angeles California God bless America and our New President Donald J Trump

Valdosta Monkey (116 followers): Wild monkey roaming the City of Valdosta. Always down for Netflix and peel. Lets Make America Great Again.

Quelle: <a href="Here Are The 294 Accounts Donald Trump Retweeted During The Election“>BuzzFeed

Bill Mitchell's Revenge

Via Twitter: @BluegillRises

Last Thursday, just after 11 a.m., I got a text from Bill Mitchell.

“Hi Charlie. Will BuzzFeed be doing a &;post-truth&039; follow-up article on me :),” it read. It was unexpected and my heart sank just a little bit. I screenshot his initial text and sent it to my editor with a note: “Ugh, Bill Mitchell just owned me so hard.”

Late Tuesday night, when Trump’s victory became all but certain, Mitchell was the among the first people I thought of. Last month, I’d interviewed him for a profile in which I quoted pollsters and journalists calling him “the dumbest motherfucker on the internet” and “fascist Jack Handey”; I dubbed him “the Trump movement’s post-truth, post-math anti-Nate Silver” and gestured incredulously at his tweets.

Bill Mitchell was home alone, holed up in his makeshift studio, when Donald Trump finally silenced the haters. He’d had been invited to a couple of election night parties, but Mitchell preferred to be alone with his 148,000 Twitter followers to watch the phenomenon that he’d predicted for the last 15 months — with 100% certainty, no less — come to fruition. First, Indiana and Kentucky came in strong. Then, there was a surge in Pinellas County in Florida — Mitchell’s personal bellwether and a heartening sign. Almost all at once, the blue firewall in the northern states began to crumble, revealing a wide Trump path to victory. At 10:51 p.m., the AP called Florida for Trump. Seven minutes later, victory in his sights, Mitchell took to Twitter:

For Mitchell, Trump’s victory was the ultimate vindication. After a year and a half of scornful taunts and mocking retweets from liberal mainstream journalists and pollsters; after constant Twitter arguments and unflattering, condescending stories about his lack of experience and expertise; after 15 months of unfaltering certainty in the face of endless criticism, Bill Mitchell — a strong-jawed, silver-haired executive recruiter from North Carolina with a Twitter account, a gift for “word images,” and no prior political experience — was no longer the butt of anyone’s smug joke.

Quite the opposite, in fact. Trump’s ground game, it appears, was actually in our hearts. And Mitchell was one of the few pundits to get it right. So what happens now? If Trump&039;s win was a victory for everyone who&039;s ever doubted the establishment and the old media and its experts and their numbers, then Mitchell is arguably that movement’s most enthusiastic voice. To hear Mitchell tell it, “new media prevailed,” and he wants a seat near the head of its table.

Mitchell, of course, didn’t have any special access to facts that the liberal media didn’t. Despite his claim of “diving into the internals” of polls — a standard practice of professional pollsters as well — Mitchell’s true success came from his gut: Intuition suggested Trump was the man for the moment and for the movement that captured his own imagination. As he presciently suggested last month in our first interview: “It has nothing to do with audio tapes or Hillary scandals or any of that. Donald Trump will win because this is a change election and Donald Trump is change candidate. At the end of the day that’s all that will matter.” He was right.

Mitchell is far from a professional analyst, which will serve him well as a member of the new right media in Trump’s America. Mitchell’s gut — his intuition as a member of an unseen voting class that came out at the polls for Trump — is what has set him up, perhaps more than anyone else, as the face of this very real mainstream media-refuting world. As a nationalist voice, Mitchell could very well be — no matter how unofficial — the voice of this administration: enthusiastic, unflinchingly loyal, and more pleasant and palatable than its more racially charged alt-right counterparts.

“Even though I expected a win, I’ll admit when Pennsylvania dropped, it was a little surreal,” he told me over the phone Saturday morning. “I felt just so alive — I think it’s a bit like being around when World War II was declared over. I just felt very fortunate to be around to see it.” On the phone, Mitchell took pains not to gloat but was clearly reveling in the win — he’d just bought a 70-inch TV and planned to break it in over the weekend. When I asked what we’d all missed in his Twitter punditry, Mitchell suggested that his haters had made him into a caricature rather than divining the kernel of truth hidden behind his often-bombastic language. Exhibit A: yard signs and rally attendance.

The media mocked him ruthlessly for putting undue weight behind rallies over polling — a fatal error, according to Mitchell. “Rallies equal newly engaged voters,” he said. In 2008 Obama had tens of thousands who stand in line for six hours because they want to experience and taste and feel all this.” Mitchell refers to them as the “monster vote” and suggests that it’s these perhaps previously disenfranchised voters who aren’t on pollster call lists. “And so the big question was, will the 20 million who didn’t vote in 2012 come out for Trump? I kept saying it’s going to happen, no question — it’ll be something like 2008 where the previously quiet black vote came out for Obama. And it did.” It’s also worth noting — while his predictions were overly enthusiastic — that Trump would do better with Latino and black voters, and there&039;d be a low black voter turnout.

“I’m more interested in trying to become a Sean Hannity type, though … it would take a long time to reach his excellence.”

As a result of his 15-month loyalty to the , election night was good to Mitchell. By his own (unconfirmed) estimate, his Twitter page racked up 80 million impressions and 400,000 retweets that evening. When victory was certain, he claims to have received thankful direct messages from Trump’s two sons, Eric and Donald Jr., as well as campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, thanking him for his enthusiasm and analysis over Twitter. “I won&039;t tell you what they said, but it was very nice and appreciative.”

According to Mitchell, Conway and the Trump sons had been in “very casual, infrequent communication” with Mitchell during the last month of the campaign. “I would update them on my take on polling and they&039;d get back to me and maybe they&039;d say how they felt about it,” he said. He stressed that his relationship to the Trump campaign was at arm’s length and mostly just cordial, mutual admiration: “If I were to describe Trump’s kids, I’d say they’re just really nice and pleasant normal folks, which is remarkable considering how rich they are.”

When asked if he’d take a job in a Trump administration, if offered, he said he’d decline, denying the world a glimpse at White House press secretary Bill Mitchell. “I don&039;t want to be a politician. I’m more interested in trying to become a Sean Hannity type — though to be anywhere near that level would be a miracle since it would take a long time to reach his excellence.”

Starting Monday, Mitchell’s going to set out to make his dreams of professional punditry a reality. He’s hopeful that Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner will start up a Trump TV and would be interested to find a role in that. For now, he’s successfully raised over $10,000 for his radio and YouTube show, which is syndicated on an AM radio station in Cleveland, and he hopes to grow that out across the country, like conservative media scions Rush Limbaugh or Alex Jones. He says he’d be willing to move from his home in suburban Charlotte to DC or maybe even New York for the right kind of job in broadcasting.

“I think the wall will become the next new great American monument. Like the Statue of Liberty, the wall is a monument to our sovereignty.”

Whatever his role, Mitchell would like it to be part of an insurgent, new media movement. Like many Trump supporters, Mitchell felt betrayed by the spin of the CNNs and legacy outlets of the world and wants to usher in a new era of media for the swath of voters the mainstream media didn’t see coming. “It’s been so gratifying to get messages and tweets saying, &039;You got me through this — you were my lifeline,&039;” he said, adding, “I don&039;t think Trump could’ve won without social media and our movement.”

Now, as one of many self-proclaimed leaders of that movement, Mitchell hopes to help its voice grow louder, and doesn’t see much of a home for the mainstream. “If I got my news only from CNN I’d have hated Trump, too,” he said, noting that CNN was spin and that people are craving “the facts” more than ever. “I don&039;t think the media can come back from this. They don’t learn their lesson and a tiger doesn&039;t change its stripes,” he lectured. “The only way the majority of media gets it right in the future is if they get replaced by the new media.”

Though we’re just days in, Mitchell is energized by President-elect Trump. And talking to Mitchell, you get a sense for the type of punditry to expect from Mitchell and even a new media. Odds are it will be fawning (“Trump just wins — trust his judgment”); suspect of so-called political correctness (“CNN sees racism EVERYWHERE. It gets pretty damned old”); and confident (“This win feels like a cool breeze across my heart on a hot day”).

On Trump’s suggestion that he’ll keep certain tenets of Obamacare: “Trump realizes life isn&039;t black and white — it&039;s always a shade of gray. Obamacare is a crap sandwich camouflaged in a nice bun. He’ll keep the bun and get rid of the crap.”

On “the wall”: “I think the wall will become the next new great American monument. Like the Statue of Liberty, the wall is a monument to our sovereignty. That&039;s what I&039;d say if I were on his marketing team.”

On bringing aboard legacy politicians to “drain the swamp”: “History will look back to the Trump presidency as the Era of Good Ideas. They’ll realize this was a ‘good idea presidency’ as opposed to the Obama era of ideology. If Dems present good ideas to President Trump he&039;d put them in the mix. You have a good idea, you’ve got a seat at the table.”


His bet paid off, but still I wondered how he’d been able to be so certain in the face of withering criticism. As usual, Mitchell had a saying to describe his strategy.

“My philosophy is that fortune favors the bold,” he said, practically smiling through the receiver. “If you&039;re going to predict, do it 100%. Think about it — you&039;re right and they’ll never forget you. If you’re wrong, you’re wrong. But if you make your prediction and say, ‘Oh, I’m only 60% certain,&039; then nobody’s going to remember.” So Mitchell trusted his gut and went all in. As for the haters and the trolls? Mitchell described it like a war video game. “If you’re walking around and nobody is shooting at you then you&039;re not going the right way. The closer you get to the goal, the more intense the fire becomes,” he said. “The media always attacks the people they&039;re the most afraid of — so they must be afraid of my message.”

Still, it’s unclear, even after being blindsided by the Trump’s victory, what to make of the liberal media’s response to Mitchell’s analysis. As Ezra Klein — by his own admission, a conventional liberal pundit the likes of which Mitchell now holds gloating rights over — wrote for Vox following my profile, Mitchell’s influence was less about any kind of fear and more about identity-confirming. “Mitchell makes liberals look good, and he confirms their worst stereotypes about anti-science conservatives. Mitchell makes the press look good, and he confirms their worst stereotypes about blind partisans believing whatever they want to believe,” he wrote. Looking back in hindsight now, there may be more to it than that; as one reporter put it to me, “It feels like we were all making fun of him for weaknesses present in our side, too.”

It’s possible that Mitchell then didn’t just confirm his detractors’ worst stereotypes but also acted as a blank Twitter avatar on which to project our worries about partisan group-think and confident, data-free punditry. Which is why, in the wake of Trump’s victory, reckoning with Mitchell’s accurate prediction cuts deep. Sure, Mitchell saw a silent voting class and an enthusiasm few deigned to recognize, but margins were slim and what feels like a monumental defeat for many could have easily been a win if 1 out of 100 voters shifted their vote to Clinton. It might be less that Mitchell is an oracle and knew what we didn’t and more that nobody really knows anything, despite everyone thinking they did.

Quelle: <a href="Bill Mitchell&039;s Revenge“>BuzzFeed