Technology evolution and market transformation

It’s no secret that the pace of innovation and change has accelerated rapidly over the last few years. From the explosion of social media to online shopping and apps to track your driver, digital transformation has quickly become an integral part of daily life. In the last year alone, DataReportal shares there are over 4 billion internet users up nine percent from 2018 to 2019.
The IT industry is also undergoing a rapid transformation. The integration of digital technology into all areas of business has quickly created new business models and ways of working to challenge traditional systems. New business models are forcing companies to review their strategies and processes in order to remain competitive and deliver a higher level of service to their customers.
IBM values our customers and understands that today’s business challenges have never been more complex. We know that businesses need to get the most from their software investments. As a result, we offer a support and subscription set of offerings that empowers businesses to maintain, manage and deliver software at the highest possible service through IBM Software Subscription and Support (IBM S&S).
IBM Software Subscription and Support puts client business needs first, offering security, expertise and unrivaled technical support. More importantly, it offers a higher return on IBM software investment, through incremental enhancement, fixes and security patches. As well as allowing customers to capitalize on new features and functions that will increase performance and productivity, IBM Software Subscription and Support also reduces overall software acquisition costs, saving clients time and money while vastly reducing risks.
Maximizing ROI with IBM Software Subscription and Support
Software company, Lodestar Solutions is helping companies build successful analytics strategies. Heather Cole, Lodestar Solutions CEO, lays out winning strategies that all IBM Cognos Analytics and Cognos Planning Analytics users should take to maximize return on their analytics investments.
Her tips include taking four strategic actions: roadmapping, annual license reviews, upgrading and renewing IBM Software Subscription and Support. Together these four basic strategies help users optimize performance and add new AI capabilities. They also enhance core reporting and dashboarding functionality and improve integration to extract better insights.
With IBM Software Subscription and Support, Lodestar Solutions is able to take advantage of individual support assets and deploy IBM software faster, with less effort, saving time and money for users and IT. Faster software deployment with ease of use means an accelerated business ROI.  
Putting business needs first
IBM software support offerings address the most challenging business needs of clients across all industries, large and small, helping them to spend less time talking to us, and more time concentrating on their business. Our support includes preventive care from product fixes, security patches and updates, as well as aggressive problem resolution through direct access to our deeply skilled, industry-leading technical support professionals.
Industry-leading security updates are built in to IBM products and updated regularly with each new release and version. This helps businesses avoid downtime and security breaches. And with embedded cognitive features from IBM Watson, we have target response times from two hours, depending on the severity level.
IBM and our valued authorized Business Partners are the only supplier in the market that can provide critical version upgrades or security patches to IBM programs. Alternate offerings often focus on other support activities and can never substitute for the critical program upgrades that are part of IBM Subscription & Support.
Protecting technology investments
IBM helps provide clients with genuine investment protection through professional, expert software support. All customers who have active in-house IBM Software Subscription and Support have access to this service. Clients also benefit from access to trusted IBM partners who offer level one to level three support depending on the solution and provide best-in-class solutions for highly customized offerings. Performance enhancements reduce the cost to build, run and maintain IBM software by securing fewer hardware purchases needed for more capacity.
Don’t let short-term cost savings lead to higher costs in the long run. Using IBM Subscription & Support helps clients avoid vulnerability and ensures they have access to the latest program updates and critical security patches for optimal success.
Innovating to improve performance
IBM Support & Subscription offers the best protection for your IBM software in this digitally transforming world. It delivers innovation with new and improved features engineered to improve performance and functionality. Patent leadership and best-in-class innovation provides you with significant and radical new capabilities that will take your business into the future and beyond.
Want to remain competitive and deliver a higher level of service to your customers? Learn how IBM Software Support and Subscription can benefit your business today.
The post Technology evolution and market transformation appeared first on Cloud computing news.
Quelle: Thoughts on Cloud

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