This Man's Bank Wanted To Read All His Emails To Approve A Credit Card

All your info are belong to us.

Twitter: @coderzombie

It turns out that his bank, HDFC, used a third-party company called Verifi.Me, whose website describes it as a verification service that lets users “prove their identities and fast-track their applications”.

It turns out that his bank, HDFC, used a third-party company called Verifi.Me, whose website describes it as a verification service that lets users “prove their identities and fast-track their applications”.

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Here’s everything that Verifi.Me collects about a user when they use the service, according to the company’s privacy policy.

Here's everything that Verifi.Me collects about a user when they use the service, according to the company's privacy policy.

That&;s pretty much everything important. Worse, the policy says that the company may share this information with people “who are required to know such information in order provide [services] to you.”

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Quelle: <a href="This Man&039;s Bank Wanted To Read All His Emails To Approve A Credit Card“>BuzzFeed

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